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ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....


ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....



My NAS stopped working earlier this week... shutted it down sinsw it made a whining sound and now it wont start...


It makes a clicking sound on startup (like reader arm moving) from one of the disks but i cant hear/feel wich one!!

Runs it in Raid0.. bought is as a v2 so i could run JBOD but it was just a rnd2000n2 not a readyNASv2 with the big fan on the back!

here are the questions:


1. can i remove just one disc to locate wich is clicking without damage the content on the discs??

2. could it be some othe fault?...
don't wind down on startup...

powerbutton blinking...

don't shut down when i hold down the powerbutton!

....but when i push the powerbutton it winds donwn, the power led is "pulsating" and disc1 led is blinking..

3. how do i manage the NAS best since there is no RAIDiator for OsX?!?

Message 1 of 15
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....

Hello Wristel,


Welcome to the community!


It is not safe to remove one of the disks from a RAID 0 configuration, This RAID level has no redundancy. When booting up the NAS, both disks should always be inserted to it.


RAID 0 distributes data across multiple disks, resulting in improved disk performance compared to systems that do not use RAID formatting. The total capacity of your storage system equals the capacity of the smallest of your disk drives times the number of disks. RAID 0 is available on volumes consisting of two or more hard disks.


The problem could be one of the disks is faulty, did you configure the email alerts in the FrontView? It is so you will receive reports including disk errors. For now I do not recommend removing any of the disks.


RAIDiator is what you call the firmware of the NAS, I apologize but it did not make sense when you said "there is no RAIDiator for OSX", you must be referring to RAIDar which has version for Mac OS X. Its purpose is to just detect the NAS to show it's current IP address and status. I suggest download and install it to see if your computer sees it and if it is visible on the network.


Hope this help! I look forward to your update.



Message 2 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....

EDIT-JennC beat me, so there is some overlap in our responses.


-You'll need to risk pulling the plug if it won't shut down.


-You say you are running RAID-0 - do you have two data volumes  (C and D) or just one (C)?  If you do only have one volume with RAID-0, a disk failure means you've lost the complete disk volume. Please let us know how many volumes (and what firmware the NAS was running).  


-A clicking sound is almost certainly a bad disk.  The only other option would be a fan bearing.  You can rule out the fan bearing by starting the NAS with both disks removed.  


-RAIDar 4.3.8 is available for OSX - you can find the download here: http://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/ReadyNAS/RAIDar_Mac_4_3_8.dmg



Assuming a bad disk - and only one data volume (and no backup):


You could use a data recovery service to try to get your data back.  That would be expensive (usually the cost depends on how much labor is needed).  Netgear offers data recovery, there are other reliable services.  Seagate offers their own service, Western Digital lists some services on their web site.  There are some scams out there, so be careful if you pick a different service.


You could also purchase a RAID recovery software package.  These are also generally quite expensive.


The third option is to attempt to "clone' the bad drive - using a cloning program to copy all the readable sectors to a new disk.  If you want to keep your other data recovery options open, clone both drives.  Then install the clones in the NAS (in the right order) with the NAS powered down, and see if it boots.  There usually is still data corruption, but you might get the bulk of the data back.


None of these methods are certain (and if the disk has totally failed, you've certainly lost your data).  You might begin by setting a ceiling on how much money and effort you are prepared to spend to get the data back.

Message 3 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....

Its a long time since i started up the NAS and that was on my old PC... just using mac's at the moment...

must have remembered wrong about what i used for software.. 😉




..and when i try to press the "adminpage button" it starts the webpage in Firefox but fails to load "connection failed"




will i loos te data on the disks if i run them separatly to se what disc is failing?... it probably is lost allready!?!


EDITED by StephenB to fix image links (which are now just urls).

Message 4 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....

Looks like someone edited the duplicate posts from the thread - also deleting your followup questions.  I was typing my response, but a side effect of the editting was to destroy my followup before I finished it.  So I don't have your original questions handy.  


What I remember is you asking again about testing the NAS with only 1 drive inserted.


Both JennC and I recommended against doing that.  It risks doing more damage to your data volume.


However, our replies both assumed that you got the RAID-0 mode right in your initial post.  If you were actually running RAID-1 or even RAID-0 with two volumes (also called jbod) our replies would have been different.  So please do tell us if you are certain about the RAID-0 with a single volume configuration.


You could power down the NAS and remove both drives (labeling by slot).  Then power it up to confirm that the clicking noise is gone.  


Another option is to get two new drives, and set up the NAS from scratch - setting aside the existing two drives (labeled by slot) for possible future data reccovery.  If you do that, I suggest WD20EFRX drives.




Message 5 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....

it is/was in raid-0 with 2 discs..one 1TB and one 1,5TB.....


...but what ive heard is that Raid-0 needs both discs since it spreads the data over bothe but with JBOD it keeps them on one drive?!?


... and since its a v1 i cant run JBOD.. 😞


..found cheap used rnd4000 with 4*1TB Samsung discs in.. but still wants to get this one up and running again!

Message 6 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....

@Wristel wrote:

... and since its a v1 i cant run JBOD.. 😞


You are wrong on this. I am running JBOD on my duo v1.  If it wasn't possible I wouldn't have asked you about it.  I have two data volumes (C and D) - one for each drive.

@Wristel wrote:



..found cheap used rnd4000 with 4*1TB Samsung discs in.. but still wants to get this one up and running again!

Based on what we know now, your NAS is fine - the only problem is that one or both disks have failed.  With new disk(s) the NAS should be fine.  BTW, if you are looking at replacements, you might also price out the RN102.   It is faster than your duo (and the rnd4000 v1) and US prices are pretty low.  I don't know the current prices for you though (Sweden, correct?)



The question really is whether you want to go down the data recovery path or not.  If its of interest, you can contact Netgear and ask about it.  All these services are expensive and generally you pay even if the attempt fails.


If you decide to just give up on your data, then try a factory reset with one disk installed.  Use RAIDar to set it up as flexraid - then you can use jbod when you get a second disk.


If that fails, take it out and try the other disk.  After the install completes, check the SMART stats, just to make sure the remaining disk is healthy.

Message 7 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....

dont want to pay any big money for Movies and TV-series... just thougt if there was a easy solution!

...and i didnt want to ruin anything if there was a chanse of recover....


so X-Raid is the same as JBOD when in a Netgear NAS?

...price on the 4000v1 was so cheap it was a no brainer... can run them both when i get it going!




but since i had 2 partitions RAID-0 (or JBOD as you say) one of the discs content would be ok?...


...or shuld i just run them one at a time and see wich one is bad?... what will happen if i remove the pone in 2nd tray?


its the LED for disc 1 that is on when power LED is pulsating...

Message 8 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....

@Wristel wrote:


so X-Raid is the same as JBOD when in a Netgear NAS?

No. If you'd been running XRAID on your duo you would had RAID-1, with a single redundant 1.5 TB data volume.  Exactly what RAID mode XRAID uses depends on the disk configuration.  In the NV+ you just bought, XRAID would be RAID-5.

@Wristel wrote:


but since i had 2 partitions RAID-0 (or JBOD as you say) one of the discs content would be ok?...


You are confusing me here.  If you set up 2 volumes (C and D) then you were running JBOD.  If you had set up one RAID-0 volume (C) then you are running RAID-0.  JBOD means that each disk is a volume.  Partitions are something else.  


Did you have two volumes?  Or only one?

@Wristel wrote:



its the LED for disc 1 that is on when power LED is pulsating...

If the power LED is blinking steadily, the NAS is either booting or shutting down.


A steady disc LED means the NAS thinks the disc is ok.  A blinking disc LED means trouble (failed, removed, or resyncing)  Off means the NAS thinks there is no disk in the slot.


That's in the hardware manual here: http://www.readynas.com/download/documentation/HM/Duov1_NV%2Bv1_HW_en_06Dec11.pdf


Message 9 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....

@StephenB wrote:

@Wristel wrote:


so X-Raid is the same as JBOD when in a Netgear NAS?

No. If you'd been running XRAID on your duo you would had RAID-1, with a single redundant 1.5 TB data volume.  Exactly what RAID mode XRAID uses depends on the disk configuration.  In the NV+ you just bought, XRAID would be RAID-5.

@Wristel wrote:


but since i had 2 partitions RAID-0 (or JBOD as you say) one of the discs content would be ok?...


You are confusing me here.  If you set up 2 volumes (C and D) then you were running JBOD.  If you had set up one RAID-0 volume (C) then you are running RAID-0.  JBOD means that each disk is a volume.  Partitions are something else.  


Did you have two volumes?  Or only one?


ti has been running for 3-4years so i really dont remember... i had one named Movies and one TV-Series if it was drives or partitions or something ele i dont remember/know...

@Wristel wrote:



its the LED for disc 1 that is on when power LED is pulsating...

If the power LED is blinking steadily, the NAS is either booting or shutting down.


A steady disc LED means the NAS thinks the disc is ok.  A blinking disc LED means trouble (failed, removed, or resyncing)  Off means the NAS thinks there is no disk in the slot.


That's in the hardware manual here: http://www.readynas.com/download/documentation/HM/Duov1_NV%2Bv1_HW_en_06Dec11.pdf


Its not really blinking mor pulsating... here is a clip with both discs in:



since its the LED for slot1 thats flashing its most likely that disc in slot1 that is corupted?


took out both discs and then Raidar said "no discs found"



here is a clip with no disc in it...



what does the LED flash pattern means?

shuld i try to start over with just one disc in it (and add another disk later or wait)?


and a question abot the rnd4000v1 (with 4*1TB) that i will pick up later today... can i run it in JBOD so i can use all 4TB and just loose 1TB if one disc crashes.... or 3TB to use and still have backup if one disc crashes....

Message 10 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....

@Wristel wrote:

ti has been running for 3-4years so i really dont remember... i had one named Movies and one TV-Series if it was drives or partitions or something ele i dont remember/know...

I am thinking you had 2 shares, and you actually don't remember the RAID mode.  So there's a chance you actually are using XRAID.


partitions- regions created on the hard drives.  The ReadyNAS conceals the partitions it uses, so you never see what they are.


volumes-a virtual disk that RAID creates, that includes one or more physical disks.  They are similar to drives in your PC, so your NAS (duo and NV+) give them names [C,D,E,F] that look like drive letters.  You can see the volumes in the web admin UI (Frontview), but you don't see them when you access the files over of the network.


shares-shared folders.  This is the list that you see when you access the NAS in windows explorer.

@Wristel wrote:

since its the LED for slot1 thats flashing its most likely that disc in slot1 that is corupted? 


Yes.  If you aren't going to pay for data recovery / per incident support, then what I'd do is shut down the NAS and remove disk 1.  Then power it up and see if it boots (leaving disk 2 alone). If you are using XRAID the system should boot, and you will have your data.  If you were using RAID-0 it should still boot, but you won't see data. 


So maybe give that a try and post back.


@Wristel wrote:

and a question abot the rnd4000v1 (with 4*1TB) that i will pick up later today... can i run it in JBOD so i can use all 4TB and just loose 1TB if one disc crashes.... or 3TB to use and still have backup if one disc crashes....

 Yes, you can do either.  The default RAID mode is XRAID which will give you 3 TB to use, and protection from 1 routine disc failure.  That's what I recommend using.


When you get the NV+, the first thing to do is upgrade the firmware to the current version (4.1.14).  Then I suggest a factory default with all disks in place. The seller may have already done that for you.  If so, you still might want to do it again.  The easiest way to do the default is through the web ui.  Choose system, then update. There is a factory default tab.


The hardware and software manuals for your NAS (both the duo and the NV+) are here:





I suggest that you read through both of these.




Message 11 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....

Thanks for all help...


will take on the Duo v1 some day...


the rnd4000 is up and running on Raid-X and latest firmware... only problem (probably my fault) is that i cant find the data on the USB drive that i had connected to the Duo..


Frontviw finds it ant that it har XXXGB used and XXXXGB free... but Finder dont see the folders/files just the "USB_HDD_2" (named it the same as it was on the Duo) folder/volume...  hope its not gone and that its just me and my

 incompetence.. 😞
any ideas why?
Message 12 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....

i have copied the content to my iMac but having problem to get the rnd4000 to accept my 2TB egate USB drive...


what filesystems can i use for the USB drive so the rnd4000 can use it?..


tried ex-FAT so i could use both my iMac and my PC laptop but Frontwiev says "No Filesystem" en the USB drive.. cant use FAT32 due to large files...

Message 13 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....

NTFS works well, but requires to you to spend a little bit (for paragon) if you need to format a mac PC.  Cost is about $20.

Message 14 of 15

Re: ReadyNAS Duo RND2000 several questions of not starting up, Raid0 and removing one disc....

I'll start a new thred about the problems with the RND4000 and my imac....

Message 15 of 15
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