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Read Nas 104 supports ReadyDr


Read Nas 104 supports ReadyDr

Read Nas 104 Firmware 6.10.3 supports ReadyDr As I do not have the Ready Dr Option

Model: RN10400|ReadyNAS 100 Series 4- Bay (Diskless)
Message 1 of 11
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Read Nas 104 supports ReadyDr

Hi psailast,


ReadyDR is not available on the RN10x series and RN2120. You may also check this article for reference.



Message 2 of 11

Re: Read Nas 104 supports ReadyDr

I have Ready Nas 104 I ReadyNas replicate to keep date on another ReadyNas 104 off site as a data recovery plan just in case I lose of the the Ready Nas. Being that Ready Nas replicate would no longer be avaliable after October 2020 what I shall is do to continue to keep a back a clone of Readynas being that my ReadyDr is not supported on my systems

Model: RN10400|ReadyNAS 100 Series 4- Bay (Diskless)
Message 3 of 11

Re: Read Nas 104 supports ReadyDr

@psailast wrote:

 what shall I do to continue to keep a back a clone of Readynas being that my ReadyDr is not supported on my systems

You could switch to rsync-over-ssh, and enable custom snapshots on the destination NAS to give you some rollback/retention.

Message 4 of 11


I am try to set the rsync-over-ssh what should i include under the host the ISP IP address wherr the other NAS is located? I am having the attached error


Model: RN10400|ReadyNAS 100 Series 4- Bay (Diskless)
Message 5 of 11

Re: Rsync-over-ssh

Generally you'd set up DDNS on the remote system, so you can use a hostname that will track the WAN address of the remote router (which generally will change without notice).


Many Netgear routers have a built-in DDNS service you can use (getting a name like psailist.mynetgear.com.  NoIP.com has a free DDNS option, along with paid options.


Most routers will support DDNS.  If yours doesn't, you can also install software on a PC that connects to the DDNS service, and periodically refreshes the DDNS IP address.


You also will need to forward the port you are using for rsync-over-ssh in the remote router.

Message 6 of 11

Re: Rsync-over-ssh

If I go for the NoIP.com for the DDNS being that both our routers will support DDNS do I need to  install software on a PC that connects to the DDNS service, and periodically refreshes the DDNS IP address?


In order for the Rsync-over-ssh to operate the PC needs to be switched on?  Is there any other option to have a replicate of my ReadyNas on the other Readynas which is at a remote site



Model: RN10400|ReadyNAS 100 Series 4- Bay (Diskless)
Message 7 of 11

Re: Rsync-over-ssh

@psailast wrote:

If I go for the NoIP.com for the DDNS being that both our routers will support DDNS do I need to  install software on a PC that connects to the DDNS service, and periodically refreshes the DDNS IP address?


If your router supports ddns (as most do), then there is no need to put anything on a PC.


You can check this by simply pinging the hostname you pick, and confirming that the IP address matches WAN address of the router.


Note you only need a DDNS name for the remote router, and you don't need to configure DDNS at all in the local router.


@psailast wrote:


In order for the Rsync-over-ssh to operate the PC needs to be switched on? 

Since your router supports DDNS, then no.


@psailast wrote:

Is there any other option to have a replicate of my ReadyNas on the other Readynas which is at a remote site


The other approach is to set up a VPN that will reach the remote NAS.  One option for this is to use ZeroTier.  There is an ReadyNAS app for that - not sure off-hand where it is, but @Sandshark would know.  ZeroTier can be intimidating, but the basics aren't too difficult.


But I think you are close to getting rsync-over-ssh up and running, so maybe just stick with that.

Message 8 of 11

Re: Rsync-over-ssh

You can find the latest version of ZeroTier foir ARM systems (which is actually quite old, but still works) here: https://github.com/NAStools/zerotierone/releases/tag/readynas%2F1.1.14-nt3 .

Message 9 of 11

Re: Rsync-over-ssh

Thanks for your support and your replies.  


The problem is that my routers does not support DDNS beacuse my routers does not support DDNS shall I go for  NoIP.com for the DDNS?


In order for the Rsync-over-ssh to operate I need a PC needs to be switched on at the receiving end being that my router does not supports DDNS?

Model: RN10400|ReadyNAS 100 Series 4- Bay (Diskless)
Message 10 of 11

Re: Rsync-over-ssh

What router model are you using at the remote site?  One option might be to upgrade the router there.


@psailast wrote:

beacuse my routers does not support DDNS shall I go for  NoIP.com for the DDNS?


In order for the Rsync-over-ssh to operate I need a PC needs to be switched on at the receiving end being that my router does not supports DDNS?

Accessing the remote system by name (which is what you should do) will require using a DDNS service (either NoIP.com's or someone else's). That's true even if your router supports DDNS.


It will also require you to set up something on the remote site to enable that DDNS service. Basically the DDNS service needs to be told what your remote WAN IP address is, and it needs to be updated whenever the remote WAN IP address changes.  Your ISP might not change your WAN IP very often, but most will change it w/o any notice to you.


If your router doesn't have the needed feature, then you can use a PC with a DDNS app installed.  It doesn't absolutely have to be on all the time, but it does need to be on frequently (at least every day) - ideally shortly before the backup jobs are scheduled to run.


Message 11 of 11
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