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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability


Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

. actually.. problem is still there.. my Homekit devices keep getting blown away.. .

Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System, RBS50| Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi (Satellite Only)
Message 776 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

I don’t know much about Liftmaster control systems. But, I did notice that it uses a hub to communicate with HomeKit. Have you tried reinstalling the hub and syncing it with your smartphone?

Message 777 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

It is my hypothesis, of which I have no evidence, that it is possible netgear wrecked a bunch of orbis in an effort to force more purchases of newer gear.


My system is almost useless at this point and I am going to have to buy another device. If anyone knows of any class action lawsuits, please let's talk.

Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 778 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability



balderdash.  You may be having problems, but the vast majority of these systems are working just fine.  

Message 779 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

Or maybe those folks just dont realize that the Orbi is the culprit...


For the longest time, I was blaming Apple because my Apple products seemed to be the only devices having issues ...


Turns out, it's the flawed Orbi software ...  then after paying greater attention, I discovered other devices were losing the connection while showing connected ...



Message 780 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

Is there a way to roll back and block auto updates?


NETGEAR:  what is your plan to fix this problem?

Message 781 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

Hello, what evidence do you have that the vast majority of systems are working fine?  And if it's true, why does it make it okay that they broke mine?

Message 782 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

So I'm with you.. As I understnad it, the firmware release is temporary until a permanent fix is found. In any event, while my uoload/download speed is fine, I think the ORbi system is not very well compatible with Homekit. My Homekit device - Liftmaster - continues to experience outages. 

Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 783 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

My RBR40 and two RBW30 satellites are working fine on Most devices have perfect wireless connectivity, except for one. My Samsung TV in my bedroom was experiencing wireless dropouts while streaming, but I purchased an Amazon Fire Stick for that TV and now that wireless connection is rock solid too.


The only change I made to the default configuration was to split the 2.5Ghz and 5Ghz bands via the telnet interface when I first got the Orbi, which really fixed my connectivity. For anyone who thinks I'm not having problems because my network is simple, here's a description.


My network consists of both wired and wireless devices. Plugged into the RBR40 are 3 devices - an Ooma @ 100mb/s, a 8-port D-Link Gigabit switch DGS-1008G, and an 8-port Monoprice Gigabit switch, not including the Arris TM-1602 cable modem that provides the 400 mb/s down, 50mb/s up internet connection. The D-Link switch has 4 1gb/s desktops and a Dell 3130cn @ 100mb/s.The Monoprice switch is for the lab, which currently has no devices connected, but sometimes has 3 or more.


I have a center hall colonial with about 4500 sq ft with 2 floors and a half basement. The RBR40 is centered at the back of the house on the main floor, where all the wired devices are. One RBW30 is upstairs near the center of the house at the end with 3 bedrooms (furthest from the master bedroom). The other RBW30 is in the basement close to the center of the house, and close to the basement stairs. Both RBW30's are about 50 feet from the RBR40, and the connection is listed as GOOD.


I have around 20 to 40 wireless devices connected at any given time. There are around 10 cell phones, 6 laptops, 2 desktops, 4 TV's, 5 game systems, and another half dozen assorted devices. When guests come over, many also connect wirelessly. I even get a reasonable wireless signal on the 2.4Ghz band out by the far end of the pool, about 100 feet away from the RBR40. That connection is a bit sporadic, but it's understandable at that extreme distance.

Message 784 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

Has anyone heard about manuals rolling back the firmware to and letting the Orbi update itself back to the latest firmware? I saw a YouTube video where a guy had contacted Netgear because he was having issues with the latest firmware at the time. He said NG support explained that manually rolling back the firmware would put the Orbi back on track to stable firmware upgrades. This is the link to what he explains. https://youtu.be/ONY9BVxhHHI hope this helps someone. Anyone!!
Message 785 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

That’s really old firmware. I manually upgraded my router and satellites to v2.2.1.210.
Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 786 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

That youtube video is close to a year old.
Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 787 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

With all the problems with the firmware issues any suggestions should be welcome regardless of the age of the suggestion. I tried rolling mine back to and it has been somewhat more stable. Not sure if it will remain that way but better than sitting on my hands doing nothing.
Message 788 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

Stand in line with the other 100s of people who all ask the same question. How to roll back to 2.1.4.x, which does not have the "newer" auto-update disable ability. I too have commented to Netgear, as with MANY others, and it is clear "NETGEAR DOES NOT CARE".


What they do care about is MONEY. If you open your eyes and observe where Netgear puts the majority of their resources...it is with new products and new features that in many cases add revenue ability to Netgear.


Case and Point...if you look at my thread (which Netgear actually responded to, surprising actually)...Look at the choice of words and response. The “Netgear Employee” goes on-and-on about how awesome Netgear is and how they have released new hardware products and introduced new features for Orbi. The "employee" focuses on "Netgear Insight" as a bragging point. Is that feature FREE-TO-USE???


New hardware (MONEY)...Netgear Insight (MONEY).....


Orbi Firmware updates..."QUARTERLY"...As per the Netgear Employee. Hence, any (MOST) problems they create or already exist will require YOU waiting 3 months. Unless it’s a "critical" issue, then maybe they respond faster. And by critical...I think the EMPLOYEE means 'major PUBLIC security bug, or something that BRICKS your Orbi (can't have that bad PR impacting revenue).


If you take the time to read my thread and the Netgear response, you will see my response where I TRY to stay factual and provide KEY POINTS of how Netgear’s concern and priority and commitment to "FIXES" is flawed.....Many of the same and heavily reported issues STILL EXIST after SEVERAL firmware updates, as with new feature requests still not fulfilled. But they have time to release new products and provide new features that focus on REVENUE creating ability such as Insight and new Orbi devices running the same code, and will likely have the same problems.


Take a look....



Message 789 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

Bro...I don’t disagree with what you are saying. I think Netgear is going the route of Sony where they abandon older devices quickly to get ready for the latest and “greatest”. For instance Netgear is already prepping for Orbi AX routers. Great but the existing Orbi has issues for many users. Not all...but many. I think Netgear tried to one up the competition by adding features which caused new firmware to be implemented instead of just focusing on a solid product. I will buy a simple sturdy product over a fancy one with glitches any day. So I agree with you totally in your assessment regarding Netgears aim to make money vs focusing on quality. No argument there from me.
Message 790 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

Users also have had good operation with v210 as well. Yes it's got it's own oddities about it and some bugs, however seems to be good for users who have done the manual FW load and then factory reset and setup from scratch. Placement is key as well. 

Something you should try and see. 



On the other hand others have had good operation from what we know with out any resets. Auto update seems to work for them. I for one set up my friends system over a year ago and at that time, I manually loaded FW, reset and setup from scratch upon first install. I just went over to his place last month to check on it. It had updated automatically to v210 and had zero complaints about it. It's kind of hard to narrow down where the really issue is. I still think that there is a auto udpdate issue that for some, just doesn't work correctly and doing a FW reload, reset and setup from scratch seems to resolve this. I see this on my Orbi system testing and other NG routers as well. I'm just not a fan of the auto update feature. Smiley Frustrated

@Placesandspaces wrote:
With all the problems with the firmware issues any suggestions should be welcome regardless of the age of the suggestion. I tried rolling mine back to and it has been somewhat more stable. Not sure if it will remain that way but better than sitting on my hands doing nothing.


Message 791 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

At some point Netgear will be forced to accept that many of these complaining Orbi users/customers are not uneducated. Many of us are very skilled, very educated, experienced professionals, with YEARS, DECADES, of hands-on technical experience currently working in tech jobs where we are trusted with multi-million dollar environments far more sophisticated than anything Netgear creates.

Case-and-point, please stop repeating, reposting, over and over again, the same “manual reload firmware, reset, placement, etc, etc”.....instead....ASSUME WE HAVE ALREADY SPENT HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS AND MONTHS...doing these very basic things....and the truth is Orbi needs major work! Count the hours, days, weeks and months Netgear spends reading these posts, replying with the same pointless and helpless information copy/paste templates you obviously use, and use that time to FIX ORBI.

Just a suggestion....
Message 792 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

Maybe for you other some others, however for posters who do not mention doing such things and resets in there initial post, we can't assume anything. So I'll continue to post as I see fix. 

Again, some users have had good experiences on v210. Not all FW is perfect. 


Good Luck and Enjoy. Smiley Very Happy

Message 793 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

Furry, sensitive???

It’s a suggestion in a very passionate discussion for very old problems with Orbi.

Freedom of speech gives you the right to say what you want. But I think you missed the point.

You can’t treat EVERYONE like an idiot. You must assume that SOME of the users are “more technical”. Hence, Netgear must be able to handle support above level-1.

No one has asked Netgear for perfect FW. Just provide the same effort shown to your new and revenue generating products and services. Show existing customers that Netgear truly cares about those who already handed you their hard earned money. At this point is loudly screams that Netgear only cares about new customer and how to get their money.
Message 794 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability



Any comments about the newer firmware for Pro users? Anything Netgear would like to share with thier valued customers that come here to report thier problems, and seek fixes/resolutions?


Seems Netgear has new code in the oven, and it has reported better results.


So, it also seems these problems of performance we report wiht the GA version, don't seem to be limited or meaningless. As Netgear seems to be fixing the speed/throughput problem.


Would it be fair to say, "Manual firmware relaod, reset and placment" are not going to solve the problems for pre-Beta (GA) users?


Should we expect any features we requested MONTHS ago to be delivered?


@mrmattis wrote:
I have installed beta firmware, Seems to be ok now. Last resultat was 478/437 using Samsung S9+ wifi. 2 meters from router. Using cable is full speed, 500/500.


I am refering to the thread...




Message 795 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

I think you miss understanding my responce, you feel that my some of post posting the same thing over and over, we are not helping NG correct issues. Some if you don't seem to want some of us, helping ANY one else in getting there sytems running. Your so angry at your experineces that you attack anyone trying to help others in gettting there systems working or tell them what to stop posting about, when you seem to have failed at getting yours working. Some of us are here to help those who are willing to listen and actually want our help in getting there systems working. Then if we can't we get them over to NG support to continue there if needed. There are many different configurations and environmental conditions that can lead to bad experineces with ANY kind of wifi system. Not just bad FW. We are here to try to help those narrow down where the real issues are, beside FW, and get users up and running. Theres a long track record of both problems and success in helping users get there systems working by doing what some of are trying to do. For those who don't wish to accept or listen to help then, thats fine too. Were not making anyone drink the coolaid. If you found something better, then move on. If you still have your system, then ask NG support to RMA it or refund it. Move along. Maybe if those of you had listen or taken more advise, maybe your systems would be working. 


Not here to tell what users have to do or hammer on freedom speech. However don't condem those of us who are trying to help out others, find what really wrong and try to fix it. Don't tell others what do and do not post about. Were all trying to be civil and professional here. 


The systems DO work when setup well. I just returned from loaning out my Orbi system to good friends of mine who are looking for something that works in there home. Will demo it to see how they like it before buying. Was my same system I loaned out to my buddy over a year ago to try. He ended up buying his own Orbi. ZERO problems with it!!!


When the systems are setup well, the do work. I do agree there are some idiosyncrasies that seem to plague Orbi and FW. Happens in any Mfr product. Been like this for years now since the consumer seems to be the primary beta tester. Yes, being sarcastic here. 


Humans are imperfect thus we will not make something perfect. 


Good Luck. 


PS, if your so interested or needing help for Orbi Pro, Post here:


Is the main Pro forum. I'm sure you'll find good help there. 

I hear the Pro version is the same HW as Orbi, just some FW differences I beleive. So troubleshooting shouldn't be that difficult. 

Message 796 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

I will say that rolling back the firmware to has worked out well so far even though my router has gone back to the latest firmware version,  I after the manual rollback I did a complete factory reset of the router and satellites.  One thing I did differently from my normal rebooting process is I used the smart wizard and totally let it set up everything except for changing admin page password, network SSID name and password.  I used to get buffering often on my IPTV android boxes but it has been very smooth so far (probably just jinxed myself but whatever).  I wonder how many users who are having good experiences with the Orbi used the smart wizard vs those who didn’t like myself and what their results have been?

Message 797 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

Very glad to hear it Placeesandspaces,


Further confirmation there is a problem wiht the newer FW....


It also seems there is a newer FW beta code floating around in secret that solves speed problems for Orbi. It’s a shame Netgear will not share it, and insist the problems reported are the users fault…

Message 798 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability



Please allow me to respond to your “interesting” reply…


I think you miss understanding my responce, you feel that my some of post posting the same thing over and over, we are not helping NG correct issues. Some if you don't seem to want some of us, helping ANY one else in getting there sytems running.”


As I wrote previously. It is not your desire to help others that is being attacked. It is, however, the reality that your ONLY response seems to be the same things. Completely unwilling or incapable of acknowledging that SOME of us have already read your previous posts and seen the same reply over and over and over again. Hence, we are asking for a higher-level dialog. Something with more technical detail and appreciation that “we already followed your steps”. But you continue to reply with the SAME THING, and that does become frustrating and angering. Surely you have dialed into a phone number that has one of those auto-attendant response systems. It asks you questions, and you do your best to answer, but it keeps asking the same things over and over and over again. The same responses again and again. Almost like it has no brain, no original thinking, no ability to understand anything beyond the template responses it was trained to use. Now tell Furry, assuming you have interacted with one of these auto attendant systems. Have you never become no ANGRY with how stupid the system was, that you wanted to throw your phone across the room? If you can relate to me on this….Now apply this to Netgear and this forum and Netgear’s version of SUPPORT. I am sure the auto-attendant has worked for others. I am happy for that. But there is a reason most of these systems allow a bypass to a real-live representative. Someone who is vastly trained and experienced on most issues of that company. Unfortunately for Netgear, your real-life support reps are almost as worthless as the auto-attendant. So, where does a Netgear valued Orbi customer go for help?


“Your so angry at your experineces that you attack anyone trying to help others in gettting there systems working or tell them what to stop posting about, when you seem to have failed at getting yours working. Some of us are here to help those who are willing to listen and actually want our help in getting there systems working.”


Furry, you make a bold accusation that we are obstructing your ability to help others. And impeding those who need help from getting that help. Somehow implying that our poorly functioning Orbi setups (which you imply is our fault) have made us so angry that we are behaving like 8 year old children, “if I can’t have a working Orbi, no one can”. I do not agree with your assessment. I can find no evidence anywhere of what you imply is occurring. What I do see are several Orbi customers seeking more help than what Netgear continues to offer. I see hard working people who paid 100s and even 1000s of dollars for a product Netgear sold them. It doesn’t work, though they have tried everything Netgear has suggested. But when they go back and ask for further help….they get no response, or they get the SAME TEMPLATE AUTO-ATTEDANT REPLY. And you imply they have no right to get angry for this…Again, I disagree with you. I think they have ample reasons to get angry.


“Then if we can't we get them over to NG support to continue there if needed. There are many different configurations and environmental conditions that can lead to bad experineces with ANY kind of wifi system. Not just bad FW.”


COMPLETELY AGREE. Which is why Netgear needs to..


  1. Open up more, be more transparent and treat Orbi users with a better understanding that…..I walked through my house for an hour. Measured every Orbi location with an RF meter to know if that location was too hot or too weak. I scanned my entire location for any offensive and/or interfering WIFI signal to insure “NO PROBLEMS”. I ran ethernet cable though my home to give Orbi the BEST connection achievable (tested the cable too using high powered devices (not Orbi) for 986Mbps with zero packet loss). But Orbi can only get 600Mbps. I loaded and reloaded your FW, factory reset all units. I considered that my client devices may have problems of their own. So, I spent HOURS investigating those devices. 40+ different OEM devices, each with different radio OEMs, drivers, etc, etc….ALL EXPERIANCEING THE SAME PROBLEM WITH ORBI. You get the point Furry…So why does an Orbi Satellite “using Daisy Chain mode” choose the Orbi router as it connection with a -80 RSSI…When a neighboring Orbi Satellite has a -60 RSSI????


  1. Work with US….Give us all your beta early release code. Most every network hardware company does this. Go to Cisco’s website and look. TONS of early release code anyone can use. An old term I was told YEARS ago when having a problems with a Cisco switch. “One man’s bug, is another man’s feature”. The point Furry is…”Netgear cannot make all decisions about Orbi within a BUBBLE”. And forcing a feature change on EVERYONE will ALWAYS mean…”SOME WILL BE HAPPY…OTHERS WILL BE ANGRY”. So, you give them choices. No auto-update. Allow access to previous release FW, current GA firmware…AND….early release future FW so you can measure how the users respond to it.


We are here to try to help those narrow down where the real issues are, beside FW, and get users up and running. Theres a long track record of both problems and success in helping users get there systems working by doing what some of are trying to do. For those who don't wish to accept or listen to help then, thats fine too. Were not making anyone drink the coolaid. If you found something better, then move on. If you still have your system, then ask NG support to RMA it or refund it. Move along. Maybe if those of you had listen or taken more advise, maybe your systems would be working.”


Furry, I sense a lot of anger within you. Calm down!!! No one is saying your attempts to help are not of value. Again, we are only saying that; If I ask you for help and your reply is “did you plug in the power cord, and I respond “YES, plugged in, white or blue light on, able to login to the webGUI. Connected to BSSID, etc….” Your reply to me is…”What color is the light”. Maybe I will get upset as I already told you!!! If I tell you I am getting a limited 200Mbps of WIFI speed using several devices of differing OEMs…and then you reply with “can you try a non-Apple device”…Now I am thinking “is this guy an idiot or robot…what??”


Furry, if you are saying Netgear will provide me a full refund for Orbi Pro and the Outdoor unit as well. Then perhaps I may take you up on that. But it would be a shame to see Netgear communicate to customers. “We would rather refund the money, rather than fix our product and deliver on commitments of features you requested (in a future FW release, LOL).


You say “Were not making anyone drink the coolaid”. WHY NOT?!?! Are you not proud of your product? Don’t you want Orbi to have the best chance of success? Is the customer feedback so angering to you that your attitude is; “If you don’t like, then go somewhere else”. If that is your attitude. May I suggest never opening a restaurant or any business that requires customer satisfaction. Because we did listen Furry, we took your advice. It didn’t work, and Netgear doesn’t seem to care or have any better help to offer, and that doesn’t make us wrong or bad customers because we asked for more help beyond what you have offered.



“Not here to tell what users have to do or hammer on freedom speech. However don't condem those of us who are trying to help out others, find what really wrong and try to fix it. Don't tell others what do and do not post about. Were all trying to be civil and professional here.”


No one is condemning anyone…again…calm down…



“The systems DO work when setup well. I just returned from loaning out my Orbi system to good friends of mine who are looking for something that works in there home. Will demo it to see how they like it before buying. Was my same system I loaned out to my buddy over a year ago to try. He ended up buying his own Orbi. ZERO problems with it!!!”


I am happy you and your friends are having a positive experience with Orbi. But that doesn’t do much for the 100s of others who are not. I don’t see how this resolves anything for those who are not on your “friends list”. Again, we are asking for more help, and less of an auto-attendant template response. As expressed before. You should not assume or imply that Orbi problems are caused due to “not being setup well”. Please refer to my explanation of using an RF meter and other steps taken to achieve the PERFECT ORBI SETUP. The same configurations used by many other OEMs that seems to not have Orbi problems. And as we now know about the newer beta firmware that Netgear is choosing to NOT share…seems to resolve some serious throughput problems. Leaving me to speculate…”it’s not due to user error”.


Have a good day Furry. And I hope you and/or Netgear realizes the true nature of the problem and takes steps to fix it. Blaming the user is not the path I recommend you take.


Good Day!



Message 799 of 809

Re: Orbi firmware update v2.1.4.16 availability

I agree and Netgear should definitely allow the consumer of the Orbi product to determine what firmware they want to keep versus forcing an auto update. Should be one button to click in the firmware update section of the GUI that you can opt out of new updates. That is inexcusable not to allow that. I have seen some posts where people use Telnet or something to block the Orbi updates but I have no idea what Telnet is and I would probably screw things up worse trying to use it.
Message 800 of 809
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