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Orbi Satellite Won't Connect (Despite Blue Ring)

I have not had any issues with my orbi router / satellite until just recently (possibly the newest firmware via autoupdate?) My router and satellite have always been in the same places and have worked fine until now. I cannot get my router to recognize or add my satellite. I have reset everything (power cycling - not factory resetting), and have tried to manually add the satellite via the software on the router login to no avail. The satellite ring is blue, as it has always been. Briefly, I saw the satellite show up on the devices screen and then disappear after about 5 seconds one time. I know it was the satellite, because I have all my other devices labeled and I was actively fooling with it trying to get it to connect. It showed up under the regular devices list though, and not at the top under the satellites tab. I don't know what's going on, as i haven't changed anything. I believe maybe this update has broken the link between satellite and router or something. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
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