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Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect


CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect.

OK CrashPlan updated to 4.3.0 and now my Windows 7 GUI will not connect.

The fix:
1)Make sure Windows 7 GUI is 4.3 and make sure it is not running when you are doing the steps below:

2) Copy your .ui_info from your nas to your desktop:

a) .ui_info on NAS is probably located /var/lib/crashplan and is hidden.
(unless you changed it from the default when installing i.e. What directory do you wish to store backups in? [/usr/local/var/crashplan])

b) .uni_info on your desktop is located C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan. (Rename your old .uni_info to .uni_info.orig)

EDIT: Configure your ui.properies file on you PC appropriately. i.e. sevice port should be 4200 if you are using ssh to tunnel or service host should be changed to your NAS ip adresss if you made the proper changes in the my.service.xml file on you nas.

3) Start up Crashplan 4.3 on your desktop.

Done !
Message 1 of 16

Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect

My symptom was that the GUI only showed a free account status, with "sign up" next to Crashplan Central. The issue is the same - the gui was not connecting to the NAS service.

I applied sdouek's fix, but it wasn't enough. I also needed to edit C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan\ui_username.properties

It had servicePort=4243, but I needed servicePort=4200. The original ui_properties still exists in c:\Program Files (x86)\CrashPlan\conf\ui.properties so you can confirm the service port you need by looking there.

BTW, The upgrade to 4.3 happened yesterday it was applied automatically to both the NAS and the GUI. Cloud backups continued as usual, the only thing that was lost was the connection between the gui and the server.
Message 2 of 16

Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect

I assume that people are installing Crashplan without the need to tunnel via ssh. You can do away with the tunneling by editing my.service.xml on the NAS to your NAS ip address and just put in your address in the ui.properties file located on your PC.

But either way works.

StephenB do you see any cons to the above fix ?
Message 3 of 16

Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect

sdouek wrote:
I assume that people are installing Crashplan without the need to tunnel via ssh.
I've just left it at tunneling. The GUI is fine as far as it goes, but I like to look at the tail of various logs also, so I'm logging in with SSH anyway.

sdouek wrote:
StephenB do you see any cons to the above fix ?
No cons, and the files were just where you said they were. It just wasn't enough in my case because the upgrade also disrupted the tunnel. Your post actually made solving my problem much faster, since it pointed me to c:\ProgramData\Crashplan.

As a practical matter, Windows explorer can misbehave on files that start with . If that happens to you, you can use the windows command shell to rename files.
Message 4 of 16

Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect

sdouek wrote:
EDIT: Configure your ui.properies file on you PC appropriately. i.e. sevice port should be 4200 if you are using ssh to tunnel or service host should be changed to your NAS ip adresss if you made the proper changes in the my.service.xml file on you nas.
Sorry, I missed an important detail...

c:\Program Files (x86)\CrashPlan\conf\ui.properties still had the correct service port. The 4.3 Crashplan GUI is apparently ignoring that port. So if you are using tunneling you need to edit C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan\ui_username.properties, and configure the same service port there.
Message 5 of 16

Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect

I checked my C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan\ui_username.properties the port was set to 4243 and in c:\Program Files (x86)\CrashPlan\conf\ui.properties the port was set 4200 and I wsa able to connect via ssh tunneling.

my.service.xml on the NAS was set to my NAS ip address, I don't know if that is what you have or is it set to or sometimes when you change the settings in CrashPlan GUI on the PC you have to end the process tree in task manager, it may make a difference ?

C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan\ui_username.properties, It had the following:

#Sat Jul 11 15:25:21 EDT 2015

c:\Program Files (x86)\CrashPlan\conf\ui.properties
#Fri Dec 09 09:50:22 CST 2005
#pollerPeriod=1000 # 1 second
#connectRetryDelay=10000 # 10 seconds

Message 6 of 16

Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect

Shall I add this to the guide? I don't see the advantage of using a tunnel...
Message 7 of 16

Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect

I didn't end it with taskmanager; I right-clicked on the icon in the notification tray, and selected exit.

c:\Program Files (x86)\CrashPlan\conf\ui.properties has servicePort=4200 and serviceHost commented out.
servicehost on the NAS (my.service.xml) is; serviceport is 4243

C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan\ui_username.properties now has servicePort set to 4200
Message 8 of 16

Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect

tony359 wrote:
Shall I add this to the guide? I don't see the advantage of using a tunnel...
I believe the code42 guide does set up a tunnel (certainly it did at one point).

I'm running ssh anyway (since I tail history.log.0 and backup_files.log.0 first, and often that's all I do). So I use the tunnel method.

But I think the main reason sdouek posted is because he got a different result than I did with 4.3.0. My tunnel didn't work until I changed C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan\ui_username.properties. Sdouek's tunnel worked w/o making that change.
Message 9 of 16

Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect

So many ways to skin a cat. I guess they both work.
Message 10 of 16

Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect

Why would you want to skin a cat? 😉

I'll add the note on the bottom notes. Stephen, yes, Code42 mentions the tunnel but for the average user using SFTP is so much easier. That way you don't need to learn how to use Linux!
Message 11 of 16

Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect

If the EJRE addon is already installed on your system do not uninstall it, it is still needed globally and as per MinimServer.

Uninstalling the Java runtime

To remove the EJRE installation from your ReadyNAS, remove the EJRE Installer add-on. This removes the installed EJRE files, but doesn't remove the original EJRE .tar.gz file from the backup share.
Message 12 of 16

Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect

I'm not sure I'm following. You say not to uninstall but the quoted text says otherwise?
Message 13 of 16

Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect

Uninstalling EJRE will uninstall your global Java and may break your JAVA libraries.
What I meant was if you uninstall it and don't replace it with another global Java it may break your Java libraries.
Since CrashPlan 4.3 installs it's own local to the application JAVA to use and does not install Java globally like the EJRE install, CrashPlan will not replace the global Java you just removed with the EJRE.
Message 14 of 16

Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect

Ok, thanks.

So the question is: does a RN come with Java installed? If I uninstalled the global Java and re-installed CP, it should work. What else uses Java on the RN?
Message 15 of 16

Re: CrashPlan updated to 4.3 and now my GUI will not connect

I just wanted to say thanks for this. I've been banging my head against the wall for a few days getting crashplan set up since I installed OS6. I had to do StevenB's trick, although I found the file in slightly different place:




All working for me now!

Message 16 of 16
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