Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems


Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

I purchased my C7000-100NAS about a month ago. I was going to jack-around with the configuration but opted not to until my unit was broken in. I have TWC 200mbps, using a TIVO Bolt and 2-TIVO MINIs, TWC Cable Card. I get the same Critical Errors that others have experienced but they are not persistent, that is, I get the errors when I reboot the TWC Digital Settop box, but then steady reliable service from the router. My speedtest.net readings are consistantly above 230mbps and no signal drops or errors. Keep in mind, I have only had this configuration for a month. Firmware Version V1.01.15. My errors are below but I do not consider them critical since my 21+ active devices are screaming alone without incident. I love my Netgear Nighthawk at this point but time will tell. It could also be that my local, San Antonio, Texas TWC has it dialed in?


I do have two problems that I would like Netgear to resolve (I don't believe them to be TWC issues even though one of the respondents here suggested that TWC is pushing out a bad local TIME. Nah.):

  1. The Nighthawk router Time management issue should be a managable feature. The Router should have a time and time zone configurable option. No excuses, just do it;
  2. The Block Sites function does not work properly. That is, it will properly block the DOS attacker but also reduces my broadband download speed from 230+mbps to 50+/-mbps. When I select NEVER block versus ALWAYS, I get my 230+mbps back. The issue has got to be in the router software. I have configured it every which way possible with the same results.

The Error Diagnostic I referred to earlier is below, if anyone cares:



Startup Procedure
Acquire Downstream Channel621000000 HzLocked
Connectivity StateOKOperational
Boot StateOKOperational
IP Provisioning ModeIPv6 Onlyipv6Only(1)
Downstream Bonded Channels
ChannelLock StatusModulationChannel IDFrequencyPowerSNRCorrectablesUncorrectables
1LockedQAM25616621000000 Hz4.2 dBmV38.9 dB00
2LockedQAM2562537000000 Hz5.4 dBmV39.9 dB00
3LockedQAM2563543000000 Hz4.9 dBmV39.6 dB00
4LockedQAM2564549000000 Hz4.7 dBmV39.5 dB00
5LockedQAM2565555000000 Hz4.8 dBmV39.5 dB00
6LockedQAM2566561000000 Hz4.9 dBmV39.5 dB00
7LockedQAM2567567000000 Hz5 dBmV39.6 dB00
8LockedQAM2568573000000 Hz4.9 dBmV39.5 dB00
9LockedQAM2569579000000 Hz4.5 dBmV39.3 dB00
10LockedQAM25610585000000 Hz4.7 dBmV39.4 dB00
11LockedQAM25611591000000 Hz4.7 dBmV39.4 dB00
12LockedQAM25612597000000 Hz4.3 dBmV39.1 dB00
13LockedQAM25613603000000 Hz4.6 dBmV39.3 dB00
14LockedQAM25614609000000 Hz4.5 dBmV39.2 dB00
15LockedQAM25615615000000 Hz4.3 dBmV39.1 dB00
16LockedQAM2561531000000 Hz5.3 dBmV39.8 dB00
17Not LockedUnknown00 Hz0.0 dBmV0.0 dB00
18Not LockedUnknown00 Hz0.0 dBmV0.0 dB00
19Not LockedUnknown00 Hz0.0 dBmV0.0 dB00
20Not LockedUnknown00 Hz0.0 dBmV0.0 dB00
21Not LockedUnknown00 Hz0.0 dBmV0.0 dB00
22Not LockedUnknown00 Hz0.0 dBmV0.0 dB00
23Not LockedUnknown00 Hz0.0 dBmV0.0 dB00
24Not LockedUnknown00 Hz0.0 dBmV0.0 dB00
Upstream Bonded Channels
ChannelLock StatusUS Channel TypeChannel IDSymbol RateFrequencyPower
1LockedATDMA65120 Ksym/sec24200000 Hz34.3 dBmV
2LockedTDMA52560 Ksym/sec19400000 Hz34.3 dBmV
3LockedATDMA75120 Ksym/sec30600000 Hz33.5 dBmV
4LockedATDMA82560 Ksym/sec37000000 Hz35.5 dBmV
5Not LockedUnknown00 Ksym/sec0 Hz0.0 dBmV
6Not LockedUnknown00 Ksym/sec0 Hz0.0 dBmV
7Not LockedUnknown00 Ksym/sec0 Hz0.0 dBmV
8Not LockedUnknown00 Ksym/sec0 Hz0.0 dBmV
Message 26 of 41

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

Thank Goodness I found this thread!! I've been going crazy for months trying to figure out why my c7000-100nas would need to be rebooted almost daily. I'm with Comcast in Northern CA but the symptoms were the same. I was considering switching ISPs because I couldn't believe it to be the NetGear. 


My problem is that daily, I lose connection (up and downstream as far as I can tell) on wired and wireless connections. I can use the mobile app to reset the router so wi-fi is working on both 2.4 and 5GHz. I occasionaly (one time in about 20) need multiple restarts to get reconnected but mostly just a pull power/wait 10 seconds/replace power will work. I just started monitoring the logs so I don't have any info to post yet. I'm just glad I'm not the only one having this issue with this particular model.


BTW, my router's main page reports the Firmware Version as V1.01.20.

Model: C7000|Nighthawk - AC1900 WiFi Cable Modem Router
Message 27 of 41

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

My advice, return it. Buy seperate units as I did, issue gone.  I worked with Netgear, returned 3 times for new units and never was the issue ever resolved. Save your blood pressure and return it if at all possible.

Message 28 of 41

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

I'm looking at returning it. Does anyone have recommendations for a router and modem? Preferrably one that is on Comcast. Thanks.

Message 29 of 41

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

Your unit your returning (as i did) was a mistake cause its a combo unit and your ISP controls the firmware in it.  Where as seperate units, your ISP doesnt update the router, only the modem. So taking a shot I bought the seperate pieces that the combo unit consisted of. Look for CM600 (modem) and the Nighthawk AC1900 (Model R7000).  Yes it is more expensive than the returned combo unit but you have control of your router,  which was the weak link in the combo unit.   


Purchase the above 2 items and you will be good to go.  I have great speeds here,  consistent and as advertised. 


Good Luck!

Message 30 of 41

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

My internet service provider is Time warner, I purchased my C7000 combo unit August 4, 2016, my firmware is version 1.01.15 todays event log listed below.

Netgear C7000 event log as of 8-8-2016.jpg


These coversations make me worried about this unit and I don't like being at the mercy of my ISP for router firmware updates.


I am considering sending the unit back and buying a separate modem and router like I had before.


My old modem was a motorola SB6120 and it worked just fine and so did my Netgear WDNR3700 WIFI router, but now I am having doubts about Netgear at least with the combo units.


I will probably go with the latest Motorola/Arris cable modem, not sure about the WIFI router?

Message 31 of 41

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

Also my 2.4G, 5G & WIFI lights keep blinkin on and off, I thought they are supposed to be steady or solid green

Message 32 of 41

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

No, they blink when there is activity. With that being said,  I had horrible issues with the combo setup, tried 2 of them and sent them both back.  Now i have seperate units. CM600 and the Nighthawk AC1900. Now I control the firmware for the Modem and Router and all is great.

Message 33 of 41

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

Not to worry JMS28411 These Critical errors are relative to the Time Warner equipment at your location. Check the MAC addresses against those in your Equipment identified on https://myservices.timewarnercable.com/myservices/internet/index (you must be logged in first). 


I reboot my Netgear perhaps once per month but it is most often because TWC is jacked-up. There is never an explanation.


I love the Netgear, the jury is still out on TWC though. I love the speed from TWC. I get 235mbps consistently while paying for 200mbps. The modem you use will directly dictate your network/TV performance. The Netgear Nighthawk has 24-bands whereas most others are perhaps 8-bands. Give it some time. 


TWC screenshot

Message 34 of 41

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

I agree with datagg, the lights blink. The performance is good on either WIFI band, I use the router software to insure that I am the only person on my Channel on both 2.4 and 5ghz. It's easy to modify and secure.

Message 35 of 41

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

Right now I have three PC's, a laptop two cell phones and netflix running with no noticeable problems 🙂


I guess I will see what happens over the next 2 or 3 weeks.


I also picked unused channels for my 2.4 & 5 g channels

Message 36 of 41

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

I seem to be having trouble  connecting to some web sites, I have to refresh the website link 2 or 3 times to get it to connect, might be TW cable not the C7000 nighthawk?

Message 37 of 41

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

JMS28411 - Is the site refresh issue true for both WIFI and Ethernet? I don't seem to have this issue unless my connectivity is out for all devices. This rarely occurs, but when it does, I power-cycle the Netgear router which usually resolves this issue. If this doesn't work, I recycle the TWC cable modem device (I have VOIP with TWC which uses the ARRIS MTA which I have powered off, since I don't use it.)


Message 38 of 41

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

I was having a problem on wired connection, not a consistant problem, but enough to be annoying 😞

Message 39 of 41

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

JMS28411 - on one of the three primary workstations that I use for work-from-home, while in VPN mode, I will occasionally be constantly prompted for credentials to any site even google. When this happens I go into my google chrome and/or IE advanced settings and uncheck the Auto Proxy setting and save. This totally resolves my connectivity browsing issue. For some reason unknown to me, the browser then re-selects the Auto Proxy setting requiring me to repeat this process. Happens once every week or two and only on one workstation.

Hope this helps.
Message 40 of 41

Re: c7000-100nas Internet sync problems

Try this:

Clear the Automatically Detect Setting:



Message 41 of 41
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