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Disable auto change IP address

I've seen similar posts about a way to disable the auto change IP address before. They've been brushed off. The 'answers' and 'solutions' are wrong. There is an issue with the product. Every month when my ISP renews my IP address, the Orbi loses its mind. It gets stuck in the IP address conflict loop. I literally have to chase it between the,,, and other random addresses within each of the ranges. Once I manually set it (provided it doesn't hop again before I can submit) to the address I prefer,, it stops hopping and magically no longer detects a conflict.

No, it isn't conflicting with my ISP. How do I know? I set up a TAP and ran some PCAPs while unplugging and re-plugging in the cable modem. The interim range is always 192.168.100.x while it is waiting for DHCP to pull my public address. No, that never, not once, not ever conflicts with I need to disable this feature or I'm going to have to throw this $600 (router plus multiple satellites) into the garbage and pick a superior competitor that doesn't lose its mind monthly.


This is total crap. Whatever method you are using to detect conflict is obviously failing. 

Model: RBR50| Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi (Router Only)
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