Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

As the title says, how can I launch a vulnerability scan with netgear armor on my NightHawk R7000P? There is nowhere in the menu to launch one and I have had it since launch and no scan has been performed.

Message 1 of 34
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

Hello @ChemicalGilroy


Netgear Armor automatically runs a scan upon launch and continues to run weekly scans. The result of your weekly scan appears below the "Vulnerability Assessment" section. 




Message 2 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

My router has been installed for almost two weeks and it has not done a scan. What's up? How do I force a scan?


I'm thinking I won't be continuing this service after the 90 day trial. Seems pretty crappy. I can't manually start a scan?!


What if my network was infected and I think I cleaned it, but I want to scan again to make sure. I have to wait a week? That's crazy!

Message 3 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

Good points.. I guess you may not need a manual scan b/c if your device still has an issue Netgear will provided another alert?
But it be nice to do a Manual scan? I also have some devices it scanned another’s it never scanned and it been weeks why? What date and time does it scan the devices ?
Message 4 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

Apologies I re read the response above and it appears it scan everytime app is started correct? Anyway I still have one issue If so how come some of my devices it never scanned and it been weeks?
Message 5 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

While I'm still trying to figure out netgear armor myself I've noticed that when I installed bitdefender on my laptop from the armor app and did a manual virus and vulnerability scan from the device itself the results showed up on the netgear armor app.

Message 6 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

I ended up cancelling Netgear Armor. Even with the significant price discount they offered, it just isn't worth it. I think it does very little.


I'm still using my Netgear router as an access point, but I've transitioned to OPNsense for the firewall. It's amazing! It does a phenominal job of protecting the network. Lots of services including netflow analysis, OpenDNS, OpenVPN, dnsmasq, monit, and the list goes on and on. I highly recommend it. It's free, based on FreeBSD, and runs on minimal hardware. I built a small i3 system in a cute little ITX case and it's working perfectly, but I could have just as easily loaded it on an old PC with two NICs.

Message 7 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

I just install Netgear Armour. Reading post is confusing. if it runs a scan why does it keep showing no vunerability scan has been run? Why is there no place to run scan like there is for virus scan? Frnakly, this is consistent with my experience with Netgear, things just don't make sense. Fortunatley i am on a trial. If someone has answers I would appreciate hear them.


Message 8 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

I got rid of my netgear router. Too many vulnerabilities. I'm now running an OPNsense firewall on a purpose-built PC. It's amazing!

Message 9 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

I totally agree with JohnBaltimore.  If the software is supposed to scan a device automatically it does not reflect that that has occurred.  Futhermore, in the case of a Windows device which does permit a manual scan, the Netgear Armor software still does not reflect that that scan has occurred.  What am I missing here???

Message 10 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

Hi @ControlledKhaos . You are missing the same as what we all are -- a moderator to shed some light over this. In a separate discussion, I asked what day of the week are we to expect the said scan/assessment to take place, and a description of what it actually does. It's nice to see that all the devices on the network are protected, but disturbing to see "Not scanned yet" for every single one.

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 11 of 34
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

Hi all, adding to this, when a device is added to Orbi or Nighthawk router running Armor the scan should be completed at the time of it being added. Once the first scan is completed the device will get added to a scan queue and a vulnerability scan will occur once a week. If the time comes for a particular device to be scanned for vulnerabilities and that device is not online or connected to that router's network then the scan will be skipped and the device will be added to the bottom of the queue. The device that is on the bottom of the queue will have to wait for all other devices to be scanned before it gets around to it again.

Message 12 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

Thank you for that @DexterJB . I'll have to wait and see how this modus operandi works for me, but I'm concerned that it may not work very well; the reason being that I do not leave ANY of my devices ON LINE when not in use. One solution that would work best for me is to be able to run Vulnerability Scans on the demand, with that optiion becoming available only every 7 days. That would work very well, likewise I assume, for other participants in this Forum. Once you close the cover of those laptops, they're offline. But thank you, you post answered a very important question for me.

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 13 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

I have been an IT professional for almost 40 years and have been designing/creating enterprise level web applications/sites during most of that time.  I have 12 devices connected to my system all setup with reservations by mac address in the router.  The vulnerability scans may have occurred, but the Netgear Armor software is definitely not registering the scan or logging any results.  I have removed each of these devices from the Armor software and it has re-added each of the devices and still does not indicate that the device has been scanned.  If Netgear is expecting me to pay $69.99/year for this product, they need to stop telling users how it is supposed to work and make sure that it does indeed work as expected.

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 14 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

Well said @ControlledKhaos , I couldn't have put it any better. I'm one week into my 90-day trial period and have had all sorts of issues over and above the absence of vulnerability assessment scans . So I am not impressed.

Message 15 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

I installed Bitdefender on my Mac Pro. There is no application or icon or anything other than an "uninstall" folder in Applications. So not only can I not start a manual scan, I can't even look at anything such as logs. How is one to know if the tool is even doing anything or whether it ever did anything? Trust? I've never used Bitdefender before, but it has very good reviews. I'm assuming that the Netgear Armor variant is some crippled version of the Bitdefender. Also, having to use the lame app to "manage" this is really annoying as well. I'm going to let this sit for a week or so but most likely I'll be removing it. This tool is supposed to make me feel more comfortable not less.

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 16 of 34
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

Hi @BinkyTheClown, please make sure you follow the steps provided on the link below.




Please let us know if you run into issues.



Message 17 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

Hi there @BinkyTheClown . You and I have the same router, and I also have two MacBooks on my network, so we can compare notes.


My advice - do not, at  least no yet, install Bitdefender Total Security on your MacBook. As for Netgear Armor, if the installation process was successful, then your Armor on your Orbi will protect ALL devices connected to your network. But if you have devices (phones, tables and laptops) that will be taken on the road (...and off the network), then you're being offered to install BD Total Security. On Apple devices, I wouldn't bother. On Windows devices, the verdict is still out for me. My experience was not disastrous but certainly not without hiccups. Given that I'm still young in my 90-day trial period, I'll wait a bit before I install BD Total Security on Win10 computers.


Now back to your Netgear Armor. You have to activate Armor and you can only do that, for some strange reasons, with an iPhone, Android phone ... You have to download the app from the app store applicable to your device in order to activate Armor on your router.


Hope this helps. Take care.




Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 18 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

hi. I have BitDefender total security already installed on my MacBook Pro 2017 and W10 devices - main hiccup being blocks to intranet pages for my HP printer.    i haven't had any problems with BD on my MBP.

installed Armor free trial via latest Orbi update.   not sure i understood quite what it was for (if it is the gatekeeper and i no longer need to run av on any of my LAN based devices, that might be worth paying for). however, it is giving me anxiety because:

(a) i can't schedule a vulnerability scan, therefore i don't know if that is the root of my problems

(b) i have a synology DS 918+. since installing armor it has twice blocked my router's IP address stating 10 attempts to login via ssh within 5 minutes.  MAYBE its just the armor scan. i don't know.  wasted couple of hours trying to work it out and have given up

(d) vulnerabiilty scan has pulled up the TP link router bridged to my Orbi which is the SamKnows whitebox.  "high risk". scary. sam knows say it's ok, ssh is a bit out of date but as it's not accessible from outside my lan its not an issue.  however, i'm now worried..

(c) if i wanted to buy it, seems pricing model includes for the "free" total security installs. i've already got subscriptions to that.. so it's too dear (not available it seems as an add on to existing BitDefender subscription



Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 19 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

For what it's worth, Bitdefender Total Security has an option on the left hand side called "Protection".  Click that and then look for Vulnerability section.  If you see that, click on "Vulnerability Scan".  That will launch the scan and you'll get results from that afterwards.  As for updating the "Last Vulnerability Scan" field in the Netgear Armor dashboard, it takes a while.  I suspect the weekly scan mentioned in other comments is required for that.  When I click on Update after clicking on the ellipsis icon for my listed device, it just says "... the command is pending."  


As for results, the BitDefender UI should give you the information you need, whether or not there are actual vulnerabilities.

Message 20 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

Long thread here and no feedback from Netgear.  Once a vulnerability has been found on a device (AV Receiver in this case), when will another vulnerability scan be run?  I have patched said receiver and it hasn't been rescanned since initial Armor install through the Orbi app.

Model: RBS40|Orbi AC2200 Tri-band WiFi Add-on Satellite
Message 21 of 34
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

Hi @StevenOrbi, please see my previous response:


Hi all, adding to this, when a device is added to Orbi or Nighthawk router running Armor the scan should be completed at the time of it being added. Once the first scan is completed the device will get added to a scan queue and a vulnerability scan will occur once a week. If the time comes for a particular device to be scanned for vulnerabilities and that device is not online or connected to that router's network then the scan will be skipped and the device will be added to the bottom of the queue. The device that is on the bottom of the queue will have to wait for all other devices to be scanned before it gets around to it again.



Message 22 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

As you can see from screen shot the scan hasn’t run in 16 days.
Message 23 of 34
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

Hi @StevenOrbi, was the AV Receiver always connected to the network and online the whole time?



Message 24 of 34

Re: How to Launch Vulnerability Scan?

Yes. When the initial scan ran and identified the vulnerability, I downloaded latest firmware. Been watching for another scan to see if new firmware resolves the vulnerability. It’s been connected by wire the entire time.
Message 25 of 34
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Orbi WiFi 7