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CAX80 dead 10 months NG wants me to wait until they have more refurbs 4 warranty replacement no ETA.

I have had nothing but problems with this unit. suppose to cover up to 3000 sq\ft house but had devices constantly dropping off, than the fw constant rebooting requiring factory resets then having to reconfigure again and then had tech support requesting log files only to then have me make config changes to over 6 areas. Worked for about month. Finally unit dhcp failed and even after hardware factory reset, the unit would not keep a defualt IP and  could not be Pinged. I contacted tech support and they concluded unit is dead. Then proceeds to tell me that they have no refurbs in stock and that I would be contacted in the future when one is available. I lost it, and said they can just send me a brand new one, to which he said sorry not our policy. My wife and i work from home and we have a smart house with many devices so I asked for another model, again he said not our policy. I ask what exactly are we suppose to do, he said wait until they have more refurbs in stock. I said no you can overnight me a replacement model overnight as this is critical for our jobs, again he said "not our policy" but he would share my concerns with the customer care team and that someone would be contacted within 24 hours, news flash, never happened. This  a $500 unit of which they only provide 90 days of support than try to sell you extended support.

Asked if the 1 year clock on hardware replacement warranty on refurb starts over with the unit, again he saids, not our policy and that I would only get the balance of the warranty. so if the unit dies again after 2 months I get to buy another one. Had to buy another router (Arris AX3000 G34) just to get back up before wife and I have to be at work online Monday. I was always a loyal NG fan but no longer. Hopefully a class action suite will be initiated soon.

CAX80 Horrible product and worse customer service. Case #46366936 just one of many.

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