Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

AD7200 WiFi Inoperable, finicky LAN Connection


AD7200 WiFi Inoperable, finicky LAN Connection

Hello everyone,


I've got an issue with my router that Ican't seem to solve and I am confident it is a hardware issue at this point. Here's the details:


Model: R9000 | Nighthawk X10 AD7200 Smart WiFi Router

Firmware: V1.0.5.40

OS: Windows 10



[ISP] > [Netgear Nighthawk Cable Modem CM1200] > [R9000 | Nighthawk X10 AD7200 Router] > (ports: 1. Switch, 2. PC 3. PC)


Aside from random cut outs I've experienced, I haven't had much issues with this router. Yesterday the internet connection completly stopped for all connected devices. WiFi was operational, only wired devices had issues. I isolated the issue to be the Router. I power cycled and it didn't take. disconnected all devices, turned on router: showed good. connected first PC; good. second PC; good, third, switch; all internet connection went offline. reset a couple of times and tried again. it kind of worked again. Spotty internet was being used by the devices, however PCs eventually showed "no internet" connection on LAN connection, but was still able to use internet.


Strangly, everything went back to normal and showed proper readings for WIRED connections, but then all WiFi capabilities ceased, router not shown on wirless connections list. 2.5GHz and 5GHz lights off, 60Ghz Solid. inside router settings it shows "Wireless WArning: Off", however, the physical button on the router is enabled and "enable wireless router radio" is enabled. I cannot connect the the router by any means WiFi radio, including the app. it's currently able to connect Wired devices to the internet, but not wireless.


I've tried factory resetting multiple times (it also would struggle making connections to the internet and my computer when resetting; poor connection performance). even with default settings it doesn't show and only 60Ghz shows solid white. I've tried vaerifying multiple times to make sure I didn't overlook any settings. Couldn't find anything else in the manual or the forums relating to my issued that could resolve it. I put some pictures of my settings if that helps at all.


Not sure what to do and I believe it might be a hardware issue. Did I overlook anything that might be 'user error'? Is there any ideas?



Model: R9000|Nighthawk X10 AD7200 Smart WiFi Router
Message 1 of 2

Re: AD7200 WiFi Inoperable, finicky LAN Connection

Has a factory reset and setup from scratch been performed since last FW update?


What is the brand and model Switch you have connected? 

What CAT# LAN cables are you using? CAT6 is recommended.

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