Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: RN314 Readycloud

Not applicable

RN314 Readycloud

I have I laptop running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit and a Desktop with the same Operating system on my gigabit Network. The laptop logs into Readycloud with ease but the Desktop Readycloud App (latest) reinstalled a few times has these weird names and will not let me login and keeps sending me around the same screens. I've included a Screen shot for referance. I'm baffled !!!

Model: RN31441D|ReadyNAS 300 Series 4- Bay (4x 1TB Desktop)
Message 1 of 34
Not applicable

Re: RN314 Readycloud

Another shot showing the strange labels

Message 2 of 34

Re: RN314 Readycloud

You could try installing Java SE Runtime Environment 8u181 this fixed this issue for me.(this is in addition to "regular" Java) 

Message 3 of 34
Not applicable

Re: RN314 Readycloud

Thank you for that, Ive installed that Java Update, unistalled Readycloud, run a Registry cleaner then reinstalled Readycloud but sadly its still the same.

Regards Simon

Message 4 of 34

Re: RN314 Readycloud

Shame, I am no expert but other things to just try maybe:

Turn Off and then On "Readycloud" on the NAS in GUI "Cloud" settings

Maybe check for Java updates using their checker app

Reboot PC and maybe the NAS 

Message 5 of 34
Not applicable

Re: RN314 Readycloud

Yep tried that but no joy . Thanks for the ideas.
Message 6 of 34
Not applicable

Re: RN314 Readycloud

I did find a Link to a previous post that someone had the same issue the Link below. There was no final post to say if that had been resolved or not. I'm no further forward after trying all tha solutions offered. Maybe when another Java UPdate comes along it may cure it, at least I can access my Ready Cloud from my laptop still.


Message 7 of 34

Re: RN314 Readycloud

I have exactly the same problem that all the labels have recently changed to what looks like the programmers name for fields in the program itself. There seems to be corruption of a language data file that should pick up the local language for the buttons and even the prgram name itself has changed to PRJNAME. And instead of running automatically at start-up, it prompts you for username and password every time. The field names or label names have to be guessed at what they mean! They do appear to be programmers field names or labels for variables? If you hover the mouse over the system tray, ReadyCloud it unhlepfully displays LOGINAS... this is just one example of the misleading names. This is very frustrating and started to happen about 4 months ago. No amount of reinstalling with the latest version of ReadyCloud from the Netgear web-site helps either. I have completely cleaned all traces of the program after uninstalling it, but the problem persists and returns on re-installation.


I have scanned all the previous Netgear Community posts for any clue about why it happens, from 2016 posts right through to this, the latest thread. Netgear have never solved it yet, as far as I can see. The desktop PC that has problems with ReadyCloud is a very new "Chillblast" commercially made powerful computer running all the latest Windows 10 Home operating system and also the latest Microsoft security updates. I have checked that it has the latest Java updates installed and I am just using the built in Windows 10 security features, so you cannot blame security issues here! As I said above, I have tried uninstalling, then cleaning the PC of everything about the program, then re-installing it. But it always comes up with all the wrong labels and will not run at start-up without logging in and the password. I have tried this multiple times. All to no avail.


The odd thing is that it only happens on this PC. I have another very humble little Windows 10 Intel stick PC that has virtually no extra software installed apart from Musescore, an open source music scoring program and a PDF reader and interestingly ReadyCloud works perfectly on that, all the labels and program name are correct and it runs automatically at start up. I also have a Microsoft Surface laptop on which it works perfectly too.


I am coming to the conclusion that only the programming team at Netgear who developed the ReadyCloud program (not Support, who may not have a current programming background) can say what might be wrong. It is certainly not a user action generated problem, and probably not Microsoft's fault either! It is very frustrating, especially because it had run without problems on the desktop PC until recently. The only change seems to be Windows 10 updates, but I have no faclities to work out why! Perhaps Netgear's programmers might have an idea? But it works fine on other Windows 10 PCs!







Message 8 of 34
Not applicable

Re: RN314 Readycloud

Glad its not just me, I  found many old posts on the same issues. Still waiting for a solution !

Message 9 of 34
NETGEAR Employee

Re: RN314 Readycloud

Hello ispy1,


You can look at this, it should be the same problem, install Microsoft support package, It can solve this problem.


Message 10 of 34

Re: RN314 Readycloud

I despair that the only people who can answer this, as I said in my posting, are the programmers who wrote ReadyCloud for Windows. The support people simply "blame" the users or the setup for their PCs rather than getting back to their own programmers for a tricky problem. You can't blame them for this. They have scripts and limited facilities at their disposal. But it shows a complete lack of interest from a company with a good international standing. I will never buy another Netgear product because of this poor support, but this can only be a small token effort and will not affect their profits one bit! This Community section is littered with so called "solutions" from Support employees, but NONE from the actual programmers!

What is galling is that the users of their NAS devices are likely to be more technically aware than the typical users of Netgear modems and routers. They don't seem to understand that these tech savvy users need to be listened to more intently!!!!! We can help them. We are not dotty non-technical users.
Good to hear from you though. We will keep trying! But I don't think we will ever get an answer.....
Message 11 of 34
Not applicable

Re: RN314 Readycloud

THank you, I tried downloadind both packages but got the messge " Not compatable with your sysem "

Message 12 of 34

Re: RN314 Readycloud

You downloaded the 64-bit package from https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3154518/support-for-tls-system-default-versions-included-in... and it failed to install on your Win7 machine?  Are you absolutely certain you have a 64-bit SP1 machine and .NET framework 3.5.1 is installed?


It sounds to me like you have an issue with Microsoft, not Netgear.  You cannot blame Netgear for using a more updated security protocol than your outdated Windows 7 machine uses by default, especially when Microsoft has (supposedly) provided a solution.


And, you are wrong that the programmers never supply answers here.  It isn't often, but they have.


You are also wrong that the average NAS user sees it as anything but an appliance.  Reading through some of the messages on this board will prove that to you.  Many problem descriptions are not very technnically complete, and the poster has to be instructed on how to get the necessary information so that the cause of the problem can be determined.

Message 13 of 34

Re: RN314 Readycloud

If you read my post carefully, you will see that I managed to install the correct version of ReadyCloud from the correct page on your web-site. It always re-installs perfectly well. I DO NOT have Windows 7. It clearly says in my post Windows 10. It is 64bit processor. I have all the latest Windows updates succesfully applied. NET framework is installed and is being updated as Microsoft issue updates, indeed there were even more of the latest updates to Microsoft's NET framework two days ago on all my PCs. I have a completely pucker version of Windows 10 Home built in to the PC that has the problem. Not a single other program fails to work properly. It is just ReadyCloud. And it had worked succesfully for months and now does not (showing all the programmer's feild name labels) despite reinstallation multiple times. I had used this thread simply because it is the most recent one that describes the symptoms exactly, even though it has a user who may have a slightly different older Windows 7 setup.


I also have the latest Windows 10 security updates all correctly applied. So that cannot be blamed for any issues with the way this software doesn't work.


I also get rather fed up with being emailed by your automated system about "badges" or my "personal" status of my posting, after I have made a new posting. I feel I am being teated almost like a kid collecting badges. I am 73, not 7 years old. please treat me like an sensible adult, not a child?


I do feel that your programmers should be aware of the latest Microsoft changes to Windows 10 because you have to make sure your existing software works on a variety of machines. I still find it very odd that the simplest PC I have, and Intel stick PC also running the same version of Windows 10 and the same security updates, runs ReadyCloud absolutely fine. My desktop is used solely for Professional Video and Audio editing. None of this very expensive software has any problems. It is not an odd machine that has been tweaked in any way by me or indeed Microsoft. 


And I did not mean to imply that the average user sees the NAS as an appliance. Quite the reverse. I was saying that they ARE better than that, they are very technically aware. They can help you sort out product problems. I clearly meant that you, in support, are treating us like appliance users. Not the other way around!


You imply that I should have an issue with Microsoft. But it is one of those awkward issues in that ReadyCloud works on 3 out of 4 Microsoft Windows 10 PCs that I own. As an ex IT professional of many years standing and being incharge of huge comercial sets of programmers and software developers, it is very frustrating indeed. I cannot see Microsoft being in any way interested in a piece of software that sometimes works properly and sometimes doesn't that they did not write. All other software that I own, works on all 4 PCs. It is just ReadyCloud that doesn't work as it should on just one of my 4 PCs (although it did once).


Good bye




Message 14 of 34
Not applicable

Re: RN314 Readycloud

My 2 pc's in my original start of this thread BOTH run Windows 7 Pro. It's only the 32 bit desktop that has the miss spelt labels. I download the 32 bit patch with no joy. All other softwares run fine.
Message 15 of 34

Re: RN314 Readycloud

@Fingerstoo wrote:

I DO NOT have Windows 7. It clearly says in my post Windows 10.


Yeah, but this was @Retired_Member's thread, and he does run win7.  It's hard to keep things straight when two people with similar problems are sharing a thread.  Generally it works out much better if you start a new one (even if the problem seems the same).


@Fingerstoo wrote:

on your web-site ... by your automated system ...

Neither @Sandshark  nor I work for Netgear, so it's not our system.  This is a community forum where users help each other, though Netgear does moderate it (and will sometimes chime in).  


@Icewaterhot is the only Netgear employee who has posted on this thread.  You can tell by the Netgear "badge" who works for Netgear and who does not. Hopefully he (or some other Netgear employee) will follow up and find a resolution for you.


Another option is to consider alternatives to ReadyCloud.  I am interested mostly in remote access, and use OpenVPN in my router for that. But OwnCloud and NextCloud both have similar features to ReadyCloud (though you will need to do port forwarding to use them).  You can purchase tested ReadyNAS versions of these apps for small fee (€2.99) from rnxtras.com.  That site isn't associated with Netgear btw.

Message 16 of 34

Re: RN314 Readycloud

Are the installations that are giving the problem totally new (as opposed to upgraded) installs (or vice-versa)?  Just trying to help figure out why it works some places and not others, and maybe this is it.


Like @StephenB , I also prefer other solutions over ReadyCloud.  My choices are ZeroTier.for my own access and OwnCloud (likely soon to be replaced with NextCloud) for sharing files.  I have two issues with ReadyCloud:  It relies on their server, which has been known to go down, and a ReadyCloud user is a different user from a local one.

Message 17 of 34
Not applicable

Re: RN314 Readycloud

Hello yes, I've unistalled and used a fresh download to reinstall several times. I've run a registry cleaner after the unistall as well, tried Antivirus off/on. It really is a mystery why it works on one machine and not another ! Readycloud works a treat on my Android phone and tablet as well. I will have to investigate Own cloud. Thank you Cheers
Message 18 of 34

Re: RN314 Readycloud

Thank you everyone for helping someone who has become a grumpy old man (but made so by a small piece of Netgear software!).


All the helpful suggstions about alternative products will be followed up by me. 


I predict that this particular ReadyCloud issue will never be solved by Netgear and certainly not by Microsoft. Perhaps some time in the future, another regular Microsoft update of either Windows 10 or NET products will reverse Netgear's ReadyCloud issue, by accident?  Or even a new completely re-written version of Netgear's very own ReadyCloud?


I can still use the one copy of the recalcitrant ReadyCloud for Windows, but it does not start automatically at Window start-up on that PC (it used to), and all the GUI labels look like program variable names or field-names, even the program name itself is changed. I have to enter the ID and password every time in the areas that are misnamed. It then works for that session.


So thank you, Community colleagues, for suggesting other products that have similar functions.


Bye bye.




Message 19 of 34

Re: RN314 Readycloud

Here is a link to a message from yet another person for whom installing the Win7 .net framework patch worked: https://community.netgear.com/t5/ReadyNAS-Cloud-Storage/Ready-Cloud-PRJNAME/m-p/1795226#M11665/


I know not everyone is running Win 7, but some are.  Still, here is my point:  Installing a Windows patch has fixed the problem for many users, without doing anything to the ReadyCloud installation.  So, to whom does that point the finger?  Microsoft!  While I cannot direct you toward a solution if you have tried (and failed) to install the patch or if the patch isn't appropriate to you, I can tell you that it sounds like your .net framework installation is "broken", and all the complaining to Netgear is not going to help that.


I'm not a Netgear fanboy -- I've pointed out several things I think are blunders on their part.  But in this case, the evidence points to another suspect.

Message 20 of 34

Re: RN314 Readycloud

Installers for the Windows 10 .net framework are here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/install/on-windows-10

Message 21 of 34

Re: RN314 Readycloud

I still am of the opinion that Netgear programmers are responsible for checking that their software runs on all "valid" varieties of the chosen platform. Other developers of other commercial software do this, including hundreds of proogrammers who worked for me in the past. I know that periodically Microsoft issue new versions or updates to software that causes problems. But they are often found very quickly because there are millions of users using Windows daily. But I do find it interesting that for the past few years this ReadyCloud software is STILL causing some people issues, with outdated OSs like Win 7 but also the latest versions of Windows 10. Surely that shows that Netgear have not produced a piece of software that runs in all environments? If there had been a fundamental problem with Microsoft why are there not hundreds of pieces of software that exhibit proammers labels or field-names? 


Just for the record, I keep stating that my only PC that exhibits this behaviour is running Windows 10 Home. It has all the latest patches and updates. It received updates to NET framework a few days ago and it made no difference to ReadyCloud. And I have three other PCs, incluidng a Windows 10 Intel Stick PC that run ReadyCloud perfectly.


I hoped that posting on this Community would spur Netgear to try to really find out why only their piece of software oddly exhibits this beahviour SOMETIMES! I suggested a ReadyCloud actual programmer might soon be able to spot that in some Windows environments the proper user field names are not being picked up. It is not that difficult. Leaving ti to users seems very unfair. We cannnot change the source code. 


And just for the record I tried installing the latest version of NET framework on the one PC, only to be told that it is already installed., see screenshot attached.



Message 22 of 34

Re: RN314 Readycloud

The system would not let me attach the screenshot!

Message 23 of 34

Re: RN314 Readycloud

@Fingerstoo wrote:

But I do find it interesting that for the past few years this ReadyCloud software is STILL causing some people issues ...

I agree with you (and suspect @Sandshark does as well).  There are a lot of issues with ReadyCloud - even when the install is successful.


That's why I suggested considering other options above. 


@Fingerstoo wrote:


And just for the record I tried installing the latest version of NET framework on the one PC, only to be told that it is already installed.

Is NET 3.5 also enabled?  I believe it's off by default.  Check by going into "turn windows features on or off".

Message 24 of 34
NETGEAR Employee

Re: RN314 Readycloud

Hello @Retired_Member ,


Can you work fine after install this Support package?


Hello @Fingerstoo ,

Can you provide the version of your windows10 home?
I tried it on my window10 home 1903, there is no such problem.


Message 25 of 34
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