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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

EX7000 no internet connection


EX7000 no internet connection

Ok - I'm stumped on this one and I'm not paying $50 for a support call if I cana get a new one for $100.  Recently, my EX7000 (in Access Point mode) has been reporting that it has no internet connection. However, it passes internet traffic just fine to it's wired and wireless clients. I've done a factory reset, gave it a static IP/DNS address, everything I can think of and it stll tells me that I have no internet connection to the AP.  I've shut off the USB side as well, same problem. Fast Lane is not enabled.  The log on my router isnt showing any errors and I've rebooted the entire network stack a couple of times in the proper sequence. I've tried going back to an older version of the firmware - same problem.  Everything I do, same problem.  Sometmes AP don't get their own IP address, and that's fine - but this looks like a DNS problem to me.  But then why is flagging it as an error and why would it start now when it's been working like a champ for over the past year and 1/2. I wouldnt care if it doesnt have it's own IP address, but I'm having a problem getting a wifi signal sync'd up via WPS to a tivo adapter - it's not connecing to the internet.  It was working until this Saturday when I switched out the TiVO.  I can't fix that problem until I know what to do about this. Any suggestions - what am I missing?  Thanks.

Model: EX7000|AC1900 WiFi Range Extender
Message 1 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

The two problems (Internet connection error and WPS) are probably unrelated.  Let's consider each one.


Internet connection error


There are two tests I can think of that the EX7000 would use to check for Internet connectivity.  One is to ping the default gateway.  I'm inclined to think it doesn't do this.  Two is to ping a specific domain.  If I were Netgear, I would ping a server at netgear.com.  It would be a great way to collect usage statistics.  Smiley Surprised


There is a chance that Netgear's server is down or at least unreachable from your part of the Internet.  That would explain the error, which should be cosmetic.  It would be terrible for the extender to stop working without Internet access, and I'm pretty sure Netgear wouldn't design that way.


WPS trouble


I'm not sure what's going on with WPS.  Have you tried to connect the Tivo adapter by entering the Wi-Fi password into it?  Or is that not an option with the adapter?  If you are using the same SSID on the router and the EX7000, you can use WPS to connect the adapter to the main router, then bring it back to the where the EX7000 is located.

Message 2 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Thanks for responding. I'm sure they're unrelated, just strangely coincidental. WPS works fine - I have my wifi printer working through it. I'm probably going to wind up doing a hard setup on the TiVo adapter from my laptop.I bought a new TiVo and moved the old one from my family room to my master BR.. but my BR doesn't have a hard wired Ethernet connection. The older TiVo that was there before worked fine with the TiVo that was there before. Aldo factory reset the Tivo adapter. WPS says it's syncing but the indicator on the adaper says it's still searching. Just a giant pain when things don't work the way that they should. This is not brain surgery.
Message 3 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Just FYI - Tivo adapter was fine - bad patch cable to the TiVo... looking at the back of the box after testing the adapter - no lights.  Still doesnt solve this problem. 

Message 4 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

I have been trying to fix the same no internet connection issue and followed all the same steps as you. My main wireless router is a Netgear R8000 that the EX7000 connects too and had a firmware update a few weeks ago and I think this is the cause of the issue.  DrCharlesForbin I would be very interested to understand what you have your EX7000 plugged into and might the cause be the same?


R8000 Firmware V1.0.3.36_1.1.25

EX7000 Firmware V1.0.0.50_1.0.102


Thanks in advance.

Model: EX7000|AC1900 WiFi Range Extender
Message 5 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection



I have also recently bought the same model EX7000 and am getting the same internet no connection error even though my devices are able to connect to the internet via the EX7000 without issues.

I have managed to contact Netgear Support for help and they will be assisting me via phone to check out, though i don't really think there could be a solution immediately. 

I had also mentioned about this communication to them and they should be aware of it since it is discussed in their Netgear community channel. Hopefully they will take serious action to resolve the problem soon.




Model: EX7000|AC1900 WiFi Range Extender
Message 6 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

I wouldn't expect it if you're not paying. I meant to check at home last night if the problem had disappeard on the 7000 and I clearly forgot. Sorry. My back end is a SonicWall TZ105 passing through a CISCO smart switch. I found the problem was the actual RJ-45 jack itself on the TiVo. Let's see ... I rebooted the entire stack again from the modem up and cleared all the caches - including the switch cache. I wiped and reconfigured the 7000 from scratch. Are you in AP or repeater mode? Try clearing the ARP, DNS, and DHCP cache on the router. I'll see if I can remember exactly what I did - or even if I did fix it. An access point not getting an IP is not a big deal - but if it's not passing DHCP or DNS traffic to your clients - it is a problem. I will check tonight.
Message 7 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Darkangel - Yes its exactly the same issue I am having everything does work but just getting the image when you log in no internet.  I did have a go at deleting the DHCP cope on my R8000 router and reboot and apply and had to force feed the MAC address to get it to work.  Agree it’s a network address resolution issue, if I can get the family off the network for long enough I am going to do a full reset of the R8000 and the Virgin Media router.  I know I do not have any cable issues or other hardware related issues.


Report back when I have done the above.

Message 8 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

DrCharlesForbin - I am configured in Access Point mode.  I am also going to remove the Netgear Powerline network between the R8000 and EX7000 to ensure no issue exists.


Again will report back.

Message 9 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Smart idea.
Message 10 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Yes, I still have that message on the 7000.
Message 11 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

I have tested everything I can I have done the following:


  • Factory reset my Virgin Media hub running in modem mode
  • Factory reset my R8000 wireless router that plugs into the Virgin Media hub
  • Factory reset my EX7000 that is extended through a powerline setup to the top floor as an access point


Still the EX7000 reports it cannot see the internet but you can connect and use it - you do get drops that I have not had the issue before so something low level is wrong.


I brought the EX7000 down to the ground floor and connected it directly to the R8000 without the powerline and different cables still the EX7000 has the same no connect to the internet message.


When I setup the R8000 DHCP scope if fails to pull the EX7000 device name through but you can see the MAC address etc so issues with name resolution somewhere.


I cannot test anything else and now spent a few hours on this and ran out of ideas - NETGEAR THIS IS A BUG YOU NEED TO BE FIXING - PLEASE 🙂


Anyone got any other ideas?

Model: EX7000|AC1900 WiFi Range Extender
Message 12 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

I have connected to the EX7000 access point and can ping netgear.com and resolves or netgear.co.uk - so nothing blocking traffic on my network agree it looks cosmetic but issues with my R8000 seing the device name for the EX7000 device.

Message 13 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

I have that as well - but I never counted it for much - an access point doesnt need to be known on the network. It could be cosmetic but probably would be a problem if you had a drive plugged into the USB port. Also, if it was introduced in the new firmware, why doesn't putting the old firmware back address the problem? I bet for anyone willing to pay for the support call there is a fix in some hidden configuration page. I guess it's me as well - I pay for annual support on my router but think that a consumer grade product should have free support.
Message 14 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

I am sure the firmware for the EX7000 has not been updated in ages and the issue for me has surfaced through an update to the R8000.  As you rightly point out the access point is very basic but my R8000 cannot pick up the name of the extender so working at a very low level IP / MAC address level.


I am going to try later or early tomorrow morning to put the firmware back on the R8000 and see if this makes a difference currently on - fixed security issues?


Will report back with the results.


Agree 90 days of support of any form of support is a joke.  I think the kit is great so its just frustrating and no one from Netgear have picked up this thread yet!

Message 15 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Unfortunately, the netgear engineer did not manage to contact me at the stated agreed time. I will have to chase them and probably schedule another call support next week.
Honestly, after seeing so many different replies on this forum, I strongly believe it is some bug on netgear end. My main router is a Asus RT-AC87U. I have been using it for more than a year and it has not given me any major issue. In fact, this netgear problem is not major problem either just that it is simply too annoying to see the error, sometimes wondering is it a genuine error.
Netgear, if you open a forum for your supporters to discuss, we hope you also take serious ownership of the reported problems and help your customers. I am sure your support must have been trained to serve your customers well to resolve the reported issues.
Message 16 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

I re-read the setup instructions and there is something that you need to change if you have MAC address filtering. Don't know if it's applicable. But I did experience a few small issues - I had a hard time connecting to it (message: not on the same wireless network) and I also had some resets on the admin page for my router that I've never seen before
Message 17 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

DrCharlesForbin, I have no MAC address filtering and still have the issue.

Message 18 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

As per my last post I have done further testing:


  • I installed V1.0.3.26_1.18 on my Netgear R8000 this is two version behind the current version is V1.0.3.36_1.1.25
  • I installed V1.0.0.38_1.0.91 on my Netgear EX7000 this is also two versions behind the current version is V1.0.0.50_1.0.102

Once the firmware versions were applied I factory reset the EX7000 first then R8000 to ensure the setting were all applied to the new firmware. Full power down and reboot and test that everything works and it did.


Still had the message "Your access point has no Internet access. Check to make sure that your router has an internet connection"


Disappointing but someone in a previous post might be right the service might be wanting to check with a service at Netgear that a connection exists, not recording all my network traffic! My son also complained yesterday his Xbox One S would not connect to the 5Ghz EX7000 yesterday and when I went into the advanced settings a 500ms response and could not detect the NAT config. Repointing the Xbox to the R8000 fixed the issue straight away.


We now need Netgear to fix this issue!

Model: EX7000|AC1900 WiFi Range Extender
Message 19 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Netgear doesn't HAVE to fix anything. I have a slightly different viewpoint on this, perhaps based on years of consumer tech experience. They have your money and a ridiculous 90 day support warranty. You agreed to it when you bought the product. 

Message 20 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

I had a reply from Netgear after they had some confusion with my previous arranged schedule.


Don't think they are making sense... 


I already told them that i am connecting my EX7000 extender to my Asus main router via LAN cable as an access point. Thereafter, i configured the EX7000's wifi to extend out my range. According to their manual, if we want to connect it as an Access Point, we should use a LAN cable to connect between the main router and the Extender right? Why are they now saying i should not connect via LAN? are they asking me to set up my EX7000 as a Extender instead of AP? Come on... Netgear...



Response from NETGEAR

I had checked the previous response to the email Rhys sent out and the schedule you sent was 28 May 2017 which is way longer than we anticipated. We checked with you if that was the correct schedule and you confirmed it was so we cannot call you at an earlier time than that.

I believe it was where the confusion happened, we could have this scheduled at another time which you preferred.

Also, I would like to get your confirmation that you stated that the extender was wired to the Asus router.

This extender will only work as a wireless access point to be connected to the main router's Wi-Fi not through LAN. Its extender function will need to be configured the same way as the access point function.


Expert ID 8313
NETGEAR L2 Support Expert
Message 21 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Agree makes no sense!  As you rightly state the extender is created by wireless and access point by physical LAN and wired to the router, Netgear need to go and study their own manuals and kit!


Darkangel I need you to pursue this as far as possible and see if we can get a fix, point them at our posts there are more of us with the same problem.


Good luck and thanks in advance.

Model: EX7000|AC1900 WiFi Range Extender
Message 22 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

That's why I just ordered a Linksys 2600 on sale for $170. There was a CVU vulnerability back in 2016 on their routers (your 7000 for one) that was supposedly fixed in firmware. It was last updated Feb of 2017 so I think that they may be finding more issues.  I also found an older issue with the R7000's where there was a problem with the cable company trying to use routers as access points - and it may be concidental on my part that I've seen this problem start to happen just as my cable company is rolling out a new VPN wifi client. I dont know.  If they can deliver a fix in the week and 1/2 it will take to get it - I'll send it back. 

Message 23 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

The access point should plug in to the LAN and not the WAN port - it's just another network device at that point.
Message 24 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

I'm having the same issue.  Setup the EX7000 as an access point, everything looked to be working properly but no internet connection.  Did a factory reset and set it up as an extender through the Web GUI and still same issue.  The only way I could get it working is with the WPS setup 😐


Not very happy, i expected more from a $200 (CDN) device. 

Model: EX7000|AC1900 WiFi Range Extender
Message 25 of 137
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