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Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?


How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

I am now testing the DumaOS Geo Filter. I used the ping heatmap to locate warzone servers, then went to the geo filter to draw a polygon around a farther server. I thought that may be good test. I started the game and I feel like it was the same old game where I feel like there should be a high ping. 



Message 1 of 77
NetDuma Partner

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

How far away is the server you're trying to connect to?

Geo-filter is really designed to force high ping servers, in fact it's more the other way round.

Message 2 of 77

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

I’m in Illinois. So I tried to force to a couple different servers separately.

First I drew a polygon around the closest server to me.

My second test I drew a polygon around a server a few states away.

Third test I drew a polygon around a server in Spain.

I noticed to difference at all in ping in any 3 games as if the polygon I was drawing was doing nothing.

Is there a way I can select a dedicated Warzone server to connect to? Do I need to do anything after I draw the polygon around a specific area?
Message 3 of 77
NetDuma Partner

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

Use Ping Heatmap to identify where the servers are and what their pings are. You have Ping Assist at a very high value so you probably got the same game each time, put that to 0. Also the Spain server is not always available so you may have significant trouble forcing that server.
Message 4 of 77

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

In later games I did turn my ping assist to 0 and tried to force a far server and still seem to connect quickly. For that reason I am wondering if there is a way to confirm that I have that filter set. 


I almost don't want to be able to find a game that way I know it is working lol. Would my geo-location within the game itself change when I check my account in the options tab? Or will that always show where I am at physically? Every time I check it always said I was in Illinois. 


Thanks again for your help!!

Message 5 of 77
NetDuma Partner

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

That will always show where you are physically. You can check the map when in a game and it should show an icon and your ping to it, do you see this?
Message 6 of 77

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

I will test that when I get on next. But when I was playing I don’t recall seeing any type of data relaying to my dashboard. It was all just plane as if nothing was happening
Message 7 of 77
NetDuma Partner

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

If it happens again, completely quit the game to the console dashboard
Remove the device from the Geo-Filter
Flush the cloud
Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter and choose the manual option
Setup your settings with 0 Ping Assist
Wait 2 minutes
Boot up the game
Then see if you see icons on the map
Message 8 of 77

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

- So I quit the game

- deleted device 

- flushed the cloud

- readded the device to the geo filter manually

- ping assist is 0

- waited 2 minutes

- booted game


I chose a location in the middle of no where and still find a game with no problem., 


I went to device manager and changed my computer to recognize as a playstaion instead and repeat the steps above. Still dont see any icons while searching for a game. 


I am unsure what is really going on . I feel like I am doing all the steps and I have watched many videos and cant nail this down. 


I posted an image below of what my screen looks like. 


Message 9 of 77

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

I'd Like to add that when I ran a warzone game on my ps4, I saw servers and ping data, so that is good news, now I am wondering why it is working on my ps4 and not my pc. 


I'd like to reiterate that I change my computer in device management to show as a ps4 console, and that did't work. 


Thanks for the continued help!!

Message 10 of 77
NetDuma Partner

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

That's interesting, are both the Playstation and the PC connected to the XR1000 via wired or do they differ?

It may also be worth trying to disconnect your PC, delete it from device manager and then re-connect it.

I'd also suggest repeating the steps Fraser suggested of quitting the game, deleting the profile, flushing the cloud, etc after this.

Message 11 of 77

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

My ps4 is wireless and my PC is hardwired. Is being hardwired my issue?

Message 12 of 77
NetDuma Partner

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

Make sure when you re-add the PC to the Geo-Filter you select the manual option, not the CoD service.
Message 13 of 77

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

I'll give that a go tonight. Thanks!


Does my PC being wired have anything to do with my issue?


Also, should I continue to have my PC show as a console in Device Management?



Message 14 of 77
NetDuma Partner

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

No I don't think that would have anything to do with it. Yes keep it as a console please.
Message 15 of 77

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

I'm at a loss here> I consider myself pretty tech savy but I for the life of me can not figure out why I can't choose my server when I PC. 


Again, when I play on my ps4, I get data on auto ping and I can see servers on the map. When switching over to console, it is just a blank page. 


I have switched device manager to show PC as a Playstaion. 

The firmware is updated. 

I tried both manually setting up, setting it up under a cod profile, and tried setting it up as cod profile PC only, none of the three worked. 


I hate to just have nothing but problems here but is there anything else you all can think of that may be causing me some issues. 


Thank you, thank you and again thank you!

Message 16 of 77
NetDuma Partner

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

Follow these steps please:

Hard turn off the console
Remove the device from the Geo-Filter
Flush the cloud
Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter and choose the manual option
Setup your settings with 0 Ping Assist
Wait 2 minutes
Boot up the game
Then see if you can see icons appearing on the map.
Message 17 of 77

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

Any solution of this?

I did the following things:

Hard turn off the console
Remove the device from the Geo-Filter
Flush the cloud
Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter and choose the manual option with filter on
Setup your settings with 0 Ping Assist
Wait 2 minutes
Boot up the game

I live in the netherlands, whenever i set the geo filter up in like south africa or anything for example (where is no server in the ping heat map) warzone still finds a game within 5 seconds with a ping of <15.
So that’s never possible the geo filter is working right?

I tried to add my gaming pc as a pc, as a console, as a playstation but this all don’t work. Please help me!

I’m using version v on my nighthawk xr500, because on the newest version there is no ping heat map.
Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 18 of 77

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

Any solution of this? ?

I did the following things:

Hard turn off the console
Remove the device from the Geo-Filter
Flush the cloud
Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter and choose the manual option with filter on
Setup your settings with 0 Ping Assist
Wait 2 minutes
Boot up the game

I live in the netherlands, whenever i set the geo filter up in like south africa or anything for example (where is no server in the ping heat map) warzone still finds a game within 5 seconds with a ping of <15.
So that’s never possible the geo filter is working right?

I tried to add my gaming pc as a pc, as a console, as a playstation but this all don’t work. Please help me!

I’m using version v on my nighthawk xr500, because on the newest version there is no ping heat map.
Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 19 of 77

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

Any solution of this???

I did the following things:

Hard turn off the console
Remove the device from the Geo-Filter
Flush the cloud
Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter and choose the manual option with filter on
Setup your settings with 0 Ping Assist
Wait 2 minutes
Boot up the game

I live in the netherlands, whenever i set the geo filter up in like south africa or anything for example (where is no server in the ping heat map) warzone still finds a game within 5 seconds with a ping of <15.
So that’s never possible the geo filter is working right?

I tried to add my gaming pc as a pc, as a console, as a playstation but this all don’t work. Please help me!

I’m using version v on my nighthawk xr500, because on the newest version there is no ping heat map.
Message 20 of 77
NetDuma Partner

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

Can you provide a screenshot of the Geo-Filter page please showing this happening?
Message 21 of 77

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

Hey! I hate to say that after a long week of tinkering with it I just stopped trying. I figured I’d take a breather and come back fresh but have yet to take another shot at it. I was never able to get it to work on my pc which is extremely irritating. I’m sure I will find a way eventually but I’ve done every combination of every step. Having pc as console and also just as a pc, never was able to find the answer. Please let me know if you come across a solution!!
Message 22 of 77
NetDuma Partner

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

Did you follow my previous steps? I'm confident we can get it resolved
Message 23 of 77

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

Hey! many thanks for the fast reply.

I factory resetted my router again this morning.

I think the first step is resolved now. It doesn't find a game in 5 seconds when i turn filtermodus on, so its definetely working i think.


I set my geo filter up to poland, started warzone, but he is searching for a match now with <57 ping but he doesn't find a match at all now! He keeps searching for 1 hour.


In the ping heat map, it shows poland is like 57 ping for m, so thats playable right?


Please see my attached pictures of the geo filter settings. I will also attach a picture with network settings and the ping heat map and device settings.


Please help me!



Device settings.jpgping heatmap.Geo filter with poland.jpgNetwork settings.jpgPing heatmap.jpg

Message 24 of 77
NetDuma Partner

Re: How Do I know if Warzone Geo Filter is working?

Try expanding your search radius to include more servers, we've been seeing lately that some CoD servers aren't online or available at all times, some servers only seem to be useable during peak play times.

Message 25 of 77
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