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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround


Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

At this point I think it's pretty safe to say that the takeaway here is don't use Netgear products. Yes it's a cheap router, but it's gotta do what you say it does. The fact of the matter is that there is zero excuse why this issue should have made it into the wild; this is 100% laziness on Netgear's part. If this issue was allowed to escape what other things weren't considered? To rephrase that, the reason this exists is because Netgear didn't take their fancy new router, and connect a couple clients to it doing what computers do to see what happens before they pushed the thing out the door. They literally could have done it with two laptops, a batch file, and windows built in logging features with no intervention beyond the setup; heck they probably have this already set up somewhere (unless that is all of Netgear's crap gets shoved out the door with no testing). If they didn't test for this issue (which is easy... seriously it took me about one hour sitting in a hotel room to notice it without even trying, and about 30 minutes to figure out and confirm what triggered it) do you think they did any sort of penetration testing to see if there are holes in their NAT implementation (which is difficult)?
Message 76 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround


Please can I get hold of the beta software. I would have hoped that it might have been released by now but having upgraded to v14 I am still getting these frustrating issues with the connection being dropped very frequently. It seems to have become much worse after adding an Android phone to the network a couple of weeks ago.
Message 77 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

Hi. Same problem here. It worked fine (sort of) for couple month. but now signal drop out are 3-10 times a day or more. Funny enought I lost signal reading this toppic .... no, its wasnt funny....

so. I using apple macbook pro and samsung galaxy s6. Noticed that if I loose signal on one device its stay on other and vice verca. (but not always - might lost signal on both devices) and than when turn off wifi on apple and turn back on signal is back for both devices - for a while and afrer that its start over again. 

Message 78 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround


I'm having the same problem and would really like to try if the beta firmware can fix this.

I already have a case registered on the Netgear support site :
Case #26177904

This case is about being able to connect to a wifi-router, but that is not the only problem

When finally connected I keep experiencing the same problem as descibed in this forum.

So please get I get the firmware upgrade (currenty on


Message 79 of 186
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

@UK_Flyer, @itsnotfunny, @NicoDJ


I apologize for the late response.

Can you PM me the full description as to when the connection drops? Is it when disconnecting a device or it does not matter?

What are the devices connected and its OS? Also, what's the selected mode (Wired or Wireless)?

Looking forward to your response.

Message 80 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

Unfortunately I too am having similar issues as those referred to in this thread (N.b. a case 26274829 has also been opened on this).




NetGear PR2000: firmware v1.0.0.14_1.0.1

Checking latest firmware confirms the above is correct.


Connecting to a public wireless access point with the PR2000 in AP mode. No USB devices are connected to the router.


Devices connected are:


Apple iPhone 6 - ios 9.2

Apple iPad 6 - ios 9.2

Apple MacBook Air - 10.11.2


Has the root cause been identified to the reason why this issue is occuring (from the appearance on this thread, this does not seem to be an isolated case)? if not, I can return the item to Amazon, however as per others comments, it would be good to try to resolve this via other means.


Thank you


Message 81 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

@Kandralla I totally agree. I have worked in IT for nearly 30 years, and I can't imagine my management putting up with the lack of a suitable resolution of this issue in the amount of time we have been waiting. It is too easy to recreate the issue, yet support keeps asking for information about our individual configurations and log files. Plain and simple: set the router up as an AP with DHCP service, connect two or three DHCP clients, generate some traffic, and the bug will slap support in the face. 


This issue alone is giving me an imrpession of Netgear support staff being on the very low end of the skill level necessary to support their own products. It should not matter how many log files, configuration details, etc that we send to them. If the troubleshooting skills are so inept that they cannot simply reproduce this problem on their own, then I personally and professionaly don't want to have anything to do with them. Unfortunately, I spent $40 on a nice device, poorly engineered, and has an obvious lack of support. 


I really don't want to be rude, but has anyone at Netgear escallated this issue, perhaps being in a consultant to fix this?

Message 82 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

Afer latest upgraded my poblem is gone. Work ok. Not sure for how long 😄
Message 83 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

The beta firmware? Or there is a new official final firmware?
Message 84 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

v1.0.0.14_1.0.1 this version
Message 85 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

Thank you for sharing @itsnotfunny - pleased for you that you have a working setup. Possibly this provides another data point for NetGear's support, but not much in the way of additional information.



Unfortunately as others have alluded to, with this firmware there is an issue that is being triggered (at least under certain conditions), however without clarification on whether this has been reproduced by NetGear support or that a root cause has been identified, the device is not really fit for purpose as it stands (and has resulted in the frustration of others on this forum). Without this, the only option is to request a refund unless something changes in the very near future.



Message 86 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround




Received the following response from the NetGear support team (will remove the personal identifiable information out of this - am sure you can look at the case yourself). I hope you agree, but I don't think that this reflects a satisfactory response that should be expected to a query about an issue in AP mode. It also is not conducive to having customers spend time to assist with this issue.


Hopefully this makes you aware of the customer satisfaction issue that exists, however again, I don't believe that this is a one-off example based on other comments in this thread. 



Case ID: 26274829 

Dear Andrew,

Thank you for choosing Netgear. My name is ********* (Expert ID:****), and I am your support Expert today.

I understand that you are experiencing a problem with NETGEAR wireless router. I apologize for this inconvenience. Because we are doing this online, it might require a few email exchanges to resolve the issue. Rest assured that i will do my best to resolve your case quickly.

Here are the troubleshooting steps i recommend you to resolve your concern:

Try to setup in extender mode and check if it works or not.

I hope this resolves the problem. Please contact us again if you require further assistance.

Please do visit http://support.netgear.com for any technical queries regarding NETGEAR products. 

Message 87 of 186
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

@london_r I apologize for that response. 

Your concern has been forwarded directly to our support team and someone will contact you separately.

Message 88 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

Hi Elaine I have been using the beta firmware v1.0.0.14_1.0.1 for a few months and have not once experienced the rebooting issue that wireless AP mode has. I have been testing/using as normal for a while without issue. I have several different types of android and ios tablets phones chromecast tv etc all connected fine and no longer disconnect. No more reboot on disconnect of a client, the router finally works as customers would expect with this beta firmware. I suggest that this firmware be made available for download so that anyone with this issue can use it whilst the programmers sort out getting a final version
Message 89 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

Sorry the firmware version above should sayV1.0.0.14_1.0.2_TD182_t
Message 90 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

thanks @sreeni



Am sure that you will given a few others some confidence that this may well be resolved in the near future with this additional insight.




Message 91 of 186
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

I have already raised that with our engineering department.

I'll keep you all posted for the ETA.


Message 92 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

I have the same problems and very disappointed that this device doesn't handle such basic and essential functionality. How can a router be sold if it can't handle the simple of act of connecting and disconnecting devices?


My PR2000 is connected to wireless internet that I have to purchase from the apartment I'm renting. I have 2 laptops connected via wire and 2 Android devices.


It is frustrating to see all my devices disconnect from the internet if I turn off/reboot a laptop or connect my phone to the wifi when I get home. The router logs simply say that internet was disconnected at that point in time.  


Found this thread and see that this issue has been around for over a year and nothing has been done about it. Should I keep holding my breath Netgear?

Message 93 of 186
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

@jcnguyens I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Kindly register your device in order to create a case number for you.

By the way, what's the operating systems of the laptop?

What's the mode being used on the PR2000?

Message 94 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

 I'm running Windows 10 and the router is set to wireless mode as I have both laptops connected by wire.


Also in the past I was running one laptop on wire and the other wireless and the problem still occurred.

Message 95 of 186
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

@jcnguyens I have forwarded your information to our support team and they shall contact you separately.

Message 96 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

Dear Elaine,


would you please be so kind and send me a copy of the new beta firmware? I'm having the same issue (Trek reboots when one of three or more WiFi devices disconnects just after a few minutes). It's really frustrating not being able to use the basic features of the PR2000. 



Message 97 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

Hi all,

I´ve been lurking this thread for a while in hope of seeing the beta firmware be made available, at least to the readers of the thread.

I have the exact same problems as described before with the router rebooting, dropping connections etc.


I´ve tried all the old firmwares versions and the problem persists. As of now the router is totally unusable.


Please release a public beta!




Message 98 of 186

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

Contact Elaine she can help, the beta is not available to general public as yet but you may be allowed to beta test once you sign the NDA forms
Message 99 of 186
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Trek PR2000 DHCP-problems, keeps dropping connections, maybe workaround

Hi @h0m3r


When do you experience the problem?

Can you add more details? Is this whenever a device disconnect from the network then your router reboots or the connection drops?

Also, make sure that your device is registered. In this way, we can create a case number for you.

Message 100 of 186
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