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Re: XR1000 High upload ping


XR1000 High upload ping

I know I have asked a similar quesiton about ping and using the connection benchmark and the QOS settings to adjust ping but there's been a few changes in my setup since as well as some new developments with my internet connection.  I need to start out by apologizing to the Netduma guys, I've been pretty critical of this routers OS since day one, blaming the majority of my issues with my router on it.  After yesterday's findings regarding my ISP, I can't in good concience ask anything without letting you guys know my problems were mainly stemming from a broken underground service line (which has been fixed) as well as the fact that my db level on my upstream was "on the floor" as the technician put it.  Apparently "the floor"  is the decible level where all the noise ie. (bad cable, wall jack, faulty router/modem, basically any and all interference from every service connected in the neighboorhood resides.  I was picking up ALL of it!!!  This explains the reason why my CPU usage was always through the roof, why I could'nt get a stable connection no matter what I adjusted, changed ect.  Basically my router has been trying to compensate for the entire neighborhoods bad connections.  The technician fixed this issue and I am getting full speeds to and from my XR1000 which is AMAZING!!!  Everything as far as functionality goes is working fine, gaming is 100 percent better for sure.  So I do apologize for blaming you guys for issues that were not caused by you.  


Now on to my question for the day:  I have done 4 connection benchmark tests to see where my up and download ping are since the fix.  The attached pic shows the upload ping soaring out of orbit.  I lowered the QOS to 70 and 70 and it actually mad the upload ping go even higher.  In the test pictured, the QOS setttings are at 90 up and 99 down.  It doesn't seem to be causing any issues but I wanted to know if there was something I should try other than the sliders to attempt to stabalize the upload ping a bit? 

Message 1 of 34

Accepted Solutions

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

@PapaLung wrote:

I know I have asked a similar quesiton....


Did you ask it in the appropriate section?


While many questions about routers are generic and could be answered anywhere, some things need specialist knowledge.

You might get more help, and find earlier questions and answers specific to your device, in the appropriate section for your hardware. That's probably here:

Nighthawk Pro Gaming Routers - NETGEAR Communities

You might like to search there for messages related to your problem.

In the meantime you could visit the support pages:

Support | NETGEAR

Feed in your model number and check the documentation for your hardware. Look at the label on the device for the model number.

Check for various troubleshooting tips.

You may have done this already. I can't tell from your message.

I mention it because Netgear stopped supplying printed manuals and CD versions some years ago and people sometimes miss the downloads.

View solution in original post

Message 2 of 34

All Replies

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

@PapaLung wrote:

I know I have asked a similar quesiton....


Did you ask it in the appropriate section?


While many questions about routers are generic and could be answered anywhere, some things need specialist knowledge.

You might get more help, and find earlier questions and answers specific to your device, in the appropriate section for your hardware. That's probably here:

Nighthawk Pro Gaming Routers - NETGEAR Communities

You might like to search there for messages related to your problem.

In the meantime you could visit the support pages:

Support | NETGEAR

Feed in your model number and check the documentation for your hardware. Look at the label on the device for the model number.

Check for various troubleshooting tips.

You may have done this already. I can't tell from your message.

I mention it because Netgear stopped supplying printed manuals and CD versions some years ago and people sometimes miss the downloads.

Message 2 of 34

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

I know I have asked a similar quesiton about ping and using the connection benchmark and the QOS settings to adjust ping but there's been a few changes in my setup since as well as some new developments with my internet connection.  I need to start out by apologizing to the Netduma guys, I've been pretty critical of this routers OS since day one, blaming the majority of my issues with my router on it.  After yesterday's findings regarding my ISP, I can't in good concience ask anything without letting you guys know my problems were mainly stemming from a broken underground service line (which has been fixed) as well as the fact that my db level on my upstream was "on the floor" as the technician put it.  Apparently "the floor"  is the decible level where all the noise ie. (bad cable, wall jack, faulty router/modem, basically any and all interference from every service connected in the neighboorhood resides.  I was picking up ALL of it!!!  This explains the reason why my CPU usage was always through the roof, why I could'nt get a stable connection no matter what I adjusted, changed ect.  Basically my router has been trying to compensate for the entire neighborhoods bad connections.  The technician fixed this issue and I am getting full speeds to and from my XR1000 which is AMAZING!!!  Everything as far as functionality goes is working fine, gaming is 100 percent better for sure.  So I do apologize for blaming you guys for issues that were not caused by you.  


Now on to my question for the day:  I have done 4 connection benchmark tests to see where my up and download ping are since the fix.  The attached pic shows the upload ping soaring out of orbit.  I lowered the QOS to 70 and 70 and it actually mad the upload ping go even higher.  In the test pictured, the QOS setttings are at 90 up and 99 down.  It doesn't seem to be causing any issues but I wanted to know if there was something I should try other than the sliders to attempt to stabalize the upload ping a bit? 

Message 3 of 34
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

Brilliant to hear that you were able to isolate your issues and get those fixed!

We're still improving Benchmark results so don't worry about it too much as it's unlikely to be that bad in reality. Congestion Control is the feature to change to lower the results of the graph. I would suggest trying 10% intervals to see what lowers it the most, if you have to go really low down to see similar results to the Ping Test then set Congestion Control to Auto Enable so it only applies when gaming. If it still doesn't make any significant difference let us know and I'll give you an alternative method for fine tuning QoS.
Message 4 of 34

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

So I had everythig working great, but, things started getting funky and now I am loosing around 400 mbps when I have QOS enabled.  I know that I read an article that was either in the netgear community or the Duma OS community under troubleshooting that explained the steps to take to narrow down exaclty what to do when this happens ie set qos to never, then disable qos, then test speeds, ect.  but I cannot find it anywhere.  Any help on digging this troubleshooting page for the qos would be a great help.  Thanks for any help in advance!!! 

Message 5 of 34
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

Interesting, I believe this is the article you're referring to right?



So with QoS disabled, speeds are normal right?


How about with Congestion Control just simply set to Auto-enable?

Message 6 of 34

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you!!


With QOS disabled I am able to get normal speeds via Ookla speed test.  When QOS is enabled, and in auto, the speeds drop. Currnetly I have my XB8 modem set up with the wifi turned off, and the WAN ip of the router entered in the modems DMZ.  When I put the XB8 modem in bridge mode, I cannot get full speeds regardless if QOS is on or off.  I also noticed that when in bridge mode, I have ipv6 capability, but in the current mode (DMZ, wifi off) I can only get ipv4, and with ipv6 set to auto detect on the router, it shows the signal as "passthrough" in the ipv6 settings.  I'm not sure if it's a xfinity OS thing, or if I don't have the right numbers in the right places.  The good news is that my line is finally stable so I can focus on getting the rest of my sytem set up.  

Message 7 of 34
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

Some modems bridge mode in my experience are a bit flaky, I use DMZ at home myself and find it’s much better. Glad to hear it’s all going in the right direction!
Message 8 of 34

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

So I follwed the instructions to narrow down where my speed loss issues lie.  At this point, the only way I can achieve my true isp provided speeds is by having my isp modem in normal mode with wifi turned off, modem DMZ on with router wan ip entered, router ipv6 off and qos turned off.  I'm not quite sure where to go from here.  

Message 9 of 34
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

What are your speeds on speedtest.net with QoS enabled but set to 100%?

Message 10 of 34

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

37 up 653-735 down
Message 11 of 34
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

What are they without? Do speeds increase with QoS on with the protection options in WAN Settings disabled and NAT set to Open?
Message 12 of 34

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

980-942 down 42 up.  Here is a photo of what I have as far as WAN settings.  I'm not sure what is safe to disable and what is not.  I also have armor, but I've had it disabled since before this thread started. I did try it on and off to see if it made a difference and it definitly slowed things down when activated.   

Message 13 of 34
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

So click Disable Port Scan and DoS protection, do your speeds increase then? Also can you provide a screenshot of your QoS page please?

Message 14 of 34

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

I'll try not to butcher this explanation of what I have done and discovered.  When I disabled dos protection port scanning, the speeds stayed low at 650 down and 36 up, I then hit reset on the bandwidth allocation to see if that would do anything and re tested the speeds.  The down was 998 and the up was 42 on the speed test.  When I reset the bandwidth allocation, the settings were set to devices and share down and upload speeds.  I went to the connection benchmark page to see what kind of test score I would get and then went back to the qos page.  When the qos page loaded, the allocation had switched from devices to applications.  I did the speed test again and got the 998 down and 42 up again.  I then went back to the qos page, switched the allocation from applications to devices and clicked on the update distribution tab.  I then did another speed test and got 630 down and 37 up.  I then switched the allocation back to applications and hit the update tab, then tested the speeds, the speeds were low again 647 down and 35 up.  I hit the reset distribution tab, tested the speeds and bam, they were back up agian.  I went back and forth between updating the distribution and resetting the distrubution, testing speeds after each, and every time I updated the distribution, regardless what was chosen between devices or applications, the speed would go down and stay down until I reset the distribution.  I hope this makes sense.  

Message 15 of 34
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

OK great work, really narrowed it down there.


I think part of the problem could be that your speeds in DumaOS are lower than what you can actually get your ISP. If you click the three-line menu in Congestion Control then Set Bandwidth speeds, update those values manually to 1000/45 roughly.


Bandwidth Allocation I believe works off of these values so it's good to have them set correctly.


Test it out after that and see what the results are.

Message 16 of 34

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

I set the speeds to your suggested values, performed the speed tests on speedtest.net, and I am getting the same results.  

Message 17 of 34
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

Well done on getting it sorted and providing the solution, now you get great speeds and can use QoS!
Message 18 of 34

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

I'm still not clear as to why, when I hit the "updated distribution" tab, after selecting either "devices" or "applications", the speeds drop?   If I reset the distribution, and then perform the Ookla speed test, my speeds go back to normal.  That's the only thing that's not making sense to me at the moment.  

Message 19 of 34
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

I think that's a quirk of Bandwidth Allocation that has been there for sometime, I think when updating the router thinks these devices are going to use their allocations so it holds some speed back, when reset it doesn't apply. I agree it shouldn't quite work like that.
Message 20 of 34

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

I see, thank you for the information, I was running out of hairs to pull out lol!!! One other quick question, when using the geofilter, is it normal for speeds to drop also?
Message 21 of 34
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

On a PC or console? Either way the Geo-Filter doesn't cover the usual ports that would be used in a speedtest unless they're using different ports
Message 22 of 34

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

I'm using the geofilter for console (xbox SX).

I noticed a big difference in game play while the filter was on. Slower loading times and lag. I did a speed test on the console and on Ookla' both tests showed below 550 mps down and the up dropped to 27 on the console and 30 on Ookla. I turned off the geofilter and deleted the xbox from it. My speeds went back to normal after. During game play, I was connected to close, stable servers with 45-60 ping (that's as low as I can/have ever gotten). so I don't believe that was the issue.
Message 23 of 34
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

Interesting, did anything appear blocked on the map when you were doing the speedtest?
Message 24 of 34

Re: XR1000 High upload ping

Not that I noticed but I will test it with the xbox added, filter off and on to see. I still have an issue where servers that should be in the states are showing in England. I can start a new question thread on that if needed, I have a few questions regarding the geofilter I'd like answered if possible.
Message 25 of 34
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