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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection


Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

I've had the Orbi RBR50 for nearly 2 years with no issues.  Just a couple days ago, however, it has suddenly started losing connection several times a day.  The connection is fine when I connect my PC directly to my modem, so it appears to be a problem with the router.


It will stay disconnected for a while until I manually reboot, or until it randomly recovers after a while.  At one point websites on a browser would continue to (slowly) load, while other services or apps did not.  Usually it just completely loses connection, however.  Using Windows troubleshooter tried to suggest a problem with the DNS server.


Firmware is updated to v2.7.2.104. 


Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 1 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

Please do a search for Firmware  v2.7.2.104. 


Lots of problems being reported.  If I say anything I get slapped around.


Or.....you stay with your original post here and wait for others to flood you with 100's of questions attempting to fix a fouled firmware version.


Your choice....enjoy

Message 2 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

@Cenex22 wrote:

It will stay disconnected for a while until I manually reboot, or until it randomly recovers after a while.  At one point websites on a browser would continue to (slowly) load, while other services or apps did not.  Usually it just completely loses connection, however.  Using Windows troubleshooter tried to suggest a problem with the DNS server.

Firmware is updated to v2.7.2.104. 

Did the problem begin soon after updating firmware to

If the Orbi recovers by itself, does anything show in the Orbi log file?


One way to verify the problem being related to DNS is to open a command prompt (DOS Window) and do some ping tests.

i.e. ping some actual IP's, such as:

If you get ping responses from them, then ping by domain name:



(These are the domain names that should respond with and


It is a mystery to me how any specific firmware version seems to work perfectly for some users and cause horrible problems for others.


For certain, it is intolerable to live with such a situation.  If this continues, I see two paths forward:

  • Stick with, and attempt to get a "clean" installation:
    * save a copy of the config, do a Factory Reset, and during the new setup load that saved config.
    * if that doesn't cure it, then do another Factory Reset and set the whole thing up from scratch
  • Do a Manual firmware load to a previous version, such as
    (and perhaps do a Factory Reset on it as well.)

Neither of these options is simple or convenient.  But, having the internet die several times a day is a huge motivator.


Message 3 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

I started having similar issues this past Sunday morning and its still an issue. I had google DNS, Cloud Flaire, and Open DNS listed in that order in my orbi router. Just to make it simple for troubleshooting purposes, i set it to automatically pull from ISP and that for worked for several hours, but then it stopped working again. Workaround was I statically set my current PC that I'm using to post this comment to use google DNS. Everything else in the household that uses DHCP and uses my Orbi router for the DNS is affected by this. This a big issue has I have several devices that doesn't allow to statically configured IP, let alone just DNS.


Issue has appear to crop for many users this past weekend. Not sure if its related to Daylight savings time.


Not sure about the rules on posting links to other sites, but check out reddit and search for "Orbi dropping DNS"


My RBR50 firmware version is currently at V2.7.2.104 and have been on it for a good month..

Message 4 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

Latest (currently) firmware V2.7.2.104

Connections failing on all home devices - DNS failure. 

Log on to the main router and do anything like:

- change from ISP provided DNS

- hard-coded DNS servers (tried the ones from my ISP as well as OpenDNS addresses)

- Reboot the device

Any of these things seem to "fix" the issue temporarily. Seems to occur every few hours.

Hopefully Netgear is aware of the cause and working on a fix!!


Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 5 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

Thanks for all the assistance and recommendations.  I checked out the reddit thread, and it's bizarre to think this could somehow be related to the time change.  But the common thread seems to be that this just inexplicably started recently for numerous people.


Anecodotal reports are sparse, but it almost sounds like a factory reset and/or loading a previous firmware version isn't going to help.  I will still try that tonight, but I won't remain optimistic that it will help.


Message 6 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

I was looking at downgrading to older firmware, but since the current version (claims to) include security updates, I am hesitant.

I think the "reset the DNS settings" is easy enough for a short term before I look for another solution / product / vendor.



Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 7 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

What is the Mfr and model# of the Internet Service Providers modem/ONT the NG router is connected too?

@Urbangeek wrote:

I started having similar issues this past Sunday morning and its still an issue. I had google DNS, Cloud Flaire, and Open DNS listed in that order in my orbi router. Just to make it simple for troubleshooting purposes, i set it to automatically pull from ISP and that for worked for several hours, but then it stopped working again. Workaround was I statically set my current PC that I'm using to post this comment to use google DNS. Everything else in the household that uses DHCP and uses my Orbi router for the DNS is affected by this. This a big issue has I have several devices that doesn't allow to statically configured IP, let alone just DNS.


Issue has appear to crop for many users this past weekend. Not sure if its related to Daylight savings time.


Not sure about the rules on posting links to other sites, but check out reddit and search for "Orbi dropping DNS"


My RBR50 firmware version is currently at V2.7.2.104 and have been on it for a good month..


Message 8 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

Also make sure your NTP settings are correct and working. 

@Urbangeek wrote:

I started having similar issues this past Sunday morning and its still an issue. I had google DNS, Cloud Flaire, and Open DNS listed in that order in my orbi router. Just to make it simple for troubleshooting purposes, i set it to automatically pull from ISP and that for worked for several hours, but then it stopped working again. Workaround was I statically set my current PC that I'm using to post this comment to use google DNS. Everything else in the household that uses DHCP and uses my Orbi router for the DNS is affected by this. This a big issue has I have several devices that doesn't allow to statically configured IP, let alone just DNS.


Issue has appear to crop for many users this past weekend. Not sure if its related to Daylight savings time.


Not sure about the rules on posting links to other sites, but check out reddit and search for "Orbi dropping DNS"


My RBR50 firmware version is currently at V2.7.2.104 and have been on it for a good month..


Message 9 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

Let us know if checking the NTP settings helps. We just went thru the time change and RBR should have tracked this. Saw others posting that NTP settings maybe effecting this. Seems that v104 has been working for DNS then all of a sudden had problem in DNS just recently. 

@Cenex22 wrote:

Thanks for all the assistance and recommendations.  I checked out the reddit thread, and it's bizarre to think this could somehow be related to the time change.  But the common thread seems to be that this just inexplicably started recently for numerous people.


Anecodotal reports are sparse, but it almost sounds like a factory reset and/or loading a previous firmware version isn't going to help.  I will still try that tonight, but I won't remain optimistic that it will help.



Message 10 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

@jimih wrote:

Latest (currently) firmware V2.7.2.104

Connections failing on all home devices - DNS failure. 

Log on to the main router and do anything like:

- change from ISP provided DNS

- hard-coded DNS servers (tried the ones from my ISP as well as OpenDNS addresses)

- Reboot the device

Any of these things seem to "fix" the issue temporarily. Seems to occur every few hours.

Hopefully Netgear is aware of the cause and working on a fix!!


The sad part it happens every time a new firmware is released 

Message 11 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

@jimih wrote:

I was looking at downgrading to older firmware, but since the current version (claims to) include security updates, I am hesitant.

I think the "reset the DNS settings" is easy enough for a short term before I look for another solution / product / vendor.



Roll your firmware back.  You and your network will be find



Message 12 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

Frontier (previously Verizon FIOS) . The ONT box is locked behind a case.


I have factory reset the Orbi back when I updated to the latest firmware early in february and manually entered settings.   Since it appears to have around the time change this past Sunday, I pointed to googles NTP server by IP address, since it wasn't able to resolve via DNS. I'll see if there's any improvements. 

Message 13 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

I rolled back to the .102 firmware version and it may have helped.

that said - I did have to do a factory reset, connect wired and re-build all my settings.

At the moment it is working, but I am hesitant to say it "fixed" amnything...


Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 14 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

Be sure to do a back up configuration to file for safe keeping. Helps save time if a reset is needed. 

@jimih wrote:

I rolled back to the .102 firmware version and it may have helped.

that said - I did have to do a factory reset, connect wired and re-build all my settings.

At the moment it is working, but I am hesitant to say it "fixed" amnything...



Message 15 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

@jimih wrote:

I rolled back to the .102 firmware version and it may have helped.

that said - I did have to do a factory reset, connect wired and re-build all my settings.

At the moment it is working, but I am hesitant to say it "fixed" amnything...


In this case a roll back must be considered a victory 

Message 16 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

I am having this issue as well. it started the day the time changed.  Strange thing about it is the rbr50 shows no connection to internet, yet all wired devices still have internet access and some wireless as well such as my TV and alarm system. but all phones, tablets, and Wireless PCs Have no internet.  Also the connection Is Slow.  I Tried The latest firmware today and thought it was resolved, but started again tonight.  please help.

Message 17 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

The issue as I understand it is that the router stops resolving IP addresses (DNS service fails).

If there are connections that exist, they should continue since no new name resolution needs to happen.

I tried a couple things including changing the DNS setting from "Use These DNS Servers" (my original setting) to "Get Automatically from ISP"  and this made things better for a few hours. Unfortunately the problem resurfaced with the changed setting - so it doesn't appear to be either setting.

I have also read that this started with the daylight savings time change - and this seems to correlate although I cannot think how that setting would *still* be causing the issue several days later. That being said, I did check the time zone and NTP settings (they were fine).

The best / simplest thing I can offer is to roll back to an older firmware version. The seems to be the one experiencing the problem. 

Today I rolled back to and so far so good.


You may need to do a "factory reset" after applying the older firmware version. It may not happen every time, but I lost the ability to connect to the router after installing the old version and needed to push the tiny reset button and go through setting all my configurations again including WiFi name and password. (so either backup your configuration to a file or at least be ready to re-do the configuration).

I cannot say this permanently fixes the problem, but so far it has been ~12 hours and no issues. 

I can say that if you have a mesh network (a router plus one or more satellites) that you do not need to change the firmware on the satellites - only on the router. 

Good luck! Hopefully Netgear is working on a new version of firmware that does not have problems (Anyone? Netgear? Bueller? ...)




Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 18 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

I dropped back to older firmware,, and I turned off the traffic meter function under advanced settings.  It's been up 24 hours now without any random DNS problems.


I didn't notice before that Orbi at some point had switched from my set OpenDNS server addresses back to ISP provided DNS option, no idea how long ago that happened.  I switched them back, but that obviously wasn't the DNS problem.  It also appears that over time, the power levels option for 2.4 Gig changed and I hadn't noticed, they were back up to 100 percent, so had to drop it to 50 percent, I swear there used to be a 75 percent option in there.


I can't figure out why all the users had the issue right after the time change. I was on the latest firmware for quite a while with only some very slight very intermittent disconnection issues on only a couple devices happening.


I've had my RBR50 for over 4.5 years now, I haven't master reset it once, except while in various Netgear Beta projects, but those were years ago now.

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 19 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

Message 20 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

@r0b0tvampire wrote:

See this post for options:


the key word is short term....until the next firmware update

Message 21 of 51
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

Hi Orbi Community,


The issue has been forwarded already to engineers.


If you are willing to work on the issue, please send me a private message by clicking on this link and I will PM you requesting for more information. We appreciate your help working on this issue.


Community Team

Message 22 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

I'm def not a power user like some of the others seeem to be but wanted to share that these same issues occurred for me on the *.102 firmware and have continued on the *.104 firmware.  Hopeing the engineers get this figured out quickly...working from home with a sketchy internet connection is no bueno!

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 23 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

@byass wrote:

I'm def not a power user like some of the others seeem to be but wanted to share that these same issues occurred for me on the *.102 firmware and have continued on the *.104 firmware.  Hopeing the engineers get this figured out quickly...working from home with a sketchy internet connection is no bueno!



more of what we already suspected

Message 24 of 51

Re: Orbi RBR50 frequently losing connection

Same issue, started Sunday morning after daylight savings change.  Having to reboot 1 to 3 times per day.  Tried downgrading firmware - Didn't work.  Tried factory reset - didn't work.  Tried changing NTP server - didn't work.  WTF?  I have not had this issue before with this product and wouldn't expect to, WTF?

Message 25 of 51
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