Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost


Re: ReadyNas 104 Admin page not logging in, ReadyCloud not connecting 'offline'

Problem solved.

Rebooted the system manually using OS method.

This enabled me to login to the admin page.

Users had been deleted so I was affected by the same outage as others,

Turned the cloud back on and reconnected that.

Back up and running and don't seem to have lost files.

Thanks everyone.

Message 626 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

This incident is a very serious event and for NetGear to have the ability to remove my access to my own data and also delete data is of serious concern.  I would like to understand how this happened.  Was it the result of a security breach?  Has this event exposed my data to another party?  Why has NetGear been so slow to respond on this issue.  


I now have to question the viability of the whole ReadyCloud solution.  It is simply too high risk for me to trust NetGear to hold administrative access to my hardware and data.  This is not the first problem I have had with this solution and support response is inadequate.  People need to have access to their data. They rely on it.   

Message 627 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

@mutley1971 wrote:

I now have to question the viability of the whole ReadyCloud solution.  It is simply too high risk for me to trust NetGear to hold administrative access to my hardware and data.  This is not the first problem I have had with this solution and support response is inadequate.  People need to have access to their data. They rely on it.   

You do have other choices.  I use OpenVPN (built into my router) myself.  There is also OwnCloud and ZeroTier.  


Cloud Sync or Resilio/Plex Sync might cover some use cases, but you need to be careful about two-way sync, since issues in one repository can propagate to the other.

Message 628 of 707
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

It was the result of an outage different in nature to what we'd had before. We've implemented patches to our server software to address the root cause. There wasn't any security breach.


We had immediately reached out to those registered users who appeared to have been affected by the outage. To err on the side of caution, NETGEAR then subsequently expanded our outreach to the larger community to ensure that no one who may have been exposed by the incident had been overlooked.


We've been attempting to recover data for those customers who need an attempt made. There's an email address if you need this (mentioned several times in this thread, I marked a post as the solution that links to important information on this issue). It's important to get the volume mounted read-only ASAP after files are deleted to maximise the chances of successful data recovery.


Some users recognised the importance of backing up their data (you shouldn't store data on just the one device) and were simply able to restore from backup.


Many ReadyCLOUD users don't store data in the home folders.

Message 629 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

Hi mdgm, 


You have mentioned several times on this thread the importance of having several copies of our files. I honestly believe this is not the place to discuss this. You're talking about a preventive measure; what good does that do now?

Netgear sold me and others a drive that wiped itself clean of all the data that was in it, you don't see the problem here? 

If a bank sells you a safe deposit box that ruined all the documents that were in it, does it have the right to tell you you should've had another box with another bank and had copies there? 


You're also trying to tell us that the reaction from netgear was exemplary and that you 'reached out to your customers'; This issue is one month old now, I have been battling with your customer support team just to be put in contact with someone from your legal team or anyone from your management team that understands how serious this is, you're treating it like another bug that you fix with a support ticket and some work from your engineering team; Your product caused people to lose priceless data, your management team should be very concerned about this and make a statement about how they intend to compensate for this loss their product caused. Of course if you can recover the data your product made us lose I don't think someone would go forward with the complaints, but your engineers are saying stuff like "anything we can recover is good" and not being able to recover more than 10% of the data;


And my case should be the easiest, I store everything on my drive so not to much deletions of files previous to march 30, and have put the drive in tech support right after the incident without even using the drive let alone write something to it. If my case is that hard to solve, how are you going to recover the data of people who wrote to their drives or frequently added and removed files to their drives prior to the incident.




Message 630 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

We've implemented patches to our server software to address the root cause.

NETGEAR implement Software auf einem Server, auf dem Kundendaten gespeichert sind und auf die Gefahr hin, das Kunden nicht mehr Zugriff auf ihre Daten haben oder verloren gegangen sind? Wird dies nicht auf einem anderen Server vorher getestet? 


There wasn't any security breach.

Was immer noch nicht bewiesen ist.


We had immediately reached out to those registered users who appeared to have been affected by the outage.

Es sind zu viele User NICHT benachrichtigt worden.


To err on the side of caution, NETGEAR then subsequently expanded our outreach to the larger community to ensure that no one who may have been exposed by the incident had been overlooked.

Öffentlicher Hinweis sieht anders aus. Wo standen sie denn? Warum kam der Hinweis nicht direkt nach dem einloggen?


Some users recognised the importance of backing up their data (you shouldn't store data on just the one device) and were simply able to restore from backup.

NETGEAR kann von keinem Kunden verlangen, hunderte von Posts oder Treads durchzulesen, um nach einer E-Mail-Adresse zu suchen von der er zuvor nicht gewußt, hatte, dass eine Lösung über diese E-Mail-Adresse gibt.


It's important to get the volume mounted read-only ASAP after files are deleted to maximise the chances of successful data recovery.

Also doch: Die Daten sind bei NETGEAR nicht sicher!!!


Many ReadyCLOUD users don't store data in the home folders.

Warum sollte im Home-Ordner gespeichert werden? Wo steht geschrieben, das man das nicht soll?




Model: RN31400|ReadyNAS 300 Series 4-Bay
Message 631 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

Hi DiddiTalk


I won't comment on ReadyCloud, since that is up to Netgear.


It would be helpful if you can make it more clear when you are quoting a previous post.  You can use the "quote" button for that (and edit it to focus on the section you are commenting on).


Also, the language in the main forum is English.  When you post in German, please use Google Translate to help all of us understand your post.


Ich werde nicht auf ReadyCloud kommentieren, da ist das bis Netgear.


Es wäre hilfreich, wenn Sie es klarer machen können, wenn Sie einen vorherigen Beitrag zitieren. Sie können die Schaltfläche "Anführungszeichen" dafür verwenden (und bearbeiten Sie sie, um sich auf den Abschnitt zu konzentrieren, den Sie kommentieren).


Auch die Sprache im Hauptforum ist Englisch. Wenn du in deutscher Sprache brauchst, benutze bitte Google Translate, um allen zu helfen, deinen Beitrag zu verstehen.




Message 632 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

"...Wenn du in deutscher Sprache brauchst, benutze bitte Google Translate, um allen zu helfen, deinen Beitrag zu verstehen."

An der mitgelieferten Übersetzung ist zu sehen, wie schlecht Google übersetzt!


Es ist besser, vernünftiges Deutsch zu sprechen und in die US-Sprache übersetzen zu lassen als die unkultivierte US-Sprache ins Deutsche zu übersetzen. Translate: It´s better to speak proper German and translate it into the language of the U.S., as the uncultured US language to translate into German.

Model: RN31400|ReadyNAS 300 Series 4-Bay
Message 633 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

At this stage, dftt.

Message 634 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

"At this stage, dftt."

Tell this in german. Google has not the intelligence. What ist dftt?

Message 635 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

@DiddiTalk wrote:

"At this stage, dftt."

Tell this in german. Google has not the intelligence. What ist dftt?

Non, ça ira, merci.

Message 636 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

@DiddiTalk wrote:

Translate: It´s better to speak proper German and translate it into the language of the U.S., as the uncultured US language to translate into German.

Since your English is good enough to translate it properly, then you should post in English.  That is the forum language.


Google Translate isn't great, but it's better than no translation.

Message 637 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

We went with Negear, or I did because it was one stop shopping. If I wanted the other cloud accounts and sources, I could have built my own and ran a cloud on rasberry pi. I find suggestions like this when events of this nature take place, a smokescreen and to put the blame back on the user. Also i would not have recommended Netgear as a reliable source for their data either. I'm still waiting for that mysterious answer as to how Negear had the ability to turn off cloud access in my device when I have to log in as an admin and the password I setup. SMH

Message 638 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

It may be too simple of a question.

Message 639 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

Hi mdgm, 


I didn't get an answer to my post -- the drive Netgear sold me deleted all the data that was on it, and it did so because of something that happened at Netgear. How is Netgear going to compensate for the data lost?

Message 640 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

@sassinemichel wrote:

Hi mdgm, 


I didn't get an answer to my post -- the drive Netgear sold me deleted all the data that was on it, and it did so because of something that happened at Netgear. How is Netgear going to compensate for the data lost?

Smiley Frustrated Essentially by telling you it is your own fault. Netgear has opted not to take responsibility for their actions, and instead lays the blame on the users for being foolish enough to trust your data to their products and services.


Definitely some of the worst public relations handling I've seen in the tech industry.


But I'm sure they'll reply, at some point with something unimaginably arrogant.

Message 641 of 707
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

We are working to assist those who were affected by the outage and used ReadyCLOUD home folders with data recovery attempts. If you need a data recovery attempt and are not yet in contact please send in an email as requested.


Depending on what has happened to the volume after the deletion of the home folders we're having varying levels of success/failure. The more writes that have happened since the deletion the less likely we are to be successful.

Message 642 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

mdgm, thanks for your reply, it's not personal, I am genuinely trying to understand how you guys don't feel you're liable for this, please explain to me how you think you're not at fault here.


the engineering team is trying to recover the data, I'm sure they're doing their best, and I'm impressed at how talented they are.


The device has been in tech support mode since the incident, so zero writes, and the recovery has brought back less than 10% of my files. 


Telling your engineers to try and recover the data you guys caused us to lose is the least you could do.


My question was: How is Netgear going to compensate for the data that is lost? 

Still don't have an answer from you. 


Message 643 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

@sassinemichel wrote:


My question was: How is Netgear going to compensate for the data that is lost? 

Still don't have an answer from you. 


I have no inside info or specific knowledge (and don't work for Netgear), but I'd be astounded if any of the mods here had clearance to make any statements at all on compensation or liability, or the authority to commit the company.  They'd be foolish to answer without that - it would be a classic "career-limiting move".


If you really expect an answer, I suggest you should use other avenues (in particular escalating to senior management).



Message 644 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

Of course I totally agree. 


I have an open case with them specifically to escalate to management, just to get an answer. I would immagine the least but literally least Netgear's management should do would be to come out with a statement to answer this, instead the customer support team barely took in my request and told me they can't guarantee to be able to put me in contact with someone from management. This case is still ongoing. This incident is one month old now.


All I'm asking for is a simple answer, by the way Netgear is dealing with this issue they clearly feel they're not liable for what happened, I am genuinely interested in knowing why they think that, that's all.


If mdgm or someone else taking care of this forum could ask management and paste their answer here that would at least answer the question wouldn't it?


questions: Isn't Netgear liable here? How is Netgear going to compensate for the data that couldn't be recovered?

Message 645 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

@sassinemichel wrote:


If mdgm or someone else taking care of this forum could ask management ...


How do you know they haven't asked?  I'm thinking that the mods here aren't in a position to comment publically on anything they are pushing for internally.


It would have to be easier for them to have a Netgear Management response to point to - even if that response was unpopular.


Message 646 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost



I feel like you're trying to underline that the mods and other Netgear employees who are facing the clients regarding this issue are not at fault, and that their efforts to try and get something done is being under-apreciated; something along those lines. 


Of course you would be right if that's what you're implying, nobody is arguing against this, at least not me.


In any way, I don't think it's a priority to discuss this at all. 


I have lost priceless data I had on my storage system, a lot of other clients are in the same situation.

I don't know whose fault it is that the drives they sold us deleted all the data they had on them locally because of some 'outage' in the readycloud system that deleted all the readycloud usernames (I am very curious about the details of this 'outage').

It most probably is the fault of the programmer(s) who initially programmed these drives to do this without thinking it through, but that's not important either.


The question that needs to be answered by this company's management are:


How is Netgear going to compensate for the loss their product and their system caused? 






Message 647 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

@sassinemichel wrote:


I feel like you're trying to underline that the mods and other Netgear employees who are facing the clients regarding this issue are not at fault, and that their efforts to try and get something done is being under-apreciated; something along those lines. 


The main point I'm trying to make is that I don't think you'll get a response to your question in the forum.


But as far as I can tell the mods and other front-line netgear folks who are working on data recovery are not at fault.

Message 648 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

Thank you, I'm sure you're trying to help,


As I said I have a case opened asking customer service to put me in contact with someone who will just answer this simple question: what now? isn't Netgear liable? I think having to open a case for this is scandalous in itself,


I am writing on this thread because it's the only channel to communicate with netgear as a group of clients who have been affected by this. Netgear has chosen only to respond to this issue by posting on this forum, why shouldn't I ask for an explanation back on the same forum? 


This company is treating this entire issue as if it were some other bug with their product that their engineers should solveand that's it, I think the fact that we still have to ask the their management to come up with a statement 30 days after the incident should be the focus of the discussion anyway.

Message 649 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

Dear all. I have followed the current posts regarding this issue. Placed my ReadyNas in Technical Support mode, sent the required details to readycloud support from my MyNetgear registered email.

Has anyone who has done this received an acknowledgement? I have not, I'm a bit anxious.
Message 650 of 707
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