Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting


Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

Just to update - another day, another reboot at 3am here too!  Thanks Netgear!

Message 76 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

Update on my side.

Xfinity came and tested the line. They said their signal is coming through clearly.

He showed me that the downstream light was blinking so it was not bonding correctly.

This was all on .7.

Downgraded to .5 and the downstream light was solid and everything worked fine.

Again everything looked just perfect when the xfinity tech checked the system.

I’m tempted to get a new router, but I spent a couple hundred on this September 2021. I’d rather not toss it.
Message 77 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

i believe you can add me to this list as well. my ISP is optimum. my cax80 resets multiple times a day. the only difference is when mine resets the time resets as well and has to resync, might be an ISP thing. i may try to downgrade to .5.


its just incredibly annoying, streaming whatever, online gaming, any kind of pause kills it. especially when you invest so much into something that is suppose to be top of the line. 

Message 78 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

In the meantime, does anyone know if it's possible to use the CAX80 as a router only (if so, which ethernet port acts as "input"), and use an old Arris Surfboard as my modem? Or do we think the CAX80 firmware issue is on the router side and not the modem side?

Message 79 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

It is not possible to use the CAX80 as a router only. Additionally, the device will enter a continuous boot loop and become an expensive paperweight any time a valid signal is not present on the coax. It's a deliberate flaw by design.

Message 80 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

Let me on board guys.


I have the same issue with firmware v causing reboots. My ISP is xfinity.


Just want to point out what I noticed. The Current System Time located on Cable Connection tab is defferent for one hour bitween my current local time. But the time is correct on the tab of NTP Settings.


I'm not sure if this was on previous firmwares and if it affects the reboot issue.


Screen Shot 2022-06-19 at 12.14.51 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-06-19 at 12.15.22 PM.png

Message 81 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

Alright, first off I am NOT an employee of NG.  As a consumer, we will do what we fell we need to do.  However, I am in Data Storage so I have better understanding than most when we can't work the way we are use to working.  My Company guarantees 5 9's, which means that if you use our products for your production, you will not be down to any issue for more than 5 minutes in a 24/7/365 operation.


Now, with that said, NG has only known about this for the last week, as far as I can tell.  We need to follow the process and allow it to work before we go to the Next step.  Yeah, it sucks that our $500 product no longer works and that most of us have no warranty because they are past the warranty period, in my case 2 years.  As soon as you walk out the preverbal door, the tech is obsolete.  That is technology.  If you aren't good with that, then don't have any tech.  I'm happy with the 2 years I've gotten out of this.  The next step is to call their Support, but without a warranty you will have to pay.  Again, that is the cost of technology.  MOST of us don't have cars with warranties, mine expired last year, I'm not going to get mad at Jeep because something breaks.  Things wear out.  SO call, pay for support.  Once they agree it is THEIR issue, then you can ask that you be reimbursed.

Seeing that some of us aren't as severe as others, NG will need to get a better understanding by talking to us directly.  I only have a reboot once a day, around 3am local time, other have posted they are getting constant reboots, loosing settings, etc.  SO FAR I'm just getting the reboot once.


Now then, again:

1)  The DoS Land Attack is coming from YOUR IP ADDRESS!!!  It is not an outside attack.  This IS being caused by the .7 FW

2)  New modem DOES NOT resolve the issue

3)  The time issue is VERY easy to fix:

    - Under Advanced click on Administration > NTP Settings.  Change the GMT time to what covers you.  IF you are not sure, google

      "What GMT am I located in" and it will show you.  THEN click the box next to Automatically Adjust for daylight savings time.  Problem

       should be resolved.  HOPEFULLY Congress will get it's act together and do away with DST once and for all.  This is for another topic


4) Finally, call support.  Pay for support, we can't get this addressed through the Forums without an official process.

Message 82 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

@kinghq1 I called support. After 2 hours they decided they would send me a new CAX80. I purchased a new CAX80 in the mean-time so that I didn't need to wait for it to arrive. The new CAX80 did not fix the issue. So while what you are saying works in theory, it does not work in practice. NG support are idiots reading from a script. Oh by the way, NG support never followed up to get my address to send the new CAX80.



Message 83 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

Last night was the first in weeks w/o receiving a 'TLV-11 - unrecognized OID' from xfinity...making this monday morning a lot more barable, heh.  I'm guessing a request been submitted to halt those signals while they work to improve our situation.


Hopefully that is the case and we will all soon get back to our lives w/o having to spend another min on things where suppose to be set-it-and-forget-it.


So NG, if you are, thank you, kudos and god speed!

Message 84 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

Could this be possible?... Did Netgear finally fix the issue forcing my CAX80 to reboot at ~3am since 06/08/22? - I made no changes on my CAX80 other than restoring the "same" configuration backup... over & over to get me up and running. As I mentioned in the beginning of this saga...  I believed Netgear needed to adjust something with the Firmware Update Server.  My CAX80 has been up and running without rebooting for ~1 day and 13 hours.- No [DoS attack] LAND Attack SPT:2190 DPT:2190 Log messages since Sun Jun 19 21:50:56 2022 and the false "A Router Firmware Update is Available" banner message is gone.  Don't want to declare victory just yet... waiting to see if the CAX80 keeps running without rebooting for a few days. It "looks" like someone in Netgear listened.







Message 85 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

On Xfinity today:

- I do not see the "A Router Firmware Update is Available" message. Then again, it has disappeared and come back before.

- I haven't had a disconnection in 21 hours. Then again, I've made the ~40 hour mark before.

- I still get 4-7 LAND Attacks per hour (usually 4-5 of them within the same log entry / time), so they're not gone, at least on Xfinity.

- By adjusting Cable Connection -> Starting Frequency, I did manage to change my Downstream Bonded Channels from the 405MHz-597MHz range to the 483MHz-675MHz range, after the last disconnect. So even if the disconnects fully disappear, I won't be able to tell if it's because Xfinity actually deployed a "CAX80 workaround" (more likely), or because my Downstream Bonded Channel range changed (less likely).

Message 86 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

Well, from what I can see I have not had a reboot in 48 hours.  Unlike others, it was only rebooting between 3am-5am daily and I have been here, watching/working remotely, during that time period and I never lost internet.


However, I'm STILL getting the DoS land attacks from the IP my ISP has assigned to me.  Optimistically holding my proverbial breath . . .

Message 87 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

Alright ladies and gens, it is day 2 of a smooth operation. 


Looking forward to problemless FW updates in the future. 

Thank you for all the hardwork NG.

Message 88 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

No disconnects in 38 hours so far, and the "A router firmware upgrade is available" message still hasn't come back.


But I still get LAND Attacks from my own IP address every 10, 20, or 40 minutes. Xfinity is probably doing something that doesn't like.

Message 89 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

I've been trying to reply to this thread since early this morning, but my posts with screenshots don't make it. Trying without the images.


-> @2-days up and counting...


-> I still do not see the "A Router Firmware Update is Available" banner


-> The [DoS attack] LAND Attack SPT:2190 DPT:2190  Log messages are back at intervals ranging from ~1 to ~10 minutes apart. The  source IP Address "xx.xxx.xxx.xx" is my ISP assigned WAN IP Address which as someone previously mentioned, is very strange as it looks like a "Suicide" DoS Attack. My ISP is Spectrum.

Message 90 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

For those getting "[DoS attack] LAND Attack SPT:2190 DPT:2190" I have a theory I'd like to test, join me if you have the time. 


all wifi off

all port empty except for 2.5g or lan1 to your main puter (ie, only 1 machine connected to it, as barebone as possible)


wait for 1 hour, check log for 2190

reboot your cax80 (not reset)

wait for another hour, check log again for 2190


I'm curious to see if it's coming from within, like TV or PS4/5


Message 91 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

@hanzo79 - In my case I doubt that the DoS message is being generated by a device in the LAN (Local Area Network). The source IP address of the DoS Attack is the IP address assigned to the WAN (Wide Area Network (Internet)) side of the CAX80 by my ISP.

Message 92 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

@tamanaco wrote:

Add me to the list of users whose CAX80 running keeps rebooting. For me it started on 06/08/22 with the router rebooting between 3am and 5am every day. It all started with the false "A router firmware upgrade is available" banner and the frequent [DoS attack] LAND Attack SPT:2190 DPT:2190 messages in the log.


Does this have a any WAN or LAN IP address displayed with this log entry seen with this happens? 

Message 93 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

@tamanaco there goes to show you how little i know about networking, heh.  But I'm curious to see if there's anything within the network sending ghost ping signals out, then pong signals coming back.  If it is, we know for certain to trash that device into a bond fire...if not, then time to bring out the pitchforks.

Message 94 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

Does this have a any WAN or LAN IP address displayed with this log entry seen with this happens? 

@hanzo79 wrote:

For those getting "[DoS attack] LAND Attack SPT:2190 DPT:2190" I have a theory I'd like to test, join me if you have the time. 


all wifi off

all port empty except for 2.5g or lan1 to your main puter (ie, only 1 machine connected to it, as barebone as possible)


wait for 1 hour, check log for 2190

reboot your cax80 (not reset)

wait for another hour, check log again for 2190


I'm curious to see if it's coming from within, like TV or PS4/5



Message 95 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

@FURRYe38 oddly, no.

Message 96 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

Hard to determine if it's coming from the WAN or LAN side...Though would be good to try your suggestion to see if anything on the LAN side is popping this entry up or not. 

Message 97 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

A typical ISP connected home router is called a NAT. It's a  Network Address Translation device. The router itself has unique ISP assigned WAN IP address. With higher fees you can get a "dedicated" WAN IP address that it's also unique. All the data flow you send out from the LAN (Local Area Network) to the WAN (Internet) is actually sent to the router, which sends it out using its address. The returning data is sent to the LAN device using its MAC and IP Address the local device knows the LAN IP of the router and the port it needs to listen for the returning data. For LAN devices to work it's not necessary that they know the WAN IP of the "typical" home router as it can be changed by the ISP at any point.

Message 98 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

I would be concerned about the CPU usage being that high. Wow. 

Are you seeing this all the time on the modem? 

@tamanaco wrote:

I've been trying to reply to this thread since early this morning, but my posts with screenshots don't make it. Trying without the images.


-> @2-days up and counting...


-> I still do not see the "A Router Firmware Update is Available" banner


-> The [DoS attack] LAND Attack SPT:2190 DPT:2190  Log messages are back at intervals ranging from ~1 to ~10 minutes apart. The  source IP Address "xx.xxx.xxx.xx" is my ISP assigned WAN IP Address which as someone previously mentioned, is very strange as it looks like a "Suicide" DoS Attack. My ISP is Spectrum.


Message 99 of 114

Re: CAX80 keeps rebooting

@FURRYe38... No, my CPU utilization is normally not that high. That screenshot was probably taken when my two  NASes were syncing the previous day data. This usually happens overnight after 1am, but because of the router reboots I had to recently rescheduled the sync to 7am.




Message 100 of 114
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