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How to Reset Network of MK63

We just bought the MK63 Nighthawk Mesh WiFi 6 System and are having trouble with set up. All was going well until we got to the Create WiFi Network step. As it said we could do, we set the name and password to be the same as our existing network. We did this and continued. However, when the next Join prompt came up and we clicked Join, the router was not able to connect. When I checked the WiFi in my phone, the router's network was no longer there. I believe that my phone is still connecting to the previous router IP. I don't know how to find out the Router IP for the MR60 so that I can manually configure my phone to connect to the router so that we can finish set up. After continuing to fail to set up the system, we tried using the reset button and the MR60 router's WiFi network still will not return.

I would like to reset the MR60 such that we can get to that Create WiFi Network step again and not give it the same info as our current network. I think that would fix the problem, I just don't know how to do it.

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