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Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)


Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

The crolling feature to zoom in on the geo filter map is a huge issuee. Since everytime you try to scroll down on the side to see the features below the map. it just expremtly zoom in or out on a certain location on the map instead. Very painful to opperate

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 401 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Two bugs that seem to still exist. 


1. UPNP still unreliable. Sometimes it opens ports some times it does not. But it NEVER displays the table so I have no way to authenticate or monitor what it's actually opening up. I believe this is a known bug from product release mostly effecting those connecting through PPPOE connections like most of us in Australia are. 


2. This is a very specific use case that I have come across. Maybe an easy fix maybe not but thought I would report it being a gaming router and attracting a gaming community there could be others like me.


I play Guild Wars 2 which can connect over three different internet ports - 6112 by default, 80 and 443. When the game launches up before you login just on the login screen it is detected as a DUMAOS classified game and the traffic is prioritised. The moment you load into the game this stops and the traffic isn't prioritised. Playing a game that has servers in the U.S from Australia is bad enough to begin with so optimising every aspect you can, really helps. 


I have tried forcing the Guild Wars 2 client to connect via all three afforementioned ports which is does but even if I set those ports manually in the QOS it still isn't detected as priority and due to those ports being very common on the internet likely a lot of other things would also get prioritised over the game itself. I'm no networking engineer so i'm not sure if this can be fixed as it almost feels like this is probably a Guild Wars 2 issue appose to a DumaOS issue but due to one of the games being listed in DUMAOS Classified list (Guild Wars) which uses the same as GW2 I thought I would mention it. 

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 402 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Ping Heatmap and connection benchmark featurs does not work at alll and when being used nothing happens and no data is shown by these features.



Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 403 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Adding Blu-ray device type instead just as a DVD Player would be highly appreciated

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 404 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

I am having issues with the Geo Filer. I have it connected to my PlayStation Pro and a set ditance to 710 Km and playing from Uk. When i am playing with some friends from Denmark which is just barely out the zone. I have adddes them persoanlly one by one to be allowed Peer access. The issue is somethimes it forces me to use a california dedicated server instead of peer and if i deny the califonia dedicated sercer it will shut all chat audio off in the party for my friends to hear. Sometimes i does go back to peering but it can take a lot of time and personally i dont understand why it doesnt coonect to peer imidally when granted access plus the califonia dedicated server can cause up to 1 sek delay because of the distance it has to travel.


Hope mentioning this issue will help it get fixed.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 405 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Roadrunner79 as mentioned on the Netduma forum, does it occur again if you go back to the .56 firmware? Also we didn’t ask but have you noticed any issues with the device since this happened? You can add the log just here.
@Dannyism was Traffic Prioritization actually triggering when playing? It uses more ports than that so it’s probably part of the issue that you’re not prioritizing and then Congestion Control isn’t getting triggered either: https://portforward.com/path-of-exile/
@Anton774 Go to the far right of the page and you can scroll down or click in your mouse wheel and use it that way. Someone has suggested a lock button for the Geo scroll so we will look into that.
@Conanti @iceway_zhang @TimChang please look into the UPnP issue for this user. Apparently there is another port used 6600. How do you set the ports manually exactly, what rules have you used?
@Anton774 flush the cloud for Ping Heatmap and it should work. Can you provide a screenshot of the Connection Benchmark page when that happens? Good idea! You have to add your friends to the allow list, that is normal. That will be a server required for the chat servers, it doesn’t have a bearing on your game ping so definitely allow it.
Message 406 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Any fix for dns leak yet?
Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 407 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Not yet but we will get that done!
Message 408 of 635
Not applicable

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Netduma-Fraser  is the beta still in open beta cuz i have no access to it

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 409 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

I'm running the latest beta (104) and as soon as I go into Geo Filter I get an error message that says "uncaught exception: Unmatched device".


I searched this thread for that and didn't see it mentioned.  Is there something I did wrong when I flashed this?


Also, I think I once saw a video about Duma 3.0 that the user would be able to download and install more R-apps.   Is there going to be a "store" for these apps?   When will this feature come?


Message 410 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Retired_Member I'm not sure I follow, you're posting in the beta section right now.

@FightMilk reset the router and that error will disappear. Yes that will come in future, we don't have a specific time frame on that.
Message 411 of 635
Not applicable

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

when i go to the beta download area its not allowing me to it sais access denied

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 412 of 635
Not applicable

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Netduma-Fraser now its allowing me might be a little website glitch idk

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 413 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

When running a connection benchmark it will show a small loading icon in the left conor and after 20 sec. leave the screen as it was prior before the test was put into motion.


Rgarding the Ping Heatmade, you can select any game but no date regarding servers will be provided whats so ever.


Both these features seems broken on the Duma os 3 beta.


When enabeling the Dedicated server in califoania the Chat audio becomes delayed by 1- 2 sec. compared to the Peer option does not.

Thats why the peer option is highly requested as a main option since the dedicated server will cause delay in chat audio.

Friends has been added to friendslist on the router as a peer connection but as previously mentioning the peer option does sometimes get blocked by the request of using a dedicated server in Califonia located all the way in us and the gamechat is taking place in Europe. 




Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 414 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Anton774 what is your exact physical setup? What do you mean regarding dates? Flush the heatmap cloud then click ping again and it will work. I'm not sure I follow regarding the chat, whatever is being blocked for chat should be allowed, regardless of server or peer it shouldn't cause any issues. Also a peer may be misclassified and may actually be a server. We can't control how their chat system works.
Message 415 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Netduma-Fraser Flushing the heatmap cloud and clicking ping agai does not fix the issue at all. Still does not work.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 416 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

What actually happens when you tell it to ping? Does it act like it is going to do so?
Message 417 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Also please add smart watch on device manager. My wife and I both have Apple Watch, currently I had to set them as “Phone”.
Message 418 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

I go pick a server so it tell me what servers are on the map. It gets selected and 10 sec. later no infomation is provided but the ping again option becomes avaiable. it tells me in the right conor successful: 0

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 419 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Anton774 what is your exact physical setup? Is the XR connected to a router or a modem?
Message 420 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

my XR500 router is connected directly to my modem for internet.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 421 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

What is the modem model that you have?
Message 422 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Netduma-Fraser I have a ZTE H298A Hyperhub router

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 423 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Okay so that is a router then. Do you have it in modem,bridge or passthrough mode or do you have the XR in its DMZ? If you haven't and unsure about how to do so here is the manual for the Hyperhub https://hyperoptic.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/ZTE-H298A-admin-manual.pdf
Message 424 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

I find it a bit odd how this is realted to my modem i got provided by my internet provideder, when its a beta software on the xr 500 that has the issue on not displaying data is claims it will.


You telling me the feature is not avaiable for anyone who has purchased the XR 500 if their modem does not have the Brigde mode avaiable. My modem does not have the feature avaiable and I cant see anywhere on the manuel you provided me it state it does.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 425 of 635
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