Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

@Brum80 wrote:
And I might have a router/modem .......but I still call it a router.


Fine. Just as long as you are in the right place. Other people have been confused by the difference.


These router/modem things are also known as gateways in some places.

Message 276 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

Yeah it's the Nighthawk D7000.

not the R7000.

technicalities 😄 

 Can't edit my post anymore.


It is a router and a modem. But I affectionately call them routers 🙂  To me modems are 56k(and older) US Robotics... 
And now everyone reading this is hearing the three way handshake 🙂

Message 277 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

@farthing wrote:
To me modems are 56k(and older) US Robotics... 


Just put a 56k USR modem in the box to go to the recycling centre.


Message 278 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

@michaelkenward wrote:

@farthing wrote:
To me modems are 56k(and older) US Robotics... 


Just put a 56k USR modem in the box to go to the recycling centre.


Can I have it?? At this rate I might need it!!

Message 279 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

@Case850 wrote:

 but the term Gateway is used when a device supports all three of the following; Modem/wifi Router/VOIP.


Someone needs to tell Netgear that. Then again, consistency has never been one of its strong points.

Message 280 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

well if we can find enough copper into our homes and multiplex a bunch of 56k's we might get the NBN speeds 😄

Good luck with that bill though hehehe

Message 281 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

I have the same issue. I can not use the 2.4 GHz and I don't know what else I can do. I'm going to try to return the modem/router to the shop where I bought. Any suggestion before returning it? Thanks

Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 282 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

Latest Update for D7000 as of 5pm (Pacific Time) January 9, 2017


The latest update for the D7000 is that we want to continue to expand the number of people using our latest updated firmware trial which has been running in our lab and with the community users that have been helping  us test.  If there are other users who would like to test this 58 firmware please send a private message to me or a moderator.  Just be aware this is trial firmware and not fully tested and qualified.  As always, we very much appreciate the community for helping us out and working through these disconnects.


Thanks, Dave

Message 283 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

> [...] we want to continue to expand the number of people using our
> latest updated firmware trial [...]

   I might be interested.  I just had one of my Orvibo S-20 power
switches fall off the list (again).  Rebooting the router restored it:

ITS $ orvl ql
#      ORVL  0.2  --  Devices (probe: 2)          2018-01-09:17:06:38
# IP address        MAC address     >Device name<       # State  Type
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------       ac:cf:23:48:ed:12  >Socket00<          # Off    Socket-US       ac:cf:23:9c:b2:14  >Socket 01<         # Off    Socket-US

# uptime
 16:53:35 up 11 days,  1:07, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.04

# reboot


ITS $ orvl ql
#      ORVL  0.2  --  Devices (probe: 3)          2018-01-09:17:09:50
# IP address        MAC address     >Device name<       # State  Type
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------       ac:cf:23:48:ed:12  >Socket00<          # Off    Socket-US       ac:cf:23:9c:b2:14  >Socket 01<         # Off    Socket-US       ac:cf:23:35:3c:fc  >Socket02<          # Off    Socket-US

   As you can see, it took about 11 days before the failure (this time).

> [...] Just be aware this is trial firmware and not fully tested and
> qualified. [...]

   To a casual observer, it's not obvious that your full testing and
qualification are good for much.  For example, does BASIC > ReadySHARE >
Safely Remove USB Device still fail ("403 Forbidden")?

Message 284 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

I actually have a R7000 with this issue.

I guess different firmware? Different post?

Message 285 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

You shouldn't have any problem getting a full refund within 12 months in UK - I took mine pack to PC World, fortunately had original receipt and after explaining why it wasn't fit for purpose, got an immediate refund.

Message 286 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

Mat13, There is a thread (or threads) on the R7000 wifi dropping issue. This particular one (below) says solved with a firmware revision. I'd search to see if there are other newer open threads, but try the R7000 firmware suggested here, and or a later one if there is one, but still follow the D7000 wifi issue message thread if you still have problems and maybe post again. (The firmware version sequence numbers are different for the two devices).
R7000 wifi drop fixed: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-WiFi-Routers/R7000-wifi-dropping-connection-constantly/m-...


(Meanwhile I'm going to ask to join the D7000 firmware trial.)

Regards, Browntea

Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 287 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

So after troubleshooting with Netgear support I managed to get my D7000v1 decared faulty and a new one shipped out.


I have been following this forum closely and pretty much tried all suggested solutions except maybe assisting with the firmware trials - didn't have time to spend on this.


The replacement arrived today and it appears to be D7000v2. Decided to read up on it and found that it also has its own wifi drop out issues and it isn't just limited to the 2.4ghz.


Might have to bite the bullet and set up the replacement router - wasn't too impressed with the v2 specs I have to say.


Has anyone on this thread received a replacement (specifically a V2) and have you continued to see the same wifi issues on the replacement ?



Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 288 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

Run 24 hours without disconnect (so far) could be coincidence so watch this space. I've also set up an old Frtitzbox wifi on 2.4GHz as a family backup. Typically 6-7 devices usually connected on 2.4Ghz. Usually drops out in the evening or overnight. Also am getting say 6 ACK scans from the interenet 1 per minute or two, once every half hour to a couple of hours apart. Which I assume is irrelevent.
Tried so far:

1) Upgrade to v54 firmware from v50

2) Remove Chromecast from network (powered off) - still got wifi drop outs

3) And - Slowed wifi speeds on router to 54MHz (2.4Ghz) and 289MHz (5Ghz), slowest available - not happy for long term just to troubleshoot (still got dropouts)

4) And - Changed auto channel settings to move into least congested wifi space for both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz (used Wifi Analyser on Android, to find emptiest region)(still got dropouts, maybe after 24hrs or less)

5) And - Removed smartphone 5Ghz connection so I also see the 2.4Ghz dropout sooner and can check logs/investigate

6) And - Installed Android PingTools last night and am pinging 3 or 4 2.4Ghz devices 5 minutely to see when they or my phone drop off.

7) And have now added hourly email sending of router logs because they get cleared down during a reboot.


Bizarrely last night was the first night for ages when 2.4Ghz stayed up, perhaps coincidence, or maybe pinging the 2.4GHz devices kept it alive?

@droman wrote:

Latest Update for D7000 as of 5pm (Pacific Time) January 9, 2017


The latest update for the D7000 is that we want to continue to expand the number of people using our latest updated firmware trial which has been running in our lab and with the community users that have been helping  us test.  If there are other users who would like to test this 58 firmware please send a private message to me or a moderator.  Just be aware this is trial firmware and not fully tested and qualified.  As always, we very much appreciate the community for helping us out and working through these disconnects.


Thanks, Dave

Have requested v58 test from droman.

Will post back!


Message 289 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues


Bizarrely last night was the first night for ages when 2.4Ghz stayed up, perhaps coincidence, or maybe pinging the 2.4GHz devices kept it alive?


This is interesting - as last night my 2.4ghz was also still up and running when I got home from work, which is the first time in several weeks that that has happened. Just an odd coincidence? 

Message 290 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

@browntea wrote:

.....but try the R7000 firmware suggested here, and or a later one if there is one


I don't know if this is suggesting that people should try the R7000 firmware on their D7000s. If so, it will not work.


Firmware is hardware specific. The R7000 is a router, the D7000 is a modem/router.


In addition, you cannot use firmware for the D7000 on the D7000v2, or the R7000 on the R7000P.



Message 291 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

Looking around I am going to try a used C2100T for $80.  I will let you know if it is stable.  Anyone ever use this setup?

Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 292 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

I see that Ver. 58 is now available and Netgear is asking for volunteers, how many users are now testing? How stable is it? Any Ver. 58 users want to share their experience with Ver. 58?

Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 293 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

Just installed it ! Fingers crossed !

Message 294 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

I've been using version 58 for almost 12 hours now, no issues so far.
Message 295 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

@GlennD wrote:

I see that Ver. 58 is now available and Netgear is asking for volunteers, how many users are now testing? How stable is it? Any Ver. 58 users want to share their experience with Ver. 58?

I was an early volunteer tester of beta/trial FW58.


It has been running for over 57 hours without any dropouts.


At times I have had up to four computers, two android phones and a WN3500RP WiFi extender connected to 2.4. At the same time 5G has supported two iPads and an iPhone.


So it is looking pretty good so far.



Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 296 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

I am also having 2.4GHz wifi issues with my D7000 v1 and would like to test beta firmware


Message 297 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

You need to email Netgear via the address provided in the earlier thread. The more people that test it the better.
Message 298 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

@nscolli wrote:

@GlennD wrote:

I see that Ver. 58 is now available and Netgear is asking for volunteers, how many users are now testing? How stable is it? Any Ver. 58 users want to share their experience with Ver. 58?

I was an early volunteer tester of beta/trial FW58.


It has been running for over 57 hours without any dropouts.


At times I have had up to four computers, two android phones and a WN3500RP WiFi extender connected to 2.4. At the same time 5G has supported two iPads and an iPhone.


So it is looking pretty good so far.



I forgot to add that, in addition to the above, the D7000 client list also included a set top box, two chromecasts and a smart TV all connected to 5G.

Message 299 of 595

Re: Nighthawk D7000 2.4Ghz WiFi issues

michaelkenward wrote: 

Firmware is hardware specific. The R7000 is a router, the D7000 is a modem/router.

 In addition, you cannot use firmware for the D7000 on the D7000v2, or the R7000 on the R7000P.



As I forgot to quote the poster's question some may think that was suggesting trying firmware for a different box.  I was attempting to avoid that - as the poster has an R7000 - so thanks for the explicit correction, and expansion.

Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 300 of 595

Orbi 770 Series