Is Netgeat MR6500 able to work in Japan?
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While many questions about routers are generic and could be answered anywhere, some things need specialist knowledge.
You might get more help, and find earlier questions and answers specific to your device, in the appropriate section for your hardware. That's probably here:
Mobile Routers, Hotspots & Modems
Those things are very different from the standard Netgear routers covered in this section.
You might like to search there for messages related to your question.
I will ask the Netgear moderator to move your message.
- 新着としてマーク
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- 不適切なコンテンツを報告
While many questions about routers are generic and could be answered anywhere, some things need specialist knowledge.
You might get more help, and find earlier questions and answers specific to your device, in the appropriate section for your hardware. That's probably here:
Mobile Routers, Hotspots & Modems
Those things are very different from the standard Netgear routers covered in this section.
You might like to search there for messages related to your question.
I will ask the Netgear moderator to move your message.