Re: Share - RBK753 AP Mode satellite ssid/encryption type/key not consistance with router
Share - RBK753 AP Mode satellite ssid/encryption type/key not consistance with router
I spent two days worked on this issue, finally fixed by manually change satellites nvram. Please check my github readme if you face the same issue. Good luck!!
Re: Share - RBK753 AP Mode satellite ssid/encryption type/key not consistance with router
Ideally yes, once you got telnet access you supposelly get everything under control...
Check commands below:
ath1 IEEE 802.11axg ESSID:"SOME_SSID" ==> "ath1" interface should boardcast 2.5G
Mode:Master Frequency:2.447 GHz Access Point: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
ath0 IEEE 802.11axa ESSID:"SOME_SSID" => "ath0" interface should boardcast 2.5G
Mode:Master Frequency:5.24 GHz Access Point: XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Then run command
uci show wireless.@wifi-iface[0] uci show wireless.@wifi-iface[1]
root@RBS750:/# uci show wireless.@wifi-iface[1] wireless.FhAp2=wifi-iface wireless.FhAp2.device='wifi1''lan' wireless.FhAp2.mode='ap' wireless.FhAp2.wps_pbc_enable='1' wireless.FhAp2.wps_pbc_noclone='1' wireless.FhAp2.wps_pbc_start_time='0' wireless.FhAp2.wps_pbc_duration='60' wireless.FhAp2.wds='1' wireless.FhAp2.rrm='1' wireless.FhAp2.ifname='ath1' wireless.FhAp2.disabled='0' wireless.FhAp2.root_distance='255' wireless.FhAp2.athnewind='1' wireless.FhAp2.rts='64' wireless.FhAp2.bintval='102' wireless.FhAp2.hidden='0' wireless.FhAp2.isolate='0' wireless.FhAp2.wps_config='virtual_push_button physical_push_button' wireless.FhAp2.disablecoext='0' wireless.FhAp2.set_bcn_rate='1000' wireless.FhAp2.ssid='SOME_SSID' wireless.FhAp2.key='SOME_KEY' wireless.FhAp2.encryption='psk2+ccmp' wireless.FhAp2.wps_pbc='1' root@RBS750:/# root@RBS750:/# uci show wireless.@wifi-iface[0] wireless.FhAp5=wifi-iface wireless.FhAp5.device='wifi0''lan' wireless.FhAp5.mode='ap' wireless.FhAp5.wps_pbc_enable='1' wireless.FhAp5.wps_pbc_noclone='1' wireless.FhAp5.wps_pbc_start_time='0' wireless.FhAp5.wps_pbc_duration='60' wireless.FhAp5.wds='1' wireless.FhAp5.rrm='1' wireless.FhAp5.ifname='ath0' wireless.FhAp5.disabled='0' wireless.FhAp5.root_distance='255' wireless.FhAp5.rts='64' wireless.FhAp5.bintval='102' wireless.FhAp5.isolate='0' wireless.FhAp5.wps_config='virtual_push_button physical_push_button' wireless.FhAp5.disablecoext='1' wireless.FhAp5.athnewind='0' wireless.FhAp5.ssid='SOME_SSID' wireless.FhAp5.key='SOME_KEY' wireless.FhAp5.encryption='psk2+ccmp' wireless.FhAp5.wps_pbc='1'
now we know:
ath1 is 2.5G, in nvram named "FhAp2", FhAp2.device='wifi1'
ath0 is 5G, in nvram named "FhAp5", FhAp5.device='wifi0'
nvram show
search for ath0 and ath1, found:
radio1.vap1.ssid=SOME_SSID => change it to 5G ssid
radio2.vap1.ssid=SOME_SSID => => change it to 2.4G ssid
Then you can change your ssid with: (I haven't confirm it before..)
# nvram set wla_temp_ssid="YOUR_SSID" # nvram set wla_ssid="YOUR_SSID" # nvram set wlh_temp_ssid="YOUR_SSID" # nvram set wlh_ssid="YOUR_SSID"
nvram set radio1.vap1.ssid="YOUR_SSID_5G" nvram set radio2.vap1.ssid="YOUR_SSID_2.4G"
I havent firgure out what exactly wla_XX and and wlh_XX for.. I guess whl_XX probably use for display in the UI(not really sure)....If you got chance you can try around to confirm..
Created a telegram channel for more discussion:
Re: Share - RBK753 AP Mode satellite ssid/encryption type/key not consistance with router
Probably you can try to downgrade your firmware..
I am using firware version: V3.2.16.22_1.4.9 have no problem to commit the change.
Re: Share - RBK753 AP Mode satellite ssid/encryption type/key not consistance with router
If you upgrade to the laest firmware. You probably wont able to telnet..
Please check out the solution from @Xcelebric
Re: Share - RBK753 AP Mode satellite ssid/encryption type/key not consistance with router
you need to enable the talnet with the tool below: