Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: ReadyCLOUD is dead -- the onslaught begins


ReadyCLOUD is dead -- the onslaught begins

Netgear can't be bothered to even put up a "ReadyNAS has been removed" page where the login used to be.  You just get routed to the main Netgear page.


The Forum is now going to be flooded by users creating new chains about their inability to log in because they can't be bothered to read before they post.


The absolute stupidity of Netgear management does not cease to amaze me.  Are they getting paid to run the company into the ground?


  1. That they stopped ReadyCLOUD at all was a bad move.  If converted to a subscription service, I bet a lot of folks would have signed up.
  2. And no other alternative either. 
  3. No email to users, all of whom are logging in via their email account name, is inexcusable.  You think everyone uses the ReadyCLOUD portal or this forum to see the announcements?  If you do, you are clueless about your customers.
  4. And now, those who will finally be forced to try and use the portal get nothing, ultimately sending them here where, frankly, the current set of moderators is already ill equipped.

Management may think this is just a small number of users, and maybe it is.  But I feel certain the ill will this creates will see a multiplying effect.  I hope the customer base takes this as a sign of Netgear's total lack of customer focus and goes elsewhere for everything.  I know I will.


Anyone want to bet against this forum being the next casualty?

Message 1 of 8

Re: ReadyCLOUD is dead -- the onslaught begins

So f... right!

Message 2 of 8

Re: ReadyCLOUD is dead -- the onslaught begins

Well that’s all my Netgear products going into the trash. I’ll never buy anything from this company ever again!
Message 3 of 8

Re: ReadyCLOUD is dead -- the onslaught begins

Trashing still-working devices is a bit extreme, but being prepared to replace them with another brand if they fail by learning more about them is definitely what I'm doing.  I recently upgraded my WiFi system, and Netgear was off the table before I even started looking.  All my ReadyNAS except my remote backup unit are rack-mount that can be converted to a standard Linux system, and I will likely go that way at some point.  I'm mostly waiting and hoping that a team will form to create a ReadyNAS OS replacement based on something like OpenMediaVault.  But, unfortunately, most of the more advanced users capable of doing that who were once on this forum have already abandoned the platform, so I'm losing hope.


In his parting words at rnxtras, @WhoCares_ mentions doing something like that, and I think he'd be great to lead the effort.  But I've seen nothing since.  One or more of the original Infrant "Jedi" coming in to save the day would also be very welcome.  If something like that does form, I'll offer my services of having a bunch of different ReadyNAS models for testing (unless I sell a lot of them before hand) and a lot of experience doing testing.


It would be great if Netgear would release the source code of ReadyNAS OS, though continuing it in lieu of something at least mostly more standard would take more effort in development as well as support.  I personally would love them to release the ReadyNAS schematics to give folks some possibility of repair for very simply issues.  If I had those, I would likely have been able to do more to help some folks who have experienced things like internal power conversion issues.

Message 4 of 8

Re: ReadyCLOUD is dead -- the onslaught begins

Is the local app for desktop backups also disabled too?

Message 5 of 8

Re: ReadyCLOUD is dead -- the onslaught begins

I did use this every day to backup my photos. As a photographer this was one of the main points of me getting the two nas servers.
I know I can still backup with Amazon prime photos to the serves.
So now am thinking about removing them and just having Amazon.

The best thing about the Readynas backup was having it all under one app would I could see all my drives. So, I will say to Netgear bad move you did let me you was remove it. I think twice about buying Netgear products. Me personal and bring it back online and start working on it to be a lot better.

Not happy with Netgear
Message 6 of 8

Re: ReadyCLOUD is dead -- the onslaught begins

If you were logged into it then the desktop app still works but once logged out it will not create a new link. If you are just using it locally all you have to do is “Map to Drive” as you would normally.
Message 7 of 8

Re: ReadyCLOUD is dead -- the onslaught begins

Hey all I just wanted to update you all on my “adventures” with Netgear and their nonexistent CS. Bit the bullet and moved over to Synology NAS and the world is a beautiful place again. The best thing I ever did was getting rid of all my Netgear equipment and will never buy from them again. I took a suggestion from another community member and tried to sell them on eBay instead of putting them in the trash and guess what……………. after being on eBay and other sites for sale and then on Gumtree for free for two months, they are in the trash! If you are looking for good quality NAS products I would highly recommend Synology and enjoy the real ability to truly access your stuff anytime, anywhere.
Message 8 of 8
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