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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38


Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

What Mfr and model ISP modem are you using with the Orbi? 

@skimmilk0000 wrote:

This is happening to mine as well. Web traffic in general seems the most problematic, and switching between ISP, Google and DNS servers did not help.


I did a factory reset of both the satellite and router. I've turned off daisy chaining, fast roaming and nothing is helping. I have HomeKit so downgrading to .30 isn't really an option and I was on a much older firmware (2.3.x) before so I'm not sure how far back I can go.


Message 51 of 82
Not applicable

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

@FURRYe38 wrote:

What Mfr and model ISP modem are you using with the Orbi? 

Stop asking about modems when everyone knows the problem is with v2.5.0.38


Message 52 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

Modems is part of it. I'll post how i see fit. Your not the director here. 


Have a nice day. 

Message 53 of 82
Not applicable

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

@FURRYe38 wrote:

Your not the director here. 


Never said I was.  You're wasting peoples time while you know the firmware is faulty.


Message 54 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

Works for me and others. Your posts and attitude towards me says otherwise. Last time. I post how I see fit and it's up to users to take it or leave it.


Good Day. 

Message 55 of 82
Not applicable

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

@FURRYe38 wrote:

Works for me and others. Last time. I post how I see fit and it's up to users to take it or leave it.


Good Day. 

You never have provided who these 'others' are.  Dozens come in here asking questions and seeking help concerning a corrupt firmware (which is widely know to have issues) and all you want to do is check everything from the shoe size to the kitchen sink.


but keep it up, for the alert users will pick up on your travesty and 'leave it'


Good Day. 

Message 56 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

If you can't see that saying, "works for most" is incredibly flawed logic, I dont know what to say.

I will say that this rabid defense with comments like "you're not the director here" and general lack of inaction on Netgear's part makes me weary of future Netgear purchases.

This is a community forum for users of products to give valuable feedback for FREE. These are generally early adopters provided an expanded soak test. It's also clear that many of the people posting here with problems have as much networking knowledge as you portray. You should treat them like they should be valued.

Not once have I seen, they are aware of issues and are working on it... which frankly is unacceptable.
Message 57 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

Oh, by the way, I have a fully updated Netgear CM600 modem. If you are going to tell me that the Orbi cannot work nicely with another Netgear device I'm definitely not buying any more products from them.
Message 58 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

I do treat users with problems as valued users and my intent is to help them. It's some who take my "FEEDBACK" out of context and seem to believe that i'm some how hidering help when I'm actually trying to help them and figure out what the real problems are. Some seem to be annoyed that I don't follow there way of giving help and information or methods of getting routers working. I don't have to nor will I for these people. Been doing this for for a while now and if you could see the feedback I get from solved problems you think other wise. Thats fine if you think I'm not trying to help anyone or causing problems. I'm only here to help out and yes, I give my persective and observations of what works for me as well. If I didn't I wouldn't be giving forthright information and experiences to others. Again it's up to users to take accept the information provided or not. All users here in the forums are just that, users. We don't work for NG either. I only report to NG forum moderators and nobody else. Only the forum moderators see be on the books.


"Can lead people to water. Can't make them drink."


Good Day. 

Message 59 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

Having a modem only is recommended instead of a modem combo unit. Unless you have bad cabling or bad ISP signals to the modem or a bad configuration of the Orbi, I wouldn't see why they wouldn't work otherwise. 

@Tpavey wrote:
Oh, by the way, I have a fully updated Netgear CM600 modem. If you are going to tell me that the Orbi cannot work nicely with another Netgear device I'm definitely not buying any more products from them.


Message 60 of 82
Not applicable

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

@FURRYe38 wrote:

I do treat users with problems as valued users and my intent is to help them. It's some who take my "FEEDBACK" out of context and seem to believe that i'm some how hidering help when I'm actually trying to help them and figure out what the real problems are.



That's just it, (in the case of these firmware issues) you're not pointing them to the real problem when you know yourself what it is.  Why do you insist on numerous troubleshooting questions, knowing that its related to the firmware? Even if the answer was unknown, basic troubleshooting 101 takes the process in steps.  One at a time.



"Can lead or horse to water. Can't make it drink." -People are NOT horses.






Good Day. 


Message 61 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

I'm not sure why you quoted me when talking about modem router combos. The CM600 is a Netgear Cable Modem. It has zero router capability.

I'm still waiting to hear the solution. Under the old firmware, this was the best router I've had. Under the new firmware it didn't work. It didn't work 2 feet from the main unit. It didn't work 2 feet from the main unit with the satellite disconnected. It didn't work 2 feet from the main unit after a factory reset with just the basic settings. It didnt work after a factory reset with my old settings. It repeatedly disconnected my devices. I reset my modem. I reset my router. I cleared and reconfigured the internet settings on my devices. None of this worked. Again, this was from the main router. Distance to satellite, wall composition, nor anything else was in play. Heck, the orbi app couldn't find the router half the time which uses the internal network, not the internet. This bypasses the modem.

Magically everything was perfect again after a rollback to previous firmware. After the rollback I didnt need a factory reset. I didnt need to restart devices. Nothing. Its crystal clear what the problem is.

Maybe you should gather serial number data. Maybe it is a batch issue. Maybe a supplier change on a part caused a problem.

If Microsift released an update that forced users to wipe their computers, for even 1% of the people, how long would they leave that update floating around? They'd pull it and internally investigate. I've seen no indication that Netgear has even acknowledged this.

You have people here that have spent hours reconfiguring after resets. One went to the trouble to bypass a switch to humor you. After all that you have the gall to say "you can lead a horse to water...."?

I've dealt with some bad customer and community support, but this...
Message 62 of 82
Not applicable

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

@Tpavey wrote:

. Under the old firmware, this was the best router I've had. Under the new firmware it didn't work.



Just curious.....did you ever tell us how you came upon the 'new' firmware?  The OP is about v2.5.0.38.  

Message 63 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

I opened my orbi App to look at a "newly connected device" that I later realized was an old tablet of mine, (internet was working fine) and I decided to look for an update since I was there. I hit the search for update function and it installed. I didn't have to seek this out and upload it manually. This is a wide release that will likely mean a lot of new Orbi users will be returning products.

I usually operate under the assumption that updates make fixes and improvements to security, stability, and features. Because of this, I tend to update when available for all my devices, TV, Roku, Ring, phone, computer, game consoles, etc... often these updates fix newly exposed exploits.

Now, I've learned my lesson and wont be doing that with Netgear products unless there is a security issue. This likely isnt what Netgear would suggest given the router searches for updates on initial setup. They recommend keeping the product up to date
Message 64 of 82
Not applicable

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38



I don't use the app.  What I see (when i do login to the router using a web browser) is whether or not a firmware update is 'available'.  I do NOT click on it.  Mainly because my system is working.


From what I understand, firmware updates with major revisions (to include security) are pushed auto by NG, no action required app or otherwise.

Message 65 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

@FURRYe38 wrote:

What Mfr and model ISP modem are you using with the Orbi? 

@skimmilk0000 wrote:

This is happening to mine as well. Web traffic in general seems the most problematic, and switching between ISP, Google and DNS servers did not help.


I did a factory reset of both the satellite and router. I've turned off daisy chaining, fast roaming and nothing is helping. I have HomeKit so downgrading to .30 isn't really an option and I was on a much older firmware (2.3.x) before so I'm not sure how far back I can go.


I have an Arris DG1670 in bridge mode.


My wired AppleTV is working just fine so it seems to be the wifi.


Downgrading appears to have resolved these issue at the least so its tied to the latest firmware.

Message 66 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

A reset maybe needed next time you do an update. Something I don't experience with v38. 

Glad downgrading worked to resolve this. 



@skimmilk0000 wrote:

@FURRYe38 wrote:

What Mfr and model ISP modem are you using with the Orbi? 

@skimmilk0000 wrote:

This is happening to mine as well. Web traffic in general seems the most problematic, and switching between ISP, Google and DNS servers did not help.


I did a factory reset of both the satellite and router. I've turned off daisy chaining, fast roaming and nothing is helping. I have HomeKit so downgrading to .30 isn't really an option and I was on a much older firmware (2.3.x) before so I'm not sure how far back I can go.


I have an Arris DG1670 in bridge mode.


My wired AppleTV is working just fine so it seems to be the wifi.


Downgrading appears to have resolved these issue at the least so its tied to the latest firmware.


Message 67 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

@FURRYe38 wrote:

A reset maybe needed next time you do an update. Something I don't experience with v38. 

Glad downgrading worked to resolve this. 



@skimmilk0000 wrote:

@FURRYe38 wrote:

What Mfr and model ISP modem are you using with the Orbi? 

@skimmilk0000 wrote:

This is happening to mine as well. Web traffic in general seems the most problematic, and switching between ISP, Google and DNS servers did not help.


I did a factory reset of both the satellite and router. I've turned off daisy chaining, fast roaming and nothing is helping. I have HomeKit so downgrading to .30 isn't really an option and I was on a much older firmware (2.3.x) before so I'm not sure how far back I can go.


I have an Arris DG1670 in bridge mode.


My wired AppleTV is working just fine so it seems to be the wifi.


Downgrading appears to have resolved these issue at the least so its tied to the latest firmware.


There were resets everywhere that did notthing. Also another symptom was some devices losing wifi connection altogether, particularly older i devices.

Message 68 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

Ok, thanks for letting us know. Hopefully next FW push will won't be problematic for you. 


Message 69 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

@FURRYe38 wrote:

Can you revert back to v30 and see what happens? Or try v40. I'd manually load FW and reset the RBR and setup from scratch. 


@abonko wrote:

@FURRYe38 wrote:

Try the reset on both RBR and RBS. 

As I already stated, I did that.  (read my earlier posts)


I reverted back to 30 last night.  Wow, what a difference!  I can now confidently say that there is something seriously wrong with 38.


Since I upgraded to 38 approximately 1 month ago, I wanted to be sure my memory of my network's speed, range and stability wasn't over-inflated.  So before reverting, I ran a few tests while the Orbi router and satellite were still on 38.


1) I walked to multiple far edges of my house with a few wifi devices to test the connectivity.  Every device lost connectivity to wifi in these locations.

2) Back in range and connected to wifi, I cleared the browser caches on my iPhone and laptop.  I went to websites that are heavy and multi-media intensive and measured the page load times.


After downgrading from 38 to 30, I performed the same tests as above.


1) I walked to the exact same far edges of my house with the same wifi devices to test the connectivity.  Every device mintained good to strong connectivity to the wifi in these locations.  Accessing the internet or streaming video was without issue.

2) From the same locations as when I ran test 2 before, I again cleared the browser caches on my iPhone and laptop.  I went to the same websites that are heavy and multi-media intensive and measured the page load times.  Overall, page load times were 25%-50% faster.


Since downgrading from 38 to 30, not a single device has lost connectivity to the wifi.  Even more, my family has asked me what I did as they are all noticing that everything loads faster than before.


What has me most puzzled is why the firmware would have also affected the range of connectivity.  I wonder if this is the underlying issue causing devices to lose conenctivity and download speeds to be compromised.  Seems like a stretch, but maybe this information will help in the diagnosis of the root issue.

Message 70 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38



Have you tried the .40 firmware?


I was also having lots of issues with .38 (slowdown especially on iPads), but the .40 hot-fix seems to have resolved many of the issues.


I'm tempted to go back to .30,  because I remeber that everything was really good prior to .38




Message 71 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

@jinnyleaf wrote:


I was also having lots of issues with .38 (slowdown especially on iPads), but the .40 hot-fix seems to have resolved many of the issues.


There isn't any documented change between v38/40 that would have magically resolved network/slowdown issues.  It's likely a result of Orbi network starting to settle down since upgrading to v38, then again from v38 to v40.  Unless clients continue to have WiFi connectivity issues, I would stick with v40 a bit longer and see if things improve/stabilize over time.  Good luck either way!

Message 72 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

@jinnyleaf wrote:



Have you tried the .40 firmware?


I was also having lots of issues with .38 (slowdown especially on iPads), but the .40 hot-fix seems to have resolved many of the issues.


I'm tempted to go back to .30,  because I remeber that everything was really good prior to .38




I looked into it, but the release notes state that the only fix is an SSL certificate issue.  There's no way that would have adressed all the issues I was having, so I didn't both trying it out.

Message 73 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

@abonko wrote:


Since downgrading from 38 to 30, not a single device has lost connectivity to the wifi.  Even more, my family has asked me what I did as they are all noticing that everything loads faster than before.


Unless you're interested in the new Sonos bug fix and SSL cert., it's hard to justify upgrading from v2.3.5.30 given the problems you had encountered.  If you chose to upgrade again, might want to send your family on a nice weekend trip while you have to monkey with the Orbi.  Smiley Happy

Message 74 of 82

Re: Orbi Firmware v2.5.0.38

I see you didn't mention doing any factory resets after downgrading or updating. Something you might give a try next time you update FW or if you have current version loaded, something to try and compare tests. Normally this isn't needed, however as a last resort, for those seeing differences after FW update should reset and setup from scratch before downgrading FW. 


Some of us don't see issues like this, however I for one manually update my systems factory reset and setup from scratch. System works as expected. 


@abonko wrote:

@FURRYe38 wrote:

Can you revert back to v30 and see what happens? Or try v40. I'd manually load FW and reset the RBR and setup from scratch. 


@abonko wrote:

@FURRYe38 wrote:

Try the reset on both RBR and RBS. 

As I already stated, I did that.  (read my earlier posts)


I reverted back to 30 last night.  Wow, what a difference!  I can now confidently say that there is something seriously wrong with 38.


Since I upgraded to 38 approximately 1 month ago, I wanted to be sure my memory of my network's speed, range and stability wasn't over-inflated.  So before reverting, I ran a few tests while the Orbi router and satellite were still on 38.


1) I walked to multiple far edges of my house with a few wifi devices to test the connectivity.  Every device lost connectivity to wifi in these locations.

2) Back in range and connected to wifi, I cleared the browser caches on my iPhone and laptop.  I went to websites that are heavy and multi-media intensive and measured the page load times.


After downgrading from 38 to 30, I performed the same tests as above.


1) I walked to the exact same far edges of my house with the same wifi devices to test the connectivity.  Every device mintained good to strong connectivity to the wifi in these locations.  Accessing the internet or streaming video was without issue.

2) From the same locations as when I ran test 2 before, I again cleared the browser caches on my iPhone and laptop.  I went to the same websites that are heavy and multi-media intensive and measured the page load times.  Overall, page load times were 25%-50% faster.


Since downgrading from 38 to 30, not a single device has lost connectivity to the wifi.  Even more, my family has asked me what I did as they are all noticing that everything loads faster than before.


What has me most puzzled is why the firmware would have also affected the range of connectivity.  I wonder if this is the underlying issue causing devices to lose conenctivity and download speeds to be compromised.  Seems like a stretch, but maybe this information will help in the diagnosis of the root issue.


Message 75 of 82
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