× Attn: Nighthawk Pro Gaming members, we have recently released firmware to address a critical security vulnerability. For more information click here. .
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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)


Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

@Liam how come when I have upnp enabled my console is is using two ports at the same time over lapping streams.. example.. console 192
167.1.xxxx is using 2 ports at the same time... I apologize if I am not making any sense...
Message 726 of 769
NetDuma Partner

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

@Watoshki it sounds like you upgraded to the non beta .114 version, here is the 3.0 version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4mwe5sx81gsc129/XR500-V2.3.2.114-DumaOS3.0.203.img?dl=0

Could you provide a screenshot regarding UPnP? It will be easier to advise.
Message 727 of 769

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

Thank you liam. This is what has been confusing me with .14.. I've pushed the firmware. And I now have it.. I'll continue to run test and push feedback.. much appreciated sir!!!!
Message 728 of 769

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

I have the latest beta firmware and for the most part it has sort have been stable. Every once and a while my network comes to a hault and I reboot the XR500 and away things go back to normal. Yesterday was a little frustrating because the router froze up on me twice in one day. Some thing is not right here and I know it is a beta but pushing customers to the beta to fix issues seems a little backwards. Why is there so many customers with XR500 issues and why is it taking so long to update firmware with bug fixes?
Message 729 of 769

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

I am now forced to go to a competitor due to the annoying network drops. I recently purchased a ubiquiti Edgerouter 4 and I am waiting for it to arrive. I had the Edgerouter 3 lite before the XR500 and it was rock solid. Because I went to gigabit service I decided to try Netgear. This was a big disappointment and now a regret 😪. Once the ER4 comes I may never go back to Netgear. Who knows...
Message 730 of 769

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

I'm having the same issues. I HAVE A terabyte connection and I seem to be over clocking streams... traffic prioritization is not working for me. I have the adjustment set to around 100mbs down and 20 mbps up off of a terabyte connection so that I do not over clock data.. and yet it seems to never work here lately no matter what version I'm using.. I'm about to honestly wash my hands with this router.. it's becoming really frustrating here lately.
Message 731 of 769

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

I honestly apologize for venting my frustration here. However, I have been playing video games ever since Atari 2600..I can tell when I'm being screwed.. I have been playing for decades. I don't know if it's the router or the code of the game or whatever.. however, kill cams show me shooting and killing first on cod and yet they are still capturing all of my points... I'm getting nothing except for assist in my game.. bad software/code.... 🤔 ...
Message 732 of 769
NetDuma Partner

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

Sorry to hear that @tekonsite we're doing our best to resolve all the issues that have been brought up, it's a long process.
@Watoshki did you factory reset after the upgrade. Do you mean a gigabit connection? What settings have you done for Traffic Prioritization? What is your exact physical setup?
Message 733 of 769

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

Its become very difficult to try and fight vulnerabilities on my 20 year old xbox live account... every match is against bots..I try with no avail.. every server is completely corrupt on my end.
Message 734 of 769

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

I always get matched with faze and optic.. those guys aren't any good. Now I'm against the server itself against bots.. not to fun..... still trying to hold 20 year account.
Message 735 of 769

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

@Netduma-Fraser hello do you have any information about the new software

Message 736 of 769
NetDuma Partner

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

Could you let us know if you factory reset after the upgrade? Also, what settings have you done for Traffic Prioritization? What is your exact physical setup? Presumably you're on a Gigabit connection?

Message 737 of 769
NetDuma Partner

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

@Raf1212 We don't have a new beta firmware available just yet, but we'll be sure to post here when we do!

Message 738 of 769

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

Im really getting to my wits end.

Has been 6 Months and still cannot use 5ghz or the EX7700 that came bundled with this mega expensive router!!! router is only stable for a week or 2 on 2.4ghz only and no extender

Message 739 of 769
NetDuma Partner

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

If 5GHz does not appear with Smart Connect off, after resets, then disabling Smart Connect again or after multiple updates then it sounds more like a hardware issue so I'd suggest trying to pursue a replacement
Message 740 of 769

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

5ghz does appear but is not stable at all, constant disconnects across many devices.
Message 741 of 769
NetDuma Partner

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

What devices specifically are you connecting to the 5GHz out of interest?

Message 742 of 769

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

@tekonsite wrote:
I am now forced to go to a competitor due to the annoying network drops. I recently purchased a ubiquiti Edgerouter 4 and I am waiting for it to arrive. I had the Edgerouter 3 lite before the XR500 and it was rock solid. Because I went to gigabit service I decided to try Netgear. This was a big disappointment and now a regret 😪. Once the ER4 comes I may never go back to Netgear. Who knows...

@tekonsite I did the same, you won't regret the ER4...(SmartQueue is light years ahead of the Netgear QOS for controlling Bufferbloat) I just use the XR500 in AP mode now....this setup seems to work really well for me and even the XR500 hasn't hung, stopped passing traffic or rebooted since I switched it to AP only mode. Says everything really.

Message 743 of 769

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

Thanks for the insight. The ER4 comes on Friday and your setup is exactly what I hope to accomplish. I will be using the XR500 in AP mode and now that you have shared your experience I am really looking forward to a stable home network.
Thank you!
Message 744 of 769

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

Samsung S20+, Samsung S8, PS4

Message 745 of 769
NetDuma Partner

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

@Delx devices that normally use 2.4GHz if they connect to 5GHz how do they perform? How far away are the devices using 5GHz from the router? Setting the antennae like this _ | | _ can help with range and stability
Message 746 of 769

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

Don't want to interfere with the wifi issue troubleshooting but I just wanted to throw something out there literally... This could be caused by a shady neighbor who has targeted @Delx with a wifi grenade. This is a wifi jammer that anyone can build with a raspberry pi. My brother was victim to this with his neighbor and it was driving him nuts.
Message 747 of 769
NetDuma Partner

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

Thanks @tekonsite would hope it wouldn't be that but will keep that in mind!
Message 748 of 769

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

I'm also in this same boat. With vlan on the Wan port the xr500 still does not function correctly after 2+years. I'm now going to also purchase an egderouter because my opinion of gaming routers is that they are a waste of space. I will never buy a Netgear product again. This business (Netgear) is all about the next model as soon as it's current top tier model hits the market. It's a joke. Netduma a different story. @netduma_fraser feel free to send me an R2 if it is better than the ubiquity egderouter I will happily pay for it. For many of us money is not the a consideration it's performance....

Before you ask, yes I have placed another switch/router between my gateway and the xr500 but I shouldn't have to. It adds latency and another point of failure/issues. The product was sold as having working ppoe/vlan but it doesn't. And for 2+ years we have been promised it was being worked on. This is what is known as misrepresentation and it's illegal.

<End rant>
Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 749 of 769
NetDuma Partner

Re: New Firmware v2.3.2.108 (XR500)

@D3vious sorry to hear that. Have you tried the very latest .114 beta? In my opinion it is much more stable over the previous builds: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4mwe5sx81gsc129/XR500-V2.3.2.114-DumaOS3.0.203.img?dl=0
Message 750 of 769
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