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Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

DMZ may be in the Internet tab under security. Connection Benchmark runs ICMP for the Ping tests, if the hyper is blocking this then benchmark won't be able to display the results. By putting the XR in the DMZ this will drive all traffic straight through to the XR. It may not work but regardless it will help you achieve an open NAT when gaming.
Message 426 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

I'm going to interject here... Pretty much every ISP provided modem/router all in one has the option for modem/bridge mode. I'm not familiar with the model you have, but the setting is there. That I can assure. I can do some researching on it, and guide you to the setting if you need
Message 427 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)


@Guitarslynger79  been through the manuels and every setting on this modem/router and it does not have the bridge mode. If you are able to assist me and prove me wrong i would be open to it. Because i am unfortunately unable to locate it after many times of trying to

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 428 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

I'll do some searching for you to see where it might be. Just from past experience, having 2 machines trying to authenticate can cause issues. Not sure if you were experiencing NAT issues on your systems as well, but the setup will cause that randomly as well. I'll see if I can find sample UI online and get back to you
Message 429 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Netduma-FraserI managed to put my Mac address on my XR 500 into DMZ on my modem/ Router and retarted both my XR 500 and my modem/router right after and went back to ping heatmap to see if anything has changed and unfotuantly the issue is still there. It does not display any servers at all.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 430 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Guitarslynger79  Thank you a lot for the help and support.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 431 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

No problem man. I did some digging around to see what I could find on it, and this is the best I could come up with.


Follow the steps as per the wiki to get it to bridge mode, run ethernet cable from one of the numbered ports on the ZTE to the yellow internet port on the XR500. From there, log into the XR and navigate to the setup tab, internet setup, and if you have a login to your ISP, do so there if it's a pppoe. If there's no login, just leave it default. Or consult the XR manual on login credentials just in case I missed anything.
Message 432 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Hi @Anton774 , Check this link out it might help you even though it's for the 268, maybe the steps will be the same: ZTE H268A - Bridge Mode
Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 433 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Guitarslynger79just looked the link you provided me and by following it I come across first the

WAN option not even being avaiable under internet and looking thought thr setting for a WAN option it doesnt seems to appear. I believe the modem has removed this feature in later firmware updates and does no longer support Brigde mode.


Will supply a screenshort below.


But many thanks again for the help and the effort.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 434 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Netduma-Fraserunfortunately the steps is no longer efficient since it seems the feature has been removed in a later firmware update for the modem.


The WAN option is not even there anymore under internet or any other.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 435 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Just out of curiosity, what does the Ethernet Connection Status tab have in it. Maybe there's a setting that buried somewhere
Message 436 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

I just provide an overview board with information like: IP Version, NAT, IP Address, DNS and so on but the board only shows the data and not not be manipulated or changed in any way. Only showing the information @Guitarslynger79 

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 437 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

I did notice that there is an admin tab at the top right corner of the page. Looks like an accessible part of the interface. If it is accessible, see if that yields any other options. Sometimes they'll hide certain things under the admin area vs user area.
Message 438 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Guitarslynger79  Yes unfortunately when you click on the admin. You are forced to login again and then it will provide you with the exact same page as prior. With no updated features not listed before.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 439 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

That surprises me. All I can say is, I stand corrected then. Not sure where you are located geographically, but there may be specifics as to what a user is allowed and not allowed, which is no fault of Yours. I'll keep looking around to see if there is another way to see if we can get this resolved.
Message 440 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Guitarslynger79  I am located in London region and I did manged to set up a DMZ to the mac address for my xr50 and rebooted both the modem and the rx500 but it did not fix the issue with the ping heatmap.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 441 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Anton774 well done for getting that set. What actually happens when you flush the cloud? Does it provide an error or does it appear to flush and then just not do anything?
Message 442 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

I would suggest maybe getting in contact with your ISP to see if they may be able to help with bridging. That may be something they may have to change on their end.
Message 443 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Netduma-Fraser  " flush the cloud " option i only have in the Geo filter section. In the Ping Heatmap i have something called " Force update cloud " When you click on that button it will pop up with a loading icon in the middle of the screen with a red background, After is done it will go back to displaying no servers as it previously did

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 444 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)


@Anton774 If you select any of the other games in the ping heatmap do they work?

@Anton774 wrote:

@Netduma-Fraser  " flush the cloud " option i only have in the Geo filter section. In the Ping Heatmap i have something called " Force update cloud " When you click on that button it will pop up with a loading icon in the middle of the screen with a red background, After is done it will go back to displaying no servers as it previously did

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 445 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

No they do not @Netduma-Fraser 

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 446 of 635
Not applicable

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Hi everyone.  Is there any word on the ability to enable telnet? In version 2 we could go to debug.htm and enable it, but this option within this page has gone.  Is there another way to enable it, or will it not be returning?  

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 447 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Hi @Retired_Member 


It was removed in the latest unfortunately, I would like it re-introduced too, if you was to downgrade one release it is available still.

Maybe they are planning on introducing it as an 'Rapp'? Doubt it though lol.



Message 448 of 635
Not applicable

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Thanks @TheFuzzyOne87,


That is a little dissapointing - as sometimes it is great to have Telnet on there (be even better to have SSH!!), and via a webpage/Rapp would be best.  I did find a solution that might help - I used NTE successfully to enable telnet.  I hope this helps!




Thanks again.

Message 449 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)



Oooo! Thank you so much, I may give it a try Smiley Very Happy

Don't think Netduma or Netgear will be pleased about it though lol



Message 450 of 635
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