Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches


Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

Orbi Pro WiFi 6 Mini AX1800 Mesh System

FW = V4.0.1.100


Everything has been left as defult except the three SSID's I created.


Enabled Guest Portal Network

Enabled SSID Broadcast

VLAN profile Guest 40.


authentiation Mode = local

Password authentication = entered a password

Expiration 6 hours


uploaded my own .txt file.

uploaded my own logo at 200MPx200MP


with a redirected URL.


However, when applied settings this way, the captive portal never launches on a mobile device. My computer (m1 mac mini) will launch it from firefox. iPhone and iPad will not launch it when the guest network is selected in settings. It just connects but then says no internet connection. When i try to load a page in mobile safari and it doesn't work. When I try to load a page in firefox on mobile device nothing happens. 


I have already completely reset my router once. Not looking to do it again. 


Does the Captive portal just suck or something and not work?


Message 1 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

What iOS is on the Apple devices? 

Have you tried disabling WiFi Private Address on the apple devices then try the guest network page? 

Message 2 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

I’m using 15.3.1 on iOS

I had not tried disabling private wifi but the same process still happens. Connects to router but then says no internet connection.

Thanks for the help. Any other info I can send your way?
Message 3 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

You are not alone, I have the same issue. My current setup is very similar to yours.


Orbi Pro WiFi 6 Mini  Mesh System

FW = V4.0.1.100

Everything has been left as defult except the three SSID's I created.

Enabled Guest Portal Network

Enabled SSID Broadcast

VLAN profile Guest 40.

authentiation Mode = local

Password authentication = entered a password

Expiration 2 hours

uploaded my own logo at 200 x 200 ; but default logo also has the same issue

no redirected URL.


My installation is in a small public building with many of users. Apple products do not seem to work; but all types of Android and Windows devices are fine, and can see the logo, and login successfully. To me, this looks like an Apple security issue with the Guest network. I need a short term fix, so I'm using one of the other wireless networks as a Guest network, but without the logo and timeout features. I too would like a fix for this issue.



Message 4 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

Hi @JDWillmore , @PossetBoy ,


Our engineering team are aware of the issue and working on a fix, a beta firmware should be available next week. Once the firmware is ready I will reach out via PM to get beta NDA agreement and provide download link.




Message 5 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

Hi @DavidGo ,

Can I get a copy of the beta firmware for the SXR30 Mini, that fixes the issue with iOS devices trying to connect to the Guest Portal, and not being redirected to the Captive Portal page to enter the guest password.

Currently on latest FW : V4.0.1.100
iOS version 15.4 (19E241)


Message 6 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

Hi @BrainSuperGlue , @JDWillmore , @PossetBoy 


The beta is available at [In Beta] SXK30/50/80 Beta Firmware Version 

  • [SXK30] Fixes guest portal sometime doesn’t pop-up


Please let me know if you encounter any issues.




Message 7 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

Hi @DavidGo ,

I'm logged into Netgear Community, I've tried three different browsers but keep getting Access Denied for that link for the beta.


Please can you fix any access permissions to the beta.

ThanksAD Beta Page.PNG

Message 8 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

Hi @BrainSuperGlue 


The download links for the beta

SXR30: https://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/BETA-FW/SXR30-V4.2.0.122-beta-signed.zip

SXS30: https://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/BETA-FW/SXS30-V4.2.0.122-beta-signed.zip


Thanks for the heads up, I'll check out the permissions issue to that thread.




Message 9 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

Hi @DavidGo 


The beta firmware works well for me, so good news.


A slight inconvenience occurred a few minutes after installing the router firmware. Orbilogin could no longer display any details, and on rebooting I had to start from scratch (i.e., the same as when I opened the box for the first time). So no Device (i.e., Router) displayed on Insight Cloud, so renaming Satellites, populating Content Filtering again ..etc...

However, this isn't really a big problem, and the firmware fix is well worth the hassle (and it may well be due to me anyway). Many thanks to the team for the fix. 

Message 10 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

Hi @DavidGo ,

Thanks for the links. Firmware has improved some but I'm still seeing some quirks with iOS 15.

When the guest network is selected from the phone's Wi-Fi menu, the captive portal page is now being shown (thanks). You type in the requested password then get the "You are now connected to [Name of Guest Network]. You can close this window at any time".

You are NOT then connected to the guest network on the phone, it still shows a cellular network.

If you tap on Cancel or press Home, you are put back to list of networks, still not connected to the Guest Network.

If you THEN tap on the guest network again, it WILL become the active network (given you have already signed into the captive portal.

This goes against any other captive sign on I've ever used or set up. You would normally type in a guest password, Agree and the network connects there and then.

Some more coding needs to be done on the captive portal...

If I need to raise a ticket for this, I will.



Message 11 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

This problem with the portal also exists in V4.0.0.118. (And needs to be fixed!)


I played with the beta for about 15 minutes. In the beta, WPA2 security is added to the Guest portal, but it is not integrated with the Authentication option in the Guest portal. Thus, a user is asked for two passwords. This is counter to any guest portal I've ever used.  Please fix this before release.

Message 12 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

@quagmire1 If requiring WPA2 it must always happen before the Wireless connection eg. to access the portal can be accessed - so always two logins.


The proper solution would be deploying Enhanced Open (OWS, Opportunistic Wireless Encryption) instead of a static WPA2 configuration (shared).


The said captive portal issue is fixed as part of the coming up 4.2, not for 4.0.

Message 13 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

Hi @BrainSuperGlue 


I tested this and not seeing any issues. Tested with iOS 15 and Android 12 and both connected, prompted for password, then redirected to the specified redirect URL. 


The Authentication has since timed out, and both devices re-connected without any issues. Can you try 'forget the network' and try connecting again?






Message 14 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

Hi @DavidGo ,

Thanks for the follow up. Just some checking to make sure we are on the same page.

1. All the tests I've done involve forgetting the guest portal network beforehand.

2. The Guest Portal doesn't have an additional WPA2 etc password enabled for it, nor any redirect URL. It only has the Guest Portal password request. We don't need a redirect URL. We get the standard "You've successfully connected to [guest portal] conformation, which is fine as we want the Orbi Pro to be self contained, as it is and not rely on a webpage which is external to it.

The issue being that directly after the successful guest portal password conformation, the phone does not connect to the guest portal network, no network fan icon either. You have to go back into the phone's network settings then select the guest network again and THEN it will show the network fan icon and you can use the Internet through it.

I've got a test iPhone 6s on iOS 15.4.1 with the Orbi Pro software on

Is that the same setup you're using?



Message 15 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

I'm seeing exactly the same issue as @BrainSuperGlue . I'm using an SXK80 on firmware  I see this behavior on both an iPhone 12 Pro and an iPad Pro 11 inch 2021 model. Both devices are running iOS 15.4.1 (though the problem also occurred on 15.4).


I do get the correct behavior if I use a redirect URL - I've been using google as a test.  However, like @BrainSuperGlue , I do not want to go to a redirected URL - I just want users to be able to safely exit the Guest Portal.

Message 16 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

Hi @quagmire1 ,

Glad to hear it's not just me and I'm not going mad!

Logically, it appears if the Guest Portal redirect URL is active, then before the redirect takes place, a system *CONNECT TO AUTHENTICATED GUEST NETWORK* command happens, in order for there to be an Orbi Pro network connection available, to provide the requested URL.

That if the redirect URL is NOT active, that system *CONNECT TO AUTHENTICATED GUEST NETWORK* command is never initiated by the Orbi Pro and ultimately the user has to manually tap on the guest network again in the phone's network list, to get connected to it.

That's what it looks like. I'm sure @DavidGo can get confirmation from the firmware dev team, if this is the case.



Message 17 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches



We can reproduce it. We will try to release new firmware to let you confirm first.

Message 18 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

Thanks @BruceGuo 

I have the SXK30 handy, so when the beta firmware fixing the issue is available, I'll test it soon as.

Message 19 of 20

Re: Orbi Pro SXK30 guest splash page never launches

Hi @BruceGuo 

Any news on the beta / release firmware for the SXK30 that fixes the "not connecting to Orbi network if no forwarding URL is used" bug?



Message 20 of 20
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