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Re: Readynas 6.10.9 How to manually update IO::Socket:SSL for Logitech Media Server (or other purpos
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Readynas 6.10.9 How to manually update IO::Socket:SSL for Logitech Media Server (or other purposes)
So Netgear have dropped all support for Readynas, leaving us on a poor version of Debian 8 Jessie, which is no longer supported. As of 6.10.10 app install functionality has been removed.
I use my ReadyNAS 316 for LMS and Plex. I installed both by the app upload feature on the ReadyNAS App page via a web browser. Plex has a webpage app control. LMS doesn't. The latest 8.4.0 of Logitech Media Server doesn't have a widget and as such root SSH can control systemctl stop/start/restart logitechmediaserver.
I ran into a problem where I could no longer perform an update check for LMS via its settings web page (https://localip:9000). Searching on the Slimserver forums yielded info that IO::Socket::SSL 2.002 on Readynas is too old and doesn't support access to servers which are expecting modern standards.
mysqueezebox.com is closing 12 years AFTER they stopped selling Squeezebox products (that's good support!) - Access to Tidal, Deezer and Pandora are now in jeopardy. Running a local LMS server and using plugins to access streaming (Spotify and Qobuz) are options, with the hope that some enterprising coder can invent working plugins for those services which rely on mysqueezebox.com for authentication.
Anyway, I needed to update SSL to a modern version (shout out to Mark W on the Slimserver forums for this).
This worked for me on my Readynas 316 on 6.10.9. I make no warranties or guarantees on whether this will work for you. I last used 'make' in about 1999 on a Redhat distribution. I know basic linux and google a lot to find out how to navigate and do things via the command line. I have a working understanding...
Step 1: SSH into your NAS as root - you'll be in your home dir.
Step 2: Install make if you haven't got it (i didn't)
apt-get install make
Step 3: download a version of IO::Socket::SSL which you'd like to use (I chose 2.083) into your root home dir
wget https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/S/SU/SULLR/IO-Socket-SSL-2.083.tar.gz
Step 4: extract it
tar -xf IO-Socket-SSL-2.083.tar.gz
Step 5: run the following commands to make it
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
Step 6: start (or restart) logitechmediaserver
systemctl restart logitechmediaserver
Proof in the pudding!
I did an update check and it found the latest build!
YMMV. Good luck.
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Re: Readynas 6.10.9 How to manually update IO::Socket:SSL for Logitech Media Server (or other purpos
@Jophusmany thanks for this post. I've got zero Linux knowledge and it's been very helpful for me in updating the SSL on my RN212.
Appreciate a pointer here, if you can help. When I get to the perl Makefile.PL command, the following error is returned
Can't open perl script "Makefile.PL": No such file or directory
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Re: Readynas 6.10.9 How to manually update IO::Socket:SSL for Logitech Media Server (or other purpos
I am not a linux guru either. I just went through my steps and can see the Makefile.PL
But it looks like a missed a step:
Step 4.5 - change to the newly created directory IO-Socket-SSL-2.083.
cd IO-Socket-SSL-2.083
Then try step 5.
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Re: Readynas 6.10.9 How to manually update IO::Socket:SSL for Logitech Media Server (or other purpos
As an aside I have relegated my ReadyNAS to be just a straight NAS. It was becoming too difficult to maintain LMS (now Lyrion) and the CPU on the 316 didn't like transcoding x265 videos.
I bought a 5th gen NUC with 120GB SSG and 8GB RAM for AUD$99. It runs Windows 11 (unsupported but works fine with 24H2). I know Windows and it runs Plex and LMS, with it picking up my music files on the NAS via Windows networking.
Aside, Windows 11 24H2 no longer allows anonymous/no password network access. I have stayed on OS 6.10.9, installed SMB Plus and changed the security setting to ensure access is only granted to network connections which can supply user/pass.
Good luck with trying to maintain Debian 8 ReadyNAS.
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Re: Readynas 6.10.9 How to manually update IO::Socket:SSL for Logitech Media Server (or other purpos
@Jophus wrote:
As an aside I have relegated my ReadyNAS to be just a straight NAS.
FWIW, I also went down that path several years ago. I like the flexibility of being able to upgrade the app server independently from the storage server.
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Re: Readynas 6.10.9 How to manually update IO::Socket:SSL for Logitech Media Server (or other purpos
Step 4.5 did the trick, many thanks again. It prompted a "Should I do external tests?" question, played safe answered "N" and it worked out ok. Sockets updated and radio streaming again.