Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster


Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 running in AP Mode.


Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster.  Two major issues:


First Issue

Updated to latest firmware V3.2.0.108 and the unit would not boot back up.  Stuck at slow fade-in/fade-out white LED and the unit would not boot-up no matter how many times I tried power-cycling it.  I even let it sit overnight but it never came back up.  I finally discovered the unit will boot-up if all network cables are disconnected from the LAN Ports.  If any network cables are connected to the LAN Ports, the unit will not boot.  Once the unit is up, the network cables can then be reconnected to the LAN Ports and everything seems to be functioning normally except for the Second Issue below.


Second Issue

DNS queries from all wireless clients are now being hijacked/intercepted by the unit's built-in DNSmasq daemon.  A transparent proxy now appears to be running on the base unit which intercepts all DNS queries on UDP Port 53 from all wireless clients.  We use our own DHCP and DNS Servers for local LAN name resolution.  The wireless clients can no longer contact our DNS Servers for local name resolution because the DNS queries are being hijacked and processed by DNSmasq on the base unit instead.  This makes the AP's unusable because wireless clients can no longer connect to our local DNS Servers to resolve the names of our local servers, and therefore they cannot connect to any of the servers on our network.


I reverted back to firmware V3.1.1.102 and everything is back to normal.  The unit boots-up normally with all network cables connected to the LAN Ports, and DNS queries from wireless clients can reach our local DNS Servers for name resolution.


Please advise and fix these bugs in the new firmware.


Thank you.


Message 1 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

Hi @RJU064 


Thank you for reaching us. We will be check both of your issues and update here. 


Have a good day!


Message 2 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

Hi @RJU064 


Could you please share the debug logs?

Go to https://<ip address of Orbi 6>/debug.htm

Click on start capture and save debug logs.


Please upload debug logs into google drive and send me link via PM.




Message 3 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

Debug Logs have been uploaded and link sent in PM.


Thank you.


Message 4 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

Hi @RJU064 


Thank you for sharing the logs.  We are fixing your first issue in our upcoming releases. And thank you for mentioning the workaround.

And we are looking into your second issue and update here.


Thank you for choosing Orbi Pro 6. Your feedback is helping make product better. Keep your feedback coming in. 




Message 5 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

Hi @RJU064 


Your second issue will also be addressed in our next release. For now you can stay on V3.1.1.102. 

Thank you for your patience.



Message 6 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

I think twice I've tried to upgrade past and each time I've had to revert back. Very frustrating.


Message 7 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

@RJU064 & @netgear 

I've had EXACTLY the same experience as RJU064 this morning. The auto-firmware update downloaded v3.2.0.108 to my SXR80+SXS80 deployment (running in AP Mode) and after several hours of inconvenience (thanks NetGear), I found this article.

To add to the remedial steps RJU064 stated in their 'fix' (aka downgrade to v3.1.1.102 asap), I also recommend watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N1atnfZGYE to disble the auto-update feature; which natively appears to be ghosted/locked in the routers' web admin 'Firmware Update' section.

NOTE: The YouTube video misses a config line though... there are 4 you need to modify:
 > nvram set orbi_auto_upgrade=0
 > nvram set auto_check_for_upgrade=0
 > nvram set auto-update=0
 > nvram set orbi_auto_upg=0 (not shown in the YouTube video)

NetGear - I think this firmware update should be retracted until stablised; since EVERYONE is going to reboot their kit as part of the upgrade and I strongly doubt whether folks will know to remove all LAN cables everytime a device is power cycled.

Message 8 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

I left eero because I wanted a real network company for my Wi-Fi. Orbi seems all around more sloppy with upgrades. Just one more thing to add to the constant could not apply configuration change messages.

I concur. This update should not still be live on your servers.
Message 9 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

Hi @Madquis 


Are you managing Orbi 6 via Insight or it is a standalone? Please clarify if you are seeing the upgrade failure issue with firmware? 

What is the error message?  Also send the debug logs config failure issue.


Go to https://<ip address of router/satellite>/debug.htm

Click on start capture ( just this nothing else on this page). Then recreate the issue.

Wait for 2-3 mins before saving the debug logs. 

Upload into google drive and send me the links to download the debug file via PM. 


@DarienAL  please send your debug files too.




Message 10 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

Upgraded to V3.2.1.102 this morning. Can confirm that all DNS requests are still being intercepted by the Orbi:


root@SXR80:~# iptables -nvL -tnat
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 2195 packets, 457K bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
  184 11855 REDIRECT   udp  --  br-lan *           !           udp dpt:53 redir ports 53
 1358 91328 REDIRECT   udp  --  br3    *           !         udp dpt:53 redir ports 53
root@SXR80:~# netstat -lntp | grep 53
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      19606/dnsmasq
tcp        0      0 :::53                   :::*                    LISTEN      19606/dnsmasq

My Orbi is in bridge mode (i.e. it's acting as an access point, not a router). There is absolutely NO reason that it should be touching packets above layer 2, much less actively intercepting and logging all DNS requests (are these logs being sent back to Netgear servers for data collection?)!


Netgear, this is unacceptable and unwanted behavior for a device that is meant to be used in a business setting. Please fix ASAP.


I tried flushing the iptables nat table and unloading the ipt_dnshijack kernel module (and others), but the only result was completely breaking DNS for everyone on wireless. The aclhijackdns process was also running but I'm not sure if it has any affect.



Message 11 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

@routerRCE9, thank you for confirming the DNS hijacking problem still exists in this new firmware release as I'm unable to risk an outage by testing myself in my production environment.


I'm very disappointed this new firmware was released to the public without addressing both major issues.  In fact, the DNS issue is not even mentioned as a "known issue" in the release notes.  At least provide notice to everyone running this device in AP Mode that this DNS problem is a known issue in this firmware release.


Message 12 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

No problem, I will keep checking as new updates come out.

As a workaround, your internal DNS server should still be used for lookups as long as the Orbi is configured to use it.

Message 13 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

New SXR80 owers (as of yesterday).  Got it all set up and updated to firmware V3.2.1.102 which appears to be the latest as of this writing (sounds like .108 was pulled due to the non-booting issue, I'm assuming).

We have the system in AP mode.  We have it configured to use a static IP address and our own DNS servers.


We are not able to resolve local DNS lookups on wireless despite configuring the SXR80 to use our DNS servers.


This is simply NOT acceptable for a $700 product!


Is there any ETA on a fix?  This should be URGENT.


Message 14 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

This thread has multiple questions asked. Let me try to address one by one.


lets start with easier once.

1) Netgear does not tracks or uses DNS lookups.

On Orbi Pro. The RA feature in Orbi pro is very watered down and mainly collect things like how many satellites are connected. It does not go into user network details. Here is offical answer for Router Analytics. 



2) Orbi pro allows user to control automatic firmware update ON/OFF.

users can use (optional) Insight manager (first year subscription is normally included ) for setting rules for firmware update

or use Local UI   in following page : Advance->Adminstration->Firmware update

By default automatic firmware update is DISABLED.


3) Insight Instant Mesh (currently supported on WAC540, WAC564, WAX610, etc) is good alternative for power-users who want special settings with mesh backhauls.


4) We acknowledge there is issue with AP mode and static IP address used for Base and Satellites (in 102 firmware). 

Team is coming up with a patch release soon. We have launched a beta program. If you would like to particate, please sign up for this forum to get bleeding edge software releases. Sometimes, we will have  new features and almost always bug fixes few days or weeks ahead of the offical scheduled release to support portal.






Message 15 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

I agree with the DNS getting hijacked.  I've rolled back to so I could see my client IPs on my DNS server instead fo the AP.

Message 16 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

The suspect URL hijacking is most likely related to the URL filter (blacklist) feature* [plain text DNS based, 53/UDP and 53/TCP] available on Insight and active certainly on each WAC5xx and WAX6xx which spans now out to the Orbi Pro systems, too. The standalone configured WAC5xx and WAX6xx also offer the URL filter with a URL and keyword blacklist fwiw. 


Based on observations, the WAC5xx and WAX6xx have this unlucky iptable config shown above (not retaining the original wireless client source IP on DNS queries) on access points with the URL filtering enabled only. 


Afraid, have neither Orbi Pro nor a Orbi Pro WIFI 6 at hand to compare. 


*NETGEAR Insight Basic and Premium mobile app and Insight Cloud Portal User Manual p.113 (also available on Netgear Insight Pro for the VAR and MSP arena)


Message 17 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

There was a Beta firmware made available today -> SXK80 Beta Firmware Version with some interesting bug fixes:


Bug Fixes

This firmware addresses the following bugs:

  • Fixes DNS issues that DNS request is hijacked when clients configure static DNS server
  • 512 DHCP clients support in LAN1 setting
  • Fixes wrong IP assignment in VLANed networks
  • Fixes wired satellite is showed disconnected in Insight webportal
Message 18 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

Message 19 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

Installed the v3.2.3.100 firmware last night.  Haven't checked for the "resolved" issues.  Initial observations is that roaming and changing the wireless connections between wireless 1/VLAN1, wireless 2/VLAN2, etc. is much faster that with previous firmware revision, impressably so.


As to issues...

1- ethernet backhaul does not work with MAC ACL security enabled.  All firmware revs have been dodgy with this but previously have been able to get the satellite to sync after 4 or 5 attempts.  With MAC ACL turned off the satellite syncs very fast, with it on, not at all.  And sync'ing first and then enabling MAC ACL breaks the link.

2-when using port 2 for the WAN connection my 1G download speed is cut in half.  (this is corrected in beta v3.2.2.101)

3-the attached devices are shown, but it takes a long time before they are reported correctly.  For instance after a reboot all my google home devices show up as "wired" then 20 to 30 minute later they'll get reported correctly as a wireless device.

Message 20 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

Hi @stevethompson 


Could you please share the debug logs for your (3) issues?




Message 21 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

sending now

Message 22 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

Those that have updated WiFiPro6 devices to official v3.2.3.100 via Insight App - a question?

Does this app update again wipe out all reserved IP addresses upon restart?

Thank you.
Message 23 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

Hi @stevethompson 


We have made some improvement on your issues 1 & 2 .Would you be interested in trying it out and provide your feedback?




Message 24 of 26

Re: Orbi Pro 6 SXR80 - Firmware Update V3.2.0.108 is a Disaster

Yes, will test it.
Message 25 of 26
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