Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

Dear Dexter,

You're not helping.  Nothing is working to let me view my cameras from my cell phone with the Orbi connected to it.  If I go buy a different router and it works I will post it here so everyone can dump their Netgear crap in the garbage.

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 26 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

It just blocked a Subaru corporation parts web site.
I sure wish I could turn this stupid thing off!
Message 27 of 74
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

Hi @pizza_pablo and @the1sonofslam, I have sent you a message. Please check your inbox.



Message 28 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

I too have the same question.....Dexter, please forward me that top secret message we have to ask for that you simply won't post.


Message 29 of 74
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

Hi @Carolqeuee, welcome to the community! If you are looking to disable Armor, you may refer to the link below for the steps.




If you are looking to add a URL to the whitelist, the link below may help out.





Message 30 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

Yeah, this guy knows what's up. Today I couldn't respond to an invite because the router was blocking an important site. Also, I have to give location access to Netgear on my phone just to access the settings on my router? What kind of messed up, privacy invading crap is that? Why can't I manage the device through a web portal like every other router I've ever owned?


Message 31 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

I’ve also got this problem: just purchased and setup an Orbi and the Armour thing activated.

When I browse I see things missing, emails are missing images and I have no way of actually seeing the contents unless I connect to another WiFi or cellular network.

For avoidance of doubt:

1) I want Armour completed turned off and disabled on the Orbi, and I’ve already followed instructions to do so. It makes no difference.

2) I do not want to submit links to another company to whitelist. Apart from being a pain to do and wait, I don’t know the source sites of images in emails etc.

How do we do this?

Any why does the Orbi app mandate Location access? It will not function AT ALL unless I give it access to my location. This is very bad.
Model: RBR20|Orbi AC2200 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 32 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

I agree - there's no reason to require location access.

Message 33 of 74
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

Hi @two_frustrated_ and @AcesOxtl, the Orbi can be managed via a web browser by logging in to www.orbilogin.net. Please see the statement for the location access permission linked below.





Message 34 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

From what I can tell, you can’t turn off the broken/useless “armor” software through the web interface.

The app shouldn’t need location access. The fact that it does is a huge privacy red flag.
Message 35 of 74
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

The link below are the steps on how to disable Armor via the app.




Please refer to the statement below by the engineering team:


The iOS 13 update requires location access permissions from NETGEAR apps (Nighthawk, Orbi, Circle) to assist with WiFi SSID auto-connection and device detection. To access the Nighthawk, Orbi, and Cirlce apps, you must allow location access permissions.


This is a temporary requirement in order to adhere with iOS 13 changes. We are planning to relax this requirement in an upcoming app update.


Note: Location access permissions are for recognizing WiFi SSID networks only. The Nighthawk and Orbi apps do not track any detailed location information.



Message 36 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

I had the same issue as everyone else. Activated the Armor trial and several sites I normally accessed were no longer functioning. Did a complete reset and as soon as I opened the app it re-activated Armor. I swapped my old R7000 back in and immediately was able to access the sites I was having trouble with. That was enough for me to return the Orbi back to the store. I hope a more fully baked solution is forthcoming from Netgear.

Message 37 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

My internet speed droped after I enebled Armor ... Even though togle is disabled now ... Still slower speed.


Called techinical support and he told me to reset the whole router ... I dont know if this will help actually or is it linked to the account.


Also, I dont know how it is posible that this expensive mesh system doesnt have option to save your router configuration.


Im thinking to return it ... since most likley there is no solution for this

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 38 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

My internet speed is in the dirt, as well. I've been messing with this thing for too long to be able to return it.
I reckon I'll sell it on ebay and go with something else.
Message 39 of 74
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

Hi @icompany, you can backup the Orbi settings and restore it later on. You can check page 107 and 108 of the user manual on the link below for the steps.




Let us know how it goes.




Message 40 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

Come on, folks! This does NOT work! It just takes you to a thank-you-for-your-purchase website to buy the software you want to disable!


Mine says "expired," and I want it to be totally "disabled." It's interfering with my Spectrum TV streaming app. Others who have had this problem concur that DISABLING Armor is what fixes the problems. 


So how in hades do you do that?

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 41 of 74
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

Hi Durhammer, 


If you open up the Orbi app and go to settings > security is there a toggle for you to enable/disable Armor? 




Message 42 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

Message 43 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

There is a switch, in the app, but it doesn't work for me. Nothing happens.
Message 44 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

Nope. Right now, if I try that, Orbi says it's "checking NETGEAR Armor status," immediately followed by Can't connect. Please try again later."

I probably signed up for a NETGEAR account or Bitdefender account at some point for some reason, and I wonder if that is why. As I think I said in the forum post, before this, when I tried to do the same thing, I was taken to a website to purchase Bitdefender (Armor, whatever). There never has been a toggle switch to enable or disable. I say "never," but I didn't really check it until I wanted to try to"disable" Armor/Bitdefender because of the problems we were (are!) having with the Spectrum TV streaming app since getting the Orbi. Multiple people reported that disabling Armor/Bitdefender fixed their problems. I'm just trying to do the same thing. Not happy with the product at this point. Hoping it's not too late to send it back and get a refund.
Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 45 of 74
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

@BobLoblaws & @pizza_pablo - Are you experiencing a particular behavior that confirms that Armor is still enabled despite using the toggle to turn it off? 


@Durhammer - May you try reinstalling the app to see if the issue persists. 




Message 46 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

I reset the router today, and despite glitches, it's up and running. Nowhere was there the opportunity to opt out of Armor/Bitdefender. In fact, the installation of Bitdefender was automatic. 😞


To answer your question, Christian, I won't know if the problem is gone for a while, at least until we've had more than just a few viewing hours on the Spectrum TV streaming app.


Meanwhile, I'd like to be able to disable Armor/Bitdefender from the command line. I can telnet in as root and poke around, and still see Bitdefender is still installed and its numerous daemons are RUNNING, not what I'd called "disabled." Is there a command other than "bd stop" (which doesn't actually seem to work, since the daemons auto-respawn) that can do the disablement job? Is there some environment variable that can be set to indicate that it's "disabled?"

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 47 of 74
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

Hello Durhammer, 


I'd like for our support team to get in contact with you for further assistance. If you're interested, please send me a message with your contact info and serial number. 


Message 48 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

C'mon netgear, just tell your product manager(s) that it's fine to bundle this type of service with your product (to, I assume, make up the revenue) but *don't turn it on by default*. Make it opt-in, and provide lots of good reasons to the user why we should accept a random third party service running on an important networking component, and make the opt-out and uninstall process completely clear - none of this "contact us privately for help" business. It's really eroding trust in your brand.

Message 49 of 74

Re: How to disable / deactivate Armor on RBR50?

Okay, Christian, as you should know by now, I've sent you what you asked. As Monty Python once said, "and now for something completely different!" Well, not so different, but insanely laughable in a way....


First, after resetting my Orbi router and doing a new setup, the main change I now see is that when I log in to the router from a browser on an ethernet-attached PC, in the "Basic" window, I see under "Security" or "Armor" (sorry, been a long time since doing this), it no longer says "expired," it says "not activated." The good news is that SO FAR, the buffering and freezing issues in the Spectrum TV streaming app SEEM to be gone. It'll take more than a few hours of viewing -- probably a matter of days -- before I can truly say this is "fixed." Yet it's not "fixed" satisfactorily. I shouldn't have to reset/rebuild the router to do this.


FURTHERMORE, the Orbi app on my Android tablet seems to be sorta borked. Every time I clicked on the Security (?) medallion (or whatever you call it), it said it was trying to check the product or security status, and then showed a pop-up saying "can't connect/try later." I uninstalled and reinstalled the Orbi app. That sure went well (not!). Until I gave up trying, every time the installation process got to the point of asking if I wanted to "trust" the Android tablet device and I said yes, it kept popping up a "something went wrong/try again" window. The process of "trying again" required me to go through the Netgear login again, get the TFA code sent to my cell phone, enter it, and get RIGHT BACK TO THE "trust this device" dialog. After 5 or 6 times, I finally said no, don't trust this device (!). Lo and behold, then it goes ahead and tries to discover and connect to the Orbi. That doesn't really work, so I have to go through the business of pretending to do a new setup, faking it out all the way until FINALLY it gets in. At least I THINK it "gets in." I cannot really trust being able to use the app anymore.


Moving along, I figured at some point, I ought to save my router's configuration in case I ever needed to do this again, and I'd restore it from the file. So I did, and it saved a NETGEAR_Orbi.cfg file on my local PC. Is there any way to externally view and possibly adjust the settings via this file? I wanted to see if the contents were readable on the PC, so I tried opening it with WordPad. Not so good, but since it showed something about "tar" in the visible text, I saved the file on a thumb drive and tried opening it on my Linux lappy. Archive manager wasn't having any of that, either. So I'd like to know how I can view the contents. I am hoping to actually SEE some confirmation about the Armor/Bitdefender settings of being Disabled/Enabled/Expired/Not Activated.


Thanks, -Jim-


You guys reallty have a well-honed setup, don't you?

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 50 of 74
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Orbi WiFi 7