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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

EX7000 no internet connection


Re: EX7000 no internet connection

If you just bought it - send it back !!!  I never had a problem with mine until very recently.  There's still this lingering thought in the back of my mind that I hit one of those bogus netgear sites... but the more people I hear from the less I think it's likely.  The only thing that I've read so far that makes any kind of sense is that there's code in the routers to prevent double NAT'ing in Bridge mode - but it makes no sense in an AP or Range extender. What I continue my scratch my head over is access point with a phone home requirement. I checked my router logs, and the traffic isn't blocked.  The reason that I'm looking to replace it is that I'm starting not to trust it.  I pay a decent amount of money for my commercial grade networking equipment at home - just for this reason. I have restrictions on my router that limit me to single wireless access point on my wireless port - I use an existing weaker acecss point on my low side for that (I'd rather have the stricter controls on that subnet).  If I dont get an answer, Netgear is out of my picture for good. 

Message 26 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

I am experiencing the same issue with the web-control of the EX7000 reporting no internet connection.


I tested and confirmed that I am in fact connected to the internet when I am connected through the EX7000. I achieved this by changing the SSID to a new name that is different from the R9000 and the other EX7000 in my network setup. (quick note, both EX7000 report no connection)
When I connect to the EX7000 I am able to use all internet connected software on my MacBook. So it is just an issue with reporting correct status (at least in my case).


I have attempted to drop back versions of firmware on both the EX7000s and the R9000. No change. I also just updated to a new firmware version, for the R9000, that dropped recently. This did not fix the issue.


One thing I can share, not sure if it is important or not. When I initially setup my network with the R9000 and the two EX7000s it was reporting correctly on the EX7000s. No changes were made to either router as far as firmware. (When I was installing the R9000 it forced an update of firmware, one back from the most current, but it was working after that). I am not sure when it fell to reporting incorrect internet connection status. The R9000 has always correctly reported that it has an internet connection.

Model: EX7000|AC1900 WiFi Range Extender
Message 27 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection



If you look back on this discussion I put a reply on the 30th April.  I put both my EX7000 and R8000 back two firmware versions and did a full factory reset and still had the same no internet connection message.


Any of your EX7000 still under the 90 days warrenty so you can raise a call?

Model: EX7000|AC1900 WiFi Range Extender
Message 28 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Already made a call. Spoke with a person I could barely understand... stepping me through the steps I had already done.


And yes, I did see your reply. I was just offering up my experience to others with the possiblity that something I did might spring forth a thought of something new to try.

Message 29 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Latest updates from Netgear L2 Support:
They are attempting to replicate the issue first before reverting on the possible root cause analysis. Hopefully this will get them to look into a solution.
Message 30 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

i just thought I'd check back in. I could have saved you some trouble - if you could get out to the internet to get the firmware from the 7000 itself, you're connected to the internet 🙂 You may have done the right thing and actually downloaded it to your PC first before updating 😀 It can't communicate without an IP address, or at least some kind of network port. I have to get the MAC address from the 7000 itself and see if it's in the router table. But - the error didn't disappear when I gave it a static IP address and DNS so I don't know if it matters. Let's hope L2 can give us an answer and thanks for the research. You know, I'm thinking about it - I think I had a similar problem with my old airport router.
Message 31 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

I have unfortunately no solution ... But the same problem, at once! And I'm from Germany.Smiley Frustrated
  • Firmware Version V1.0.0.50_1.0.102



Model: EX7000|AC1900 WiFi Range Extender
Message 32 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

I also have the same problem. No solution as yet, but I am hoping someone might come up with a solution on this thread.


I have Virgin Media hub set up as a modem connected to a R8000 with a wired connection to an EX7000 as a WiFi extender.


R8000 firmware:  V1.0.3.36_1.1.25 (updated last week)

EX7000 firmware: V1.0.0.50_1.0.102 (updated just now)



I did a belated firmware update on the R8000 because of the well publicised security issue a few months back. Thought I should check the status of the EX7000 this week.


Strangely, when I logged in, the EX7000 was already showing that I had 'no internet connection'; but I knew that wasn't case as I had more than one mobile device successfully connecting through it. So I thought I would update the firmware and hoped it would solve this error message. Bizarrely, after updating the firmware successfully on the EX7000, not only does it still report 'no internet connection', it is no longer able to 'check for updates', reporting the lack of internect connectivity as the reason (whereas, just minutes earlier it had managed a successful update over the same connection)!


I can still connect my mobile devices through the EX7000 and via the R8000 to the internet, so I am not suffering any loss of functionality. One odd aspect I can see is that the EX7000 is not recognised as an 'attached device' on the R8000. In the Basic display of attached devices on the R8000, all devices wirelessly connected to the EX7000 shows up as wired connections on the R8000. The EX7000 appears invisible to the R8000.


I am beginning to wonder if I should have just left everything alone and not messed with it!


Message 33 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Thank you for your quick reply and description. I am pretty often on my router, Fritz 7490, very common in Germany. And here I go from time to time on the Extender.
And today the problem! Nothing changed, no updates, nothing!
What happened, what's going on. I also tried everything possible: reboot, reset, reinstallation, different configuration ....
Nothing helped.
I have the extender for about 4 months, with the latest Firmware, NOTHING CHANGED! (also by Router not)
Only hope remains. 
With kind regards Frantisek
Model: EX7000|AC1900 WiFi Range Extender
Message 34 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Out of curiosity what OS are people running, could this be OS related?


Message 35 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

I would have thought the OS is not important. My computers are Windows 10, but I can access the R8000 and EX7000 using the browsers on my Apple iDevices (iOS9 and 10) and can make all changes using any web browser.

I too have had these NetGear items for several months without problems. I really suspect this is something to do with the firmware OR that we are all victims of some kind of cyber attack!!
Message 36 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Windows 10 for me. Also on iOS 10 in the iPhone (logged into the web interface).
Message 37 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

PC with Windows 10 Home new Version

Model: EX7000|AC1900 WiFi Range Extender
Message 38 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

I think its unlikly the OS is at fault but the Windows Creators update was the only recent change to my system and i only noticed the not connected to the internet error sometime after that. The firmware on the extender has not changed and if its a cyber attack its not a very good one since everythings still working for me i just get an error telling me its not connected.  Can you confirm you get the same error on a Mac?



Message 39 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Yep. I am checking the status using Safari on a Mac.


Says it has no connection to the internet, but it does.

Message 40 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

well that rules out the OS for sure

Message 41 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

It's not the OS ... it's something on the AP itself. Whether it's preventing double NATting or blocking the DNS ... I have no idea.
Message 42 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

The OS was a long shot but it was the only thing that had changed recently, i agree it has to be something on the access point . I am going to quiz the network engineers in the office to see if they know how these things verify they are connected to the internet. its strange as everything works fine, i have a couple of cloud based cameras hooked up to this and i get an email if they disconnect but they have been rock solid.

Message 43 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

So the network techs at work all said its most likely failing to reach a site to verify connectivity as previously mentioned by someone else, they suggested i disconnect everything else and just have the extender connected to the modem router and look at the logs to try and determine what its trying to look at and then put in a static DNS pointing it somewhere else.



Message 44 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Try it - it didn't work for me. That's typically the problem when the message is "can't connect to internet". I tried a static up with a static DNS and it did not work. That's been confusing me.
Message 45 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

were you able to find out what address its looking for?, if it is something this basic you have to wonder why netgear have not addressed it already

Message 46 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

I have the same issue. Wired AP, works 100% fine, WIFI and ethernet connections. BUT reports no internet connection when connect to the UI. Super strange, but if it's working 100% ok WIFI and ethernet as an AP off of my Asus router through our wired home then I guess it's ok. Just odd... must be an UI bug of some kind.

Message 47 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Question for everyone in the thread: does anyone else besides me use Avast? I was looking through my router logs and I have a malformed DNS packet trying to connect to Avast. By the way, I confirmed, I gave the range a static IP and DNS and still fails.  I pulled the picture because someone may have picked up my MAC address from it - but what I had was a malformed DNS request from a different network provider to an Avast server through my network. I'm a bit concerned. 

Message 48 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Nope, Bitdefender 


going to trawl through my logs when i get home tonight and see if there is anything strange going on.  if i have time i am going to isolate the EX7000 clear the logs on the Cable modem/router and see what its trying to do.



Message 49 of 137

Re: EX7000 no internet connection

Well then we can rule out that then. It was worth a shot. Thanks. 

Message 50 of 137
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