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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version


Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

@Retired_Member wrote:

I called NG support and was told there is no way to prevent automatic updated once the Router is set-up. The only way the tech knew about the prevent automatic firmware updates is to choose the option during the initial configuration process.

There's an option for this during setup?  I sure don't remember seeing one.  (I am not about to do a Factory Reset just to find out.)

Message 176 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

What the hell man. Orbi has been rock solid for months. Noticed random reboots today and yesterday. Sure enough, logged in a saw V2.3.1.44. was on V2.2.1.210 and everything was running smoothly. 


Just tried to install V2.2.1.210 and got the error that this was NOT the right firmware for this model. Tripled check and I indeed have the RBR50 firmware. NG FAQ says in order to go from .210 to .44, we had to go to v2.2.1.212. How in the world did mine go from .210 to .44. Now, router keeps rebooting. Jesus Netgear...... you literally suck.

Message 177 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

ok, so problems again after its autoupdated to 44

how can I disable autoupdate so I can stay on .210 for a while please?

Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 178 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

could you tell me how to do the disable as I want to stay on .210 for a bit.

I know in the past it used to be telnet in etc.. but not sure current method.

I have opendns so could potentially stop it there... 

if you don't mind, would you let me know.

Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 179 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

Manually download the RBR v44 file and re-load it on the RBR. Use IE11 or Firefox browser. After it loads and the RBR is ready, factory reset the RBR and setup from scratch. 


I set this up on a RBK50 system two days ago, just got 1 satellite ethernet backhaul configured last nite. Zero problems. 

@bowmah wrote:

What the hell man. Orbi has been rock solid for months. Noticed random reboots today and yesterday. Sure enough, logged in a saw V2.3.1.44. was on V2.2.1.210 and everything was running smoothly. 


Just tried to install V2.2.1.210 and got the error that this was NOT the right firmware for this model. Tripled check and I indeed have the RBR50 firmware. NG FAQ says in order to go from .210 to .44, we had to go to v2.2.1.212. How in the world did mine go from .210 to .44. Now, router keeps rebooting. Jesus Netgear...... you literally suck.


Message 180 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

Yes, this is a known issue. Seems to have come in on v32 we think. NG is aware of it. 

@randomousity wrote:

Apparently, if you uncheck the box on the NTP page for automatically adjusting for daylight saving time, the traffic meter works properly. I had the same issue, unchecked the box, and now my usage appears about what I'd expect the traffic meter to show. The only thing that really changes adversely from doing that is that your logs will all be time-stamped an hour off, since they'll be showing the time in standard time.


Message 181 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

If you manually downgrade to .210 you can then telnet and disable autoupdates. See https://www.reddit.com/r/orbi/comments/8ke43v/how_to_disable_autoupdate/dz6xz9l/


This worked fine for me. As far as I can tell, once you update to .44 if you change those settings it will autoupgrade once (even if you're already on .44) and then not do it again.


@CrimpOn FWIW I recently did a factory reset as part of the manual upgrade to .44 and I don't remember seeing a setting to prevent autoupdates.

Message 182 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

I didn't see an option to disable AutoUpdate. 

@CrimpOn wrote:

@Retired_Member wrote:

I called NG support and was told there is no way to prevent automatic updated once the Router is set-up. The only way the tech knew about the prevent automatic firmware updates is to choose the option during the initial configuration process.

There's an option for this during setup?  I sure don't remember seeing one.  (I am not about to do a Factory Reset just to find out.)


Message 183 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

@BartleyR7 wrote:

Answers inline.


@FURRYe38 wrote:

What is the Mfr and model# of the ISP modem the NG router is connected too?

Like original post mentioned, I'm not connected to a modem from the Orbi. I'm connected to an EdgeRouter 4. If you mean the modem (connect to the EdgeRouter 4), it's a Motorola SurfBoard 6190. That and the EdgeRouter 4 (both in terms of physical hardware and firmware versions) haven't changed.


Do LAN wired speeds degrade as well? As original post mentioned, no, LAN speeds remain stable.

How was the FW updated? via Auto update? Or manually? Manual frimware update was done by upgrading first to v2.2.1.212 and then to (per release notes: https://kb.netgear.com/000060756)

Try a full factory reset on the system and setup from scratch. I'm not going to do this until I exhaust other options. If this is the requirement/fix to every problem Netgear introduces in new firmware versions, then it's probably time for me to jump ship anyway.


What is the size of your home? Sq Ft? This can't be the issue since I've been using the Orbi for over a year in the same house without this problem. Placement of router and satelliete haven't changed.
What is the distance between the router and satellite(s)? 30 feet is recommended in between them to begin with depending upon building materials when wirelessly connected. This recommendation is met, and hasn't changed in over a year.


What channels are you using? Auto? Try setting manual channel 1, 6 or 11 on 2.4Ghz and any unused channel on 5Ghz. Auto channels. Manually setting channels had no effect.
Any Wifi Neighbors near by? If so, how many? This is difficult to quantify as we live in a populated area. The short answer is yes, although it is relatively constant. I did a quick survey and found 18 visible SSIDs. However, less than half of them have a signal strength that would support connection. I did not attempt to connect to networks that are not mine. However, this has also remained relatively constant, if not over the past year then at least over the past 3 months.

@BartleyR7 wrote:

Has anyone else noticed WiFi speeds that degrade over time with this latest firmware? I only have a few data points (just updated ~48 hours ago), but already I've had to power cycle my router and satellite twice to get speeds back up to normal. I normally have around 300Mbps down / 12MBps up, but after the router has been up for ~5 hours, all WiFi speeds dramatically degrade to cap around 30Mbps down. I've tested this on a Mac (macOS 10.14.4) and multiple iOS devices (all running 12.2) and get the same results. But this only affects WiFi. If I plug directly into the router or satellite, I still get normal speeds. When I power cycle the router and satellite, everything returns to normal for a while but seems to degrade.


I did disable implicit beamforming and MU-MIMO (separately to test) to see if that helps. Having implicit beamforming off but MU-MIMO on didn't seem to matter. Now I'm testing with both off.


I'm using the Orbi in AP mode (1 router, 1 satellite) behind an EdgeRouter 4. No Ethernet backhaul.



An update about this. I'm now ~24 hours in to my last restart, and WiFi speeds seem to be holding up. The only thing I changed (after my last test) was disabling MU-MIMO. Will keep monitoring though.

Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 184 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

Ok sounds good, Yes, if you don't have any mimo supporting devices, that can be disabled. Keep Beamforming enabled however. Save off a back up config to file. 

@BartleyR7 wrote:

An update about this. I'm now ~24 hours in to my last restart, and WiFi speeds seem to be holding up. The only thing I changed (after my last test) was disabling MU-MIMO. Will keep monitoring though.


Message 185 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

@BartleyR7 wrote:

An update about this. I'm now ~24 hours in to my last restart, and WiFi speeds seem to be holding up. The only thing I changed (after my last test) was disabling MU-MIMO. Will keep monitoring though.

This is a very confusing discussion at least to me.  First though a point about MU-MIMO and MIMO.  The topic is worth understanding if you have iPhones.  Apple has made it clear that if shopping for a new router, to get one that has support for MU-MIMO, which the Orbi does.  All recent routers all support SU-MIMO, or single user. 


Why put the Orbi behind another router and not simply have it manage the home network and connecting it directly to the cable modem?

Message 186 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

I think the the user prefers the Edge router over what Orbi has. He does have the Orbi in AP mode so the configuration is working in that regard. Possible the user doesn't have any MUMIMO devices. The change seems to have helped. Lets see how it works for them. 


Message 187 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

@Loungepuppy wrote:

The update tab in weblogin showed up today. I assume I set autoupdate to "off" at some point when I was on

It's difficult to decide wether to update or not just browning through these posts. Often I find that there is a problem-bias in forums. In this case, I guess that a lot or routers have autoupdated and users have not had problems or enough problems to find this forum and post.
Since a factory reset is an investment in time I will hold off a bit longer and watch this thread...

Been wanting to comment on this for a few days and now have a moment.  "Bias" is actually a good word in this case and is the one that caught my attention. 


Recommending a factory reset is not something I take lightly but due to so many episodes where things don't appear quite right, and then seeing an actual improvement or correction of a situation I've trained myself to do it, not solely the act of doing the reset, but the discipline around knowing the changes from default in the router, scheduling time, and then performing the task, because it is very distruptive to a household, the decision to do it is one that usually pays dividends down the road avoid reboots of devices.


Based on how Netgear itself deals with autoupdate of the firmware, they clearly have expectations the silent update will work correctly.  And perhpas that is what happened in your case which is fantastic.  So if you're satisfied with the results, no need to blindly follow do this or do that.  Draw your own conclusions and make the call.

Message 188 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

@FURRYe38 wrote:

I think the the user prefers the Edge router over what Orbi has. He does have the Orbi in AP mode so the configuration is working in that regard. Possible the user doesn't have any MUMIMO devices. The change seems to have helped. Lets see how it works for them. 

TL;DR  I did spot the AP mode setting upon rereading.


I guess those advanced wireless options apply also to AP mode although I would have thought them to be more relevant for the Orbi working in full router mode.


Since the Orbi is only running in AP mode, seems like a factory reset would be less intrusive, and would prove something one way ore another.  The aversion to do the reset is noted and understandable.

Message 189 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

Yeah, I had assumed the time would be an hour off during standard time, but I was wrong. I looked last night, myself. So, given that the Orbi shows the correct time without the box checked, I'm not really sure what the point of the box is in the first place? Maybe not all time servers automatically adjust between DT and ST? But it's definitely true that the box causes the traffic meter to not display properly (though the usage is, apparently, logged properly, either way, and it's only a display issue triggered by checking the box).


I think if Netgear didn't version increment a patch, nobody would notice, but also, nobody's routers would pull the update, since they'd think the update matched their current firmware. Only people whose routers updated after the superseded patch was published, or who decided to download and manually reinstall the current firmware, would get the "new and improved" firmware. I can't decide whether publishing a minor patch to fix this (e.g., would be better or worse than just including it in the next major patch. On one hand, we'd know they were responsive to problems and were quickly tackling them. On the other hand, updates are a pain, and sometimes break things for no apparent reason, so maybe daily/weekly updates would be more hassle than it's worth?


At any rate, publishing new firmware with the same version number would be poor form on their part, since some people's traffic meters would work properly, and others' wouldn't, but they'd think they had the same version firmware when, in fact, they only nominally did. Troubleshooting would be a mess, even just for the traffic meter, never mind if anything else were changed and not documented.


@CrimpOn wrote:

@randomousity wrote:

Apparently, if you uncheck the box on the NTP page for automatically adjusting for daylight saving time, the traffic meter works properly. I had the same issue, unchecked the box, and now my usage appears about what I'd expect the traffic meter to show. The only thing that really changes adversely from doing that is that your logs will all be time-stamped an hour off, since they'll be showing the time in standard time.

I was one of the users who was surprised to find the Traffic Meter had quit working.  Well, like the Terminator, "it's BACK."  First noticed it yesterday on the Android app and confirmed it just now.  And.... my Orbi observes Daylight Saving Time and my log entries have the correct time (not an hour off).  If Netgear pushes a software update without changing the version number, would anyone be able to tell?


Message 190 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

The advaned wireless settings are not router dependent. They are indepent of the router and only effect the wireless portion of the system. 


The reset is a troubleshooting step and understandable why people don't want to do it. I was reminded of this yesterday while setting up an RBS. So much time involved in setting up Orbi. Smiley Frustrated

@gr8sho wrote:

@FURRYe38 wrote:

I think the the user prefers the Edge router over what Orbi has. He does have the Orbi in AP mode so the configuration is working in that regard. Possible the user doesn't have any MUMIMO devices. The change seems to have helped. Lets see how it works for them. 

TL;DR  I did spot the AP mode setting upon rereading.


I guess those advanced wireless options apply also to AP mode although I would have thought them to be more relevant for the Orbi working in full router mode.


Since the Orbi is only running in AP mode, seems like a factory reset would be less intrusive, and would prove something one way ore another.  The aversion to do the reset is noted and understandable.


Message 191 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

Thank you mith_it for posting that info ...


i just got got fed up with my video problems due to the WiFi and decided not to reflash .44 and set up from scratch but instead downgrade to 210.

At first when I was on the 44 it seemed to work then days latter problems stared , rebooting helped but a few days latter problems came back.

So today I decided to downgrade to .210 and keep my settings, so no factory reset has been done but I did power cycle both. 

I do notice stronger WiFi, great picture streaming , so far , will see over the next week how goes.  


Thanks to all!

Message 192 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

If you have never done a factory reset, then one should be performed. Proven to help solve most issues.

Installed a RBK50 3 days ago with v44. Still running as expected. 

Router Firmware Version

System Uptime 03:02:13:21
Message 193 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

Way to go NG! I've pruposely not updated my firmware due to reading about all the issues recently beingfaced with the latest firmware and I've been working perfectly for the 2 weeks I've had the system. You decide to autoupdate me and now my internet connection drops off every 30mins or so. Great. Well done!!!

Message 194 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

Yep this!! Not getting reboots but connection keeps dropping off. So pi$$ed off!!!

Message 195 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

This firmware is amateur garbage. Incredibly poor quality control forced on customers by Netgear. Destroyed my network and costing me money. And no reply from the moderators in this thread:



Message 196 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

I have an RBR50, an RBS50 and an RBS30, linked with wireless backhaul.


My system auto updated to .44 and everything works fine except for wireless to wired routing.


When a device is attached to a satelite, it cannot connect to any devices that are hardwired to the router. Internet access is fine though.

Message 197 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

I would do a full factory reset and setup from scratch. Let us now if this resolves your problem. If it doesn't, you might try reverting back to v210 on the RBR. 


So far the system I have has been working well with v44 for the past 3+ days. 


@bym051d wrote:

I have an RBR50, an RBS50 and an RBS30, linked with wireless backhaul.


My system auto updated to .44 and everything works fine except for wireless to wired routing.


When a device is attached to a satelite, it cannot connect to any devices that are hardwired to the router. Internet access is fine though.


Message 198 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

Anyone noticing a drop in wifi download speed since this latest update? I’m noticing my download speed has halved but upload is ok on my iPhone XS Max.
Message 199 of 384

Re: New Orbi RBR50/RBS50 Firmware Version

I'd say that's a fair assessment based on what I've observed.
Message 200 of 384
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