Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences


Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

For those with a Orbi AX or AXE systems and whom have native IPv6 support from there ISP, when you get a chance could you please check out how IPv6 is working if your ISP supports it natively. Especially important, if you are on Comcast, please check it out. The easiest would be to run the test at this site, it is quick and non-disruptive:



To turn on IPv6, go to your router admin page, Advanced Tab, click Advanced in the left sidebar, and click IPv6. On the right hand side click the drop down that may show "Disabled", and select "Auto Detect" (see screenshot
below). Then click Apply. when complete, that dropdown value will show something else (like DHCP). Please report that too.


Most browsers (Edge, Chrome, Safari; don't know about Firefox) appear to default to IPv6 now, so if IPv6 is flaky, you will also see slow performance, lags bringing up web pages, etc. So please post here what you see good/bad! Be sure and report your IPv6 test score from the above web page (more importantly, what tests if any failed, or post a screenshot), report your ISP, and the IPv6 type from the dropdown box on the right:

You should see a test score of 10/10 if everything is working. Check it over time too, as we have seen things change over time.


Please post your results.
To test IPv6 features, the RBR needs to be in router mode, not AP mode.
Please observe IPv6 uptime and any disconnections of IPv6 and post your observations seen
Please post who the ISP you use.
Please post brand and model# of ISP modem/ONT that the Orbi system is connected to.
IPv6 Type (Auto, DHCP, 6to4 Tunnel, etc)
Your default IPv6 DNS server(s) (ISPs, Google, Cloudfare, Quad9 etc.) Please try a custom IPv6 DNS configuration besides the ISP default. 
Operating System of device used to test (Windows 11, Mac Ventura 13.5, iOS 16.5, etc.)


Thank you for your feedback!

Message 1 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

I posted a bug on this with Netgear, but for months I have found IPv6 will not last long. After enabling it I get 10/10, but anywhere from 4  hours to 3 days I am at 0/10 and I have to re-enable it.


However, a breakthrough of sorts - I changed the IPv6 DNS servers to manual settings, the Google DNS servers - no more automatic Comcast DNS servers. I am in day 13 of IPv6 working perfectly, 10/10 the whole time!


To answer Furry's questions:


Please post who the ISP you use - Comcast
Brand and model# of ISP modem/ONT that the Orbi system is connected to - Netgear CM3000 (I saw problem with Netgear CM2050V as well)
IPv6 Type (Auto, DHCP, 6to4 Tunnel, etc) - Auto/becomes DHCP, also tried direct enabling using DHCP
Your default IPv6 DNS server(s) (ISPs, Google, Cloudfare, Quad9 etc.) - Problems that I report above happened with default Comcast DNS servers. Now use Google DNS servers that I enter manually - 2001:4860:4860:::8888 and 2001:4860:4860:::4444
Operating System of device used to test (Windows 11, Mac Ventura 13.5, iOS 16.5, etc.) - Failure was verified on MacBook Pro M3, MacBook Pro M2, iPad Pro 2021, and iPhone 15 Pro.


Message 2 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

I’m on Comcast. The only time I have a problem 9/10) is if I have either of the Netgear Armor VPNs on (Safe Browsing or Hydra). When either of these are on, I get the DNS problem in the IPV6 test (9/10). I am set on Auto and specifically use the Comcast DNS addresses ( not get automatically, I have them entered).

If anyone is having a problem, it is probably due to a VPN.
Message 3 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

What happens you change the IPv6 DNS to something other than ISP IPv6 DNS? Can you try Cloudfare or Quad9 or Google IPv6 DNS and see if this changes the behavior? 


@owlyn wrote:
I’m on Comcast. The only time I have a problem 9/10) is if I have either of the Netgear Armor VPNs on (Safe Browsing or Hydra). When either of these are on, I get the DNS problem in the IPV6 test (9/10). I am set on Auto and specifically use the Comcast DNS addresses ( not get automatically, I have them entered).

If anyone is having a problem, it is probably due to a VPN.


Message 4 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

I have had IPv6 problems as reported above and I don't use a VPN.

Message 5 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

Any updates on this? 

@donawalt wrote:

I have had IPv6 problems as reported above and I don't use a VPN.


Message 6 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

Ever since I changed from auto-DNS detection on IPv6 to manual entry of the 2 Google IPv6 DNS servers, no problems!

Message 7 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

On Verizon Fios, the only option that works is auto config but there is ipv6 address on wan available. Anyone with Fios experience the same? I am using the most recent firmware. 



Message 8 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

Do you get other IPv6 options on the IPv6 menu page? 

Using ISP IPv6 DNS or any custom IPv6 DNS?


What are your IPv6 testing results from the IPv6 testing site? 

@Deihmos wrote:

On Verizon Fios, the only option that works is auto config but there is ipv6 address on wan available. Anyone with Fios experience the same? I am using the most recent firmware. 




Message 9 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

There are other options such as DHCP but it does not work. The only option that work is auto config. I use Google DNS because the ISP does not provide any. Ipv6 works fine, my only concern is why the wan address says unavailable. Clearly, ipv6 is an after thought on the router. The Verizon branded router provides a lot more data.

Message 10 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

What is the Mfr and model# of the Internet Service Providers modem/ONT the NG router is connected too?

Message 11 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

This is additional information for the Engineers, as I had another IPv6-related failure. I also have links to 2 dropbox files which are LAN/WAN debug captures, which I sent to Netgear but are not linked here.


I added this info to my support ticket #48125362.


This morning I woke to find that my iPhone 15 (purchased fall 2023) and my new iPad Pro (new last week) both had lost WiFi. In both cases, the WiFi Settings showed a connection to my network, yet the top right corner said "5G". I verified in Speediest that the network being used was my cellular carrier not my WiFi network. Also, I checked the RBR960 and both RBS960s, and none had any colored lights for the LED. I checked their debug pages, all was fine - memory and CPU was stable and where it should be, both RBSs showed a hop count of 1.


I also plugged my phone into an ethernet cable, and that worked fine. So the Internet/from Comcast, my modem, the router were all fine supplying network access. Only WiFi was failing.


Other Apple devices in the house were fine. I checked a MacBook Pro 2023, MacBook Pro 2022, iPhone SE (4-5 years old), and an iPad (around 5 years old). Things I tried, to restore WiFi on these 2 devices, without success:


- I turned WiFi off and on, on the device.
- I moved around the house and tested next to both RBSs and the RBR.
- Since both devices support the WiFi 6E standard, I turned that off, to see if WiFi 5 was available. It was not.
- Private WiFi address is turned off on my home network. I tried with it turned on.
- Limit IP address tracking is normally turned on - I tried with it turned off.
- I restarted the device


So I finally found something that worked. I did a Reset Network Settings on both devices. Then, I re-added them to the WiFi network. All worked fine! So at this point, I thought maybe just something got messed up on the new devices, or it could be an issue with the Orbi and newer devices working. But then...


I went to put both devices on their manual IP addresses. I have about 6 devices in the house on manual addresses, starting at (my DHCP pool is .150). Note, DHCP is provided by the Orbi RBR960. As soon as I added the manual IP address, WiFi was lost! I went back to automatic DHCP, and it worked. I readied the manual entry, and 5G came back! So it seemed at this point, the RBR960 was not able to handle a manual IP address. I made sure there was no conflict on the ip address being used.


At this point, I left the devices on automatic so they would have WiFi. I did some more testing and checking things out, and I discovered NO DEVICE on the network had IPv6 - it said when I tested, that there was no public IPv6 address that the test server could see. IPv6 had been fine for at least a month, since I turned off the default IPv6 DNS servers (Comcast), and manually entered two IPv6 Google DNS servers. So then, I did what I have done in the past to restore IPv6 - I re-selected DHCP on the Advanced/IPv6 page on the router admin page, and IPv6 came back for everybody.

One last piece though - I went back, and found I had no issues entering a manual IP address for the two devices! So the IPv6 failure seemed to kill the manual IP address use of two late-model devices.


There are 2 debug capture files. One is called "Debug Log no WiFi.zip". While this was running, I made a point to turn off/on WiFi on the devices, thinking maybe a failure would be seen in the log file. 


The second log file is "Debug Log ipv6 fail and redetect.zip" - this was running after I discovered IPv6 had failed, and I continued to have it run through the re-detect of DHCP on the Advanced /IPv6 page of the router.

I can provide these if anyone else needs them - they are linked on support ticket #48125362.

Message 12 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

How many days uptime before event?

CPU usage stable?

Also what LAN ports are you using for the ethernet connection on the RBS? 2.5Gb or 1Gb ports?


Yes please update the support tickets.


Message 13 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

How many days uptime before event? RBR960 has been up 20 days, RBS960s 13 days each.


CPU usage stable? yes - so has memory been stable (and low).


Also what LAN ports are you using for the ethernet connection on the RBS? 2.5Gb or 1Gb ports? 2.5G

Message 14 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

Any IPv6 feedback on this? 
What is consensus here with using ISP vs custom IPv6 DNS addresses? 

Does custom seem to work better than ISP IPv6 DNS? 


Have you gone back and tried ISP IPv6 DNS @donawalt 


Message 15 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

@FURRYe38 nor yet. I want to let V.21 run a good while to see if problems creep in over time like with V.31. I’ll test with Comcast servers once that’s concluded one way or the other! Oh- so far 15 hours in, IPv6 is fine with google DNS servers.

Message 16 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

Sounds good. Thank you Sir. 😉

Message 17 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

I am using ipv6 with google nest smoke abs carbon monoxide detectors. I ran the ipv6 test with spectrum and got a 10/10

Message 18 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

Are you using ISP detected IPv6 DNS or custom IPv6 DNS? 

@Jgoldsti wrote:

I am using ipv6 with google nest smoke abs carbon monoxide detectors. I ran the ipv6 test with spectrum and got a 10/10


Message 19 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

ISP detected 

Message 20 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

No odd issues or mysterious reboots or disconnections with the RBR? 

@Jgoldsti wrote:

ISP detected 


Message 21 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

I do have occasional weird problems where the units lock up. When I reboot them, they loose the settings. Happens every several months. Not that often and not that annoying.

unfortunately the Google nest smoke detectors use IPv6 to communicate with each other.

Message 22 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

Something to try some custom IPv6 DNS configurations and see if this changes any of those behaviors. 

Message 23 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences

Thank you. I am trying out with cloudflare dns servers for ipv4 and IPv6

Message 24 of 25

Re: Orbi and IPv6 Feedback and Experiences


Message 25 of 25
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