Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: What feautures would i / you like to have for the App/Cloudmanagement


What feautures would i / you like to have for the App/Cloudmanagement


as i understood there's lots of new feautures to come in 2018 within Insight.

however i would like to start this thread to give an overview what i would like to have / see in future. maybe this can help out the dev team to priorise development according to the community needs and maybe even bring in some new ideas/feautures.


would be great to have the community answer here kinda a request for feautures....


i've been playing arround for the past 3y with Cisco Meraki. their cloud solution is the top of the mount everest.

now i rock netgear (WAC505) - i'm hoping netgear can catch up and become a good solution in future.


feautures i'm missing / i'd like to see

  • detailed traffic analytics / protocols and ability to see an overview what end device is consuming what / how much
  • guest access (confirmed in another thread)
    • ability to generate QR Codes / Pincodes -> facebook already implemented, great
  • changelog on FW upgrade etc -> better visibility, easyier usage
  • place access points/switches/devices on a map (google map)
  • heat map
  • scan frequencies and see what AP's are on what channels -> be able to choos another frequencies/channels in dense areas
  • live data analytics (maybe in dashboard?)
  • disable Lights on AP's trough App/Dashboard

would be great if other users can add their wished here

btw is there any chance to participate as beta user?



Message 1 of 7
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: What feautures would i / you like to have for the App/Cloudmanagement

Hi @dynamiX,


Thanks for posting here.  The Insight development team will be reviewing this post and assess the features you have enumerated that you want to be added to the app.  


Be reminded that the more kudos given by community members to your post will help as the development team will be checking the post that has the most kudos and might be possible to be considered for implementation.  Just gave kudos to your post. 🙂 






NETGEAR Community Team

Message 2 of 7

Re: What feautures would i / you like to have for the App/Cloudmanagement

PLEASE Everybody, hit the Kudos button!!!!

this is your chance to bring in your ideas here. i will update the first post with inputs that the community brings to make it easier.


@DaneA many thanks. any chance to hook me up with Beta testing?


// Edit, just found out, i can't edit the first post Smiley Sad


more inputs:

  • possibility to access webfrontend in browser from external (example netgear login -> access to your cloud dashboard/management)
  • possibility to limit traffic per client 
  • possibility to limit traffic per SSID (main = fullspeed, guest = 5mbit/s etc)
  • setting to force AP to connect to 5GHz instead of 2.4GHz when client supports 5GHz (or priorise 5GHz before 2.4GHz)

i don't have yet any switches implemented in my lab, maybe further i will be able to get one and then also bring inputs from the switching side

Message 3 of 7

Re: What feautures would i / you like to have for the App/Cloudmanagement

Dear dynamiX,


Thank you for your feedback. We will look into these. some of them like bandsteering is already supported on AP. 


Message 4 of 7
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: What feautures would i / you like to have for the App/Cloudmanagement



Since you are interested to be a part of beta testing, you will need to become one of the "Superusers" here in the community.  For more information, kindly access and read the forum link below:


NETGEAR Community Superusers Program





NETGEAR Community Team

Message 5 of 7

Re: What feautures would i / you like to have for the App/Cloudmanagement

Hi BR,


Thanks for starting this thread and for your feature wishlist. You'll be happy to know that many of the items on your list are already on the 2018 Insight roadmap, planned for delivery over multiple releases. Some of your suggestions were not on our list, but we'll be adding them to our feature backlog to consider for development when it makes sense.


Keep the feedback coming!


Shaheen Kazi

Insight Product Management

Message 6 of 7

Re: What feautures would i / you like to have for the App/Cloudmanagement

Consider allowing the smartphone apps to be used in both portrait & landscape mode - if you must limit it to one I suggest landscape would be more practical.


Also consider allowing any or all devices to be configured locally in the web browser and then switched to cloud management without losing all the configuration - this makes for easier deployment.

Model: Insight Basic
Message 7 of 7
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