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Orbi Satellite Drop Connection time to time




For some reason, my RBS50 Orbi Satellite dropped connection couple times a day. The synptoms are:
1. all the devices conntected to RBS50 Satellite dropped the connection (both Wireless and Wired).

2. The connection will be back for a while and dropped again. (after several round, the connection will be fully back)

3. however everything connected to RBR50 Router are good.

4. I tried to keep ping the satellite from one of my 24/7 host, by checking the log, I can see the satellite is not pingable during the connection issue period.


And here is my setup:

|   ISP     |
  WAN v
+-----+-----+LAN     +------------+
|  Router   +------->+   Switch   |
+-----------+        +--+-----+---+
                        |     |
                 +------+     +-------+
                 |                    |
             WAN v                    v LAN
          +------+------+      +------+------+
          |  RBR50      |      |   RBS50     |
          |  AP mode    |      |   AP mode   |
          +-------------+      +-------------+

1. Orbi is in AP mode
2. Satellite is shown as Wired backhaul in the Router's setting page.
3. both router and satellite has V2.5.1.8 firmware
4. Daisy-chain is disabled


Any idea what's wrong with my setting?




Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
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