Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues


D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

My Router just stopped letting devices connect to 2.4 but 5 works.  I have a guest and regular 2.4 and they both act the same.

If I reboot it will work for a few hours and then stops.  Devices get and authentication error.  I am using the wizard settings and haven't changed anything.  Firmware

Netgear Genie will show the network as good.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Model: R7000|Nighthawk AC1900 Dual Band WiFi Router
Message 1 of 42

Re: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

I was checking the forum today due to having the exact same issue. Just updated to the latest firmware, V1.0.9.14_1.2.25  and cannot connect to 2.4. Can connect to 5 fine. All devices say the password is incorrect but it is not. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I did do a router reset but it did not make a difference.

Model: R7000|Nighthawk AC1900 Dual Band WiFi Router
Message 2 of 42

Re: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

I have done factory reset and thought the issue was solved.  Then lost connection again.  I don't recall doing a recent firmware updated but judging by all the posts, there must have been one.  C'mon Netgear jump in and help your customers out.  This is a rampant issue.

Also would be nice if my model D7000 was an option.

Model: R7000|Nighthawk AC1900 Dual Band WiFi Router
Message 3 of 42

Re: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

I have exactly the same issue with firmware version V1.0.1.50_1.0.1!!!!!

Model: R8900|Nighthawk X10—AD7000 Smart WiFi Router
Message 4 of 42

Re: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues



Have tried rolling back to a prior firmware?  I think that is my next step.  There are lots of othes posts here for the R7000 router having the same issue.  The only difference is they all got a recent firmware update and I think V1.0.1.50_1.0.1 has been out for awhile.


Message 5 of 42

Rif.: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

Message 6 of 42

Rif.: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

Netgear needs to really get on this. Sounds like it is affecting all customers who upgraded. Have they made any comment at all regarding this?

Message 7 of 42

Rif.: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

Not sure, i havent find.

This problem is from last friday i think, more ppl will complain it.

Tomorrow ill try to call the support
Message 8 of 42

Rif.: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues


My issue seems to be resolved as of Wednesday night.  2.4 is up and running.  I have not done anything since my last post.  There is a new firmware version available but I did not update yet.  

I'll update if I have more issues.

Message 9 of 42

Rif.: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

Did you call support? Any information at all? This has been going on too long. I may need to buy a new router. I think I a pretty much done with netgear routers since they don't seem to work.

Message 10 of 42

Rif.: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

I am out of warranty so I can't even call them.  It sad they have no avenue for you to reach them.  Not even a pretend e-mail so you can vent and feel better.  They just want you to pay for a support contract.  I am still up and running and not having any issues.  I had hoped you all were good too.


Way to ask for loyalty Netgear.  Send your customers to buy Other's products.  I'm going Google if this happens again.

Message 11 of 42

Rif.: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

I am in the same situation, cannot get any direct help from netgear at all and they don't respond on this forum. After reading through many posts here this seems like an ongoing issue for the last couple of years after people do updates. I can't find any resolution. It would be nice to know if the 2.4 ever comes back or if I just have a trashed router. All my IOT devices use 2.4 which is a real hardship not having them working.

Message 12 of 42

Rif.: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

Gents, I had the same problem tooo: 5ghz working fine while 2.4ghz is visible but not connectable. I have also verified quality of signal by wifi analyser app and 2.4ghz appears stable. The problem occurs both with firmware and

it seems that a new firmware has been issued ( : I tried it and found that it fixed the problem just for 24hours. 



Message 13 of 42

Rif.: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

Same with me. Guess it was not the firmware, but reloading the modem that temporarily fixed the issue

Message 14 of 42
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: Rif.: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

If you are having this issue have you checked what channel the 2.4ghz network is showing is it at 0 have you tried to change it to auto or a different channel? If someone is willing to work with support and gather some logs on this issue send me a PM.



Message 15 of 42

Re: Rif.: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

I just sent you a PM. The channel setting is on Auto. I have tried different settings, it does not seem to make a difference.

Message 16 of 42

Re: Rif.: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

Sent you a PM and copy of my logs.

Message 17 of 42

Re: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

And here I thought my modem was bad. I'm in the same boat as everyone else here. Firmware Version V1.0.1.50_1.0.1. Thank goodness 5g still works. Guess we have to keep checking back here everyday just to see if a fix becomes available?
Message 18 of 42

Re: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

I have the same problem. Couldnt find a fix

Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 19 of 42

Re: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz connection issues

After 9 days at least we have a netgear person showing some interest. Hopefully there will be a fix eventually but I have a feeling it is going to be a while. After many hours of working on this I am convinced it is a firmware issue.

Message 20 of 42

Re: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz not working/connection issues

Same here all of a sudden after a year of stable 2.4GHZ the only thing that works is the 5 GHZ band, my USB 3.0 readyshare for my printer has also died. Before I found this thread I was to go buy a new D7000, but with what I have seen the issue is Netgears firmware security updates. I Netgear doesn't resolve soon I for one will never buy a Netgear product again. Has anyone else lost the Readyshare 3.0 support for their printer? I guess I have to start shopping for a new Modem Router and I guarantee you it will not be a Netgear Modem-Router


Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 21 of 42

Re: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz not working/connection issues

Same issue here, how dissapointing on Netgears end! Get the issue sorted we pay premium prices and should expect premium results! I may as well go back to my providers router.


We have software that can only be connected to 2.4ghz and not to 5G can anyone tell me if theres an update for this?

Message 22 of 42

Re: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz not working/connection issues

I agree. It is very disappointing that Netgear does not address this issue ASAP. This is a premium device.

I need to restart the router every few hours in order to re-enable connections to the 2.4ghz network.

Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 23 of 42

Re: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz not working/connection issues

Hopefully they will fix this issue soon. As a temporary work around, I connected all my 2.4 Home devices to my 2.4 guest connection which does work. It is only the main 2.4 tht doesn't work, at least for me.

Message 24 of 42

Re: D7000 Nighthawk 2.4ghz not working/connection issues

Same issue. Moved to v52 firmware just issued but still have to physically reboot every day as all 2.4 ghz devices get booted out! Netgear is pretty useless. Thinking to change router as it has been a very unreliable device!
Message 25 of 42
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