Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Advice needed before purchase


Advice needed before purchase

Currently, I own a Technicolor TG589n v2 (modem/router) and i'm encountering problems on online gaming with it. Opened all ports basically but they appear closed. Even on certain games geting disconnected randomly.
Well basically would like to know about or a combo router modem as I already have or separate devices however always something cheap and better then the one I own.
Thanks in advance.

Message 1 of 7

Re: Advice needed before purchase

> [...]  own a Technicolor TG589n v2 (modem/router) and i'm encountering
> problems on online gaming with it.

   What sort of "problems"?

> [...] Opened all ports basically but they appear closed. [...]

   "Opened all ports" is not a useful descrition of what you did.
"Opened all ports basically" is even less useful.  How, exactly, do they
"appear"?  As usual, showing actual actions with their actual results
(error messages, LED indicators, ...) can be more helpful than vague
descriptions or interpretations.

   In my experience, people who talk about ports being "open" often
don't understand the problem.  A port looks "closed" when there's no
server program (or device) listening at that port.  All the port
forwarding in the world won't help you if, at the end of the line, no
one is listening at that port number.

> [...] Even on certain games geting disconnected randomly.

   To me, that sounds like a different problem.  But, again, not a
useful problem description.

> [...] better then the one I own. [...]

   Knowing nothing significant about your actual problem, or its cause,
I have no reason to believe that a new modem and/or router would change
anything about your situation.

Message 2 of 7

Re: Advice needed before purchase

>Opened all ports: opening "all" ports i mean the one useful to that game, or to be precise for my PS4. I did even test with portforward.com port checker application on my pc inputting the PS4 IP address, and the ports I wanted to open appeared all closed.
This is the port list that were forward it.

ports picture.png

I believe that my router is loosing packets to my PS4 with most of the online games like FIfa and mostly with Destiny 2. with the last one mentioned I cannot even play coop with my friends.
Constantly connection drops.
Tha's why I came to your forum,  for the reason that might be that my router/modem is old and with certain games will suffer or won't support them.

Message 3 of 7

Re: Advice needed before purchase

> [...] the ports I wanted to open appeared all closed.

   See "In my experience, [...]", above.

> This is the port list that were forward it.

   In-line images in these forums must wait for moderator approval, so I
can't see yours yet.  Copy+paste is your friend.  (An attached file
incurs no such delay.)

> I believe [...]

   Based on what actual evidence?

> [...] Constantly connection drops. [...]

   Between some computer/device and the modem+router?  Between the
modem+router and your (unspecified) ISP?

> Tha's why I came to your forum,  for the reason that might be that my
> router/modem is old and with certain games will suffer or won't support
> them.

   According to a spec sheet which a quick Web search found, it seems to
be old (2011), and the Ethernet ports are slow ("fast" = 10/100MHz), but
none of that proves that the modem+router is the source of your

   If you want to buy a new modem+router, then almost anything modern
would probably have better specs than your current one, but if you're
configuring or testing port forwarding incorrectly with your current
modem+router, then I'd expect you to do the same things, and have the
same problems, on a new modem+router, too.

Message 4 of 7

Re: Advice needed before purchase

ports picture.pngdidn't know, sorry.
> [...] Constantly connection drops. [...]
   Between some computer/device and the modem+router?  Between the
modem+router and your (unspecified) ISP?

>>I really don't know exactly, but even the ISP told me over the phone that i can freely open ports without any problems.
by the way, this router/modem is ISP provided, but i have full access to it's advance settings.

So how would I open those ports, always if I'm doing them wrong 😕 ?

Message 5 of 7

Re: Advice needed before purchase

> So how would I open those ports, always if I'm doing them wrong 😕 ?

   Still waiting for your picture to clear, so I know nothing about
which "those ports" you're trying to "open", or why, or how you're
trying to "open" them, or what "open ports" means to you.  My guess is
that your picture won't clarify all those mysteries.

Message 6 of 7

Re: Advice needed before purchase

hope this time appears ( port )
Opened the ports for = Playstation 4

Message 7 of 7
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Orbi WiFi 7