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Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?


Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

How can I access to the file
if I use Windows 7 ?

My problem is that the IP is not send anymore by the ReadyNas Duo. I don't understand why and I would like to know if it is really sent and if my router doesn't let it go out.
How can I see if the information is sent ?

Message 26 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

Thanks super-poussin for this!

Dns-O-Matic has got problems with No-IP and ddclient was not easy to configure and might not even work with No-IP.

I had to click save in FrontView twice to make the NOIP add-on start.

According to media/no-ip.log
-U = minutes
Message 27 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

I have uesd no-ip ad-on for a while but it does not seem to work. After a while I get a message from NO-IP that I have not updated my address and they will remove it in 14 days. There is no problem med my connection. DNS-o-Matic forks perfectly with dyndns.org.
Message 28 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

I have instal http://www.readynas.com/contributed/sup ... IP_1.1.bin

but system can'not start the service

I put parameters in line .

Please describe what should I do step by step

Best regards Tom
Message 29 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

No-IP is just a mess. I don't use their services nor the client anymore.

But for your information here is an old log file from the no-ip client. Off course it didn't work for me either.
Can't locate configuration file /usr/local/etc/no-ip2.conf. (Try -c). Ending!

USAGE: no-ip [ -C [ -F][ -Y][ -U #min]
[ -u username][ -p password][ -x progname]]
[ -c file][ -d][ -D pid][ -i addr][ -S][ -M][ -h]

Version Linux-2.1.9
Options: -C create configuration data
-F force NAT off
-Y select all hosts/groups
-U minutes set update interval
-u username use supplied username
-p password use supplied password
-x executable use supplied executable
-c config_file use alternate data path
-d increase debug verbosity
-D processID toggle debug flag for PID
-i IPaddress use supplied address
-I interface use supplied interface
-S show configuration data
-M permit multiple instances
-K processID terminate instance PID
-z activate shm dump code
-h help (this text)

Configuration file '/etc/no-ip2.conf' is in use by process 1287.

One no-ip process is already active,
and the multiple instance flag (-M) is not set.

Auto configuration for Linux client of no-ip.com.

Multiple network devices have been detected.

Please select the Internet interface from this list.

By typing the number associated with it.
0 eth0
1 LeafNets
You have entered an incorrect username
an incorrect password for this username.

USAGE: no-ip [ -C [ -F][ -Y][ -U #min]
[ -u username][ -p password][ -x progname]]
[ -c file][ -d][ -D pid][ -i addr][ -S][ -M][ -h]

Version Linux-2.1.9
Options: -C create configuration data
-F force NAT off
-Y select all hosts/groups
-U minutes set update interval
-u username use supplied username
-p password use supplied password
-x executable use supplied executable
-c config_file use alternate data path
-d increase debug verbosity
-D processID toggle debug flag for PID
-i IPaddress use supplied address
-I interface use supplied interface
-S show configuration data
-M permit multiple instances
-K processID terminate instance PID
-z activate shm dump code
-h help (this text)

Auto configuration for Linux client of no-ip.com.

Multiple network devices have been detected.

Please select the Internet interface from this list.

By typing the number associated with it.
0 eth0
1 LeafNets
Only one host [stilarkivet.myftp.org] is registered to this account.
It will be used.

New configuration file '/etc/no-ip2.conf' created.

Auto configuration for Linux client of no-ip.com.

Multiple network devices have been detected.

Please select the Internet interface from this list.

By typing the number associated with it.
0 eth0
1 LeafNets
You have entered an incorrect username
an incorrect password for this username.

USAGE: no-ip [ -C [ -F][ -Y][ -U #min]
[ -u username][ -p password][ -x progname]]
[ -c file][ -d][ -D pid][ -i addr][ -S][ -M][ -h]

Version Linux-2.1.9
Options: -C create configuration data
-F force NAT off
-Y select all hosts/groups
-U minutes set update interval
-u username use supplied username
-p password use supplied password
-x executable use supplied executable
-c config_file use alternate data path
-d increase debug verbosity
-D processID toggle debug flag for PID
-i IPaddress use supplied address
-I interface use supplied interface
-S show configuration data
-M permit multiple instances
-K processID terminate instance PID
-z activate shm dump code
-h help (this text)

Auto configuration for Linux client of no-ip.com.

Multiple network devices have been detected.

Please select the Internet interface from this list.

By typing the number associated with it.
0 eth0
1 LeafNets
Only one host [stilarkivet.myftp.org] is registered to this account.
It will be used.

New configuration file '/etc/no-ip2.conf' created.

Auto configuration for Linux client of no-ip.com.

Only one host [stilarkivet.myftp.org] is registered to this account.
It will be used.

New configuration file '/etc/no-ip2.conf' created.

Configuration file '/etc/no-ip2.conf' is in use by process 1772.

One no-ip process is already active,
and the multiple instance flag (-M) is not set.

Instead I would reccomend WhoCares DDclient and some other service than No-IP.
Check out my research here: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=62612
Message 30 of 30
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