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R7400 disconnects from Internet on every WAN DHCP lease renewal

Netgear Nighthawk R7400 router connected to Surfboard SB6141 cable modem
Router firmware:  V1.2.0.92_1.0.1

The router disconnects from the Internet for a number of seconds every time it renews the lease for the *WAN* IP address from my ISP.  LAN-side traffic does not appear to be affected.  Since my ISP is currently giving only one- or two-hour leases, the router disconnects numerous times per day, disrupting my work often.

The problem can also be reproduced at will by selecting
Advanced-Home->Connection-Status->Renew in the router BUI.

Each time the problem occurs, the router's WAN connection LED changes from white to amber, then back to white, and a pair of lines like these is written to the router log:

  [Internet connected] IP address: xx.xx.xx.xx Sunday, July 31,2022 10:28:37
  [Internet disconnected] Sunday, July 31,2022 10:28:35

Although the above messages are only a couple of seconds apart, the user disruption is noticeably longer.

I've experienced this problem for a number of months, including while running the two prior versions of the router firmware.

I've factory-reset the cable modem and done multiple network resets to no avail.

I've seen reports in the community forums of similar issues with other router models, sometimes diagnosed to router firmware issues.

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