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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: General discussion thread - TALK ABOUT ANYTHING YOU LIKE HERE

NetDuma Partner

Re: General discussion thread - TALK ABOUT ANYTHING YOU LIKE HERE

Servers may appear at the start of the game but you will only see potential blocked/allows host when actually searching for the game/when in the game, do you see this?
Message 176 of 189

Recommend setup

Hey @Netduma-Fraser 


I have given up with Virgin Media (too many issues in the area for me) so have decided to go back to reliable VDSL. I have ordered two VDSL connections (different ISP's) to load balance my internet traffic across both and get some good speeds still (not virgin media speeds but over 100+mbps at least).


Was wandering how I should have the XR500 hooked up to the new load-balancing router, should I change the mode it's in and hook the WAN port to the new router or just plug a LAN port from the XR500 into the router etc?


Does it lose many features if you put it in Wireless AP mode?





PS - Yes I know having two VDSL connections doesn't guarantee I will have access to the internet 'always' but it's more for the throughput rather than resilience, but at least there is a bit of resilience to a certain degree so long as the power doesn't go out in the street box that feeds the VDSL lines lol

Message 177 of 189
NetDuma Partner

Re: Recommend setup

Connect XR WAN to the new router LAN port. If you use AP mode you will lose all the DumaOS features.
Message 178 of 189

Re: Recommend setup

Cheers for the advise, 1st VDSL should be online in 2 weeks time so can try it out with Virgin Media and VDSL before the other VDSL turns up.
Message 179 of 189

Re: General discussion thread - TALK ABOUT ANYTHING YOU LIKE HERE

Hey all, I wanted to paste my thread here in the General discussion thread as I could not spot it in the list of threads after a few days. Possibly because I mistakenly called my existing DumaOS "2" when I believ it's "1.*.*.*" but the version number was hardly my concern. I'm interested in expanding the QoS features per device/group as opposed to its current function. I speak as someone who is normal user and gamer who has an abundance of WiFi devices including cameras, Google Home devices, multiples computers, consoles, phones, etc.


You can read more about my wishlist thought here: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-Pro-Gaming-DumaOS-3-0/QoS-Per-Device-vs-DumaOS2-QoS-Bandw...


Thank you!

Model: XR700|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 180 of 189
NetDuma Partner

Re: General discussion thread - TALK ABOUT ANYTHING YOU LIKE HERE

Topic doesn't seem to be found unfortunately so I can't view it.
Message 181 of 189

Re: General discussion thread - TALK ABOUT ANYTHING YOU LIKE HERE

Strange, I don't see any sort of errors or such in the forum stating it's not available to view, and I can even subscribe to it for some reason. I'll just repost the information here (apologies if it shows up later):




QoS Per Device vs DumaOS QoS Bandwidth Allocation

Hey all, XR700 user here, so I'm aware I do not have access yet to the DumaOS 3.0 beta, however I could not find any information on what I was browsing for via the search for the forum and thought I'd chime in here ahead of time.

I live in a home with, let's just say, too many devices. Organized almost entirely nicely and quickly discernable between them all to find what I'm looking for. My home has a plethora of PCs thanks to working from home and family (10+ computers), a mass amount of Wyze products (cameras, lights), among other various knick-knacks.



I have a problem, or irritation rather, with DumaOS. Let's say I'm happy go lucky with my entire setup as is and never use QoS. However, someone in the house decides they want to update their entire Steam library, install a game on a console, and meanwhile stream something on their phone. If I enabled QoS, I would need to go through these values and shimmy them around to something to enable as a rare-occassion use to minimize their bandwidth usage for the three devices as it impacts all other devices operating at the same time. However, the allocator is a weird mixture of needing to fulfill the requirements for all devices and equal the usage to 100%. Set something to 5%, wiggle another device too far and the 5% is now 3%, and so on. In reality, I would love the ability to create a profile/group of affected devices, such as a QoS group, and select individual devices to be involved in the QoS group and set their max bandwidth usage to a value I prefer (either per device or as a group total), and those without a value are unaffected (not in a QoS group or affected by QoS in general).


Appreciate your open channels to discuss such things, thank you much!




That'd be the contents of the post! Appreciated for enlightening me to it not being available. I'm familiar with an upcoming QoS capability to handle Applications, however I am speaking as more along the lines of a gamer who is also a general consumer who would like the capability to perform QoS on select devices without affecting other devices regardless of the applications used.

Message 182 of 189
NetDuma Partner

Re: General discussion thread - TALK ABOUT ANYTHING YOU LIKE HERE

Thanks for posting it. If the scenario you mentioned happened then Bandwidth Allocation wouldn't prevent other devices on the network lagging at all. Congestion Control/Anti-Bufferbloat is the feature that ensures all devices can use the internet without impacting each other. I do get your point though and we have had some suggestions before so will look into it.
Message 183 of 189

Re: General discussion thread - TALK ABOUT ANYTHING YOU LIKE HERE

@Netduma-Fraser When can we expect the Adblocker on the XR500 and XR1000? I want to buy a XR1000 because it features Bitdefender Armor which mitigates one of my issues with the XR500 but it seems after watching some reviews it doesn't have Adblock yet.


Edit : Almost forgot the best part. It features Wifi6 which will greatly improve my PS5 experience 

Message 184 of 189
NetDuma Partner

Re: General discussion thread - TALK ABOUT ANYTHING YOU LIKE HERE

@Killerelite06 I couldn't say as that is really up to Netgear to decide when/if they want to include that feature. I should imagine when the Rapp store is up and running (not for a little while yet) then that along with Hybrid VPN will be available for those that don't support them currently.
Message 185 of 189

Re: General discussion thread - TALK ABOUT ANYTHING YOU LIKE HERE

I'm sure this has been asked previously, and if so I apologize.  Are there any plans to make a separate Pro Gaming app for phones that reflects Duma Os?  The current Netgear app is...ok, but I would much rather see a similar interface in the app that I do when I log into this awesome router!

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 186 of 189
NetDuma Partner

Re: General discussion thread - TALK ABOUT ANYTHING YOU LIKE HERE

We actually do have an App available! Search for DumaOS on your phone app store. It's in Alpha at the moment so not all features are present but you can adjust the Geo-Filter and QoS.
Message 187 of 189

Re: General discussion thread - TALK ABOUT ANYTHING YOU LIKE HERE

I'm glad I posted, thanks for this info! I have installed it and am checking it out now. I can't wait to see what this ends up having feature-wise in the final release, but this is pretty nice already. 

Also, I just downloaded the DumaOS 3 beta and installed it, then did a factory reset as per recommendations.  After re-configuring my settings I can say I'm genuinely impressed with the added features! I have already went in, used the ping heatmaps for COD: MW and used Geo-Fencing to draw polys around the New York, Washington, and Northern Illinois/Indiana servers, as they are currently my lowest ping options. Frickin' amazing being able to do this! Thanks again Smiley Very Happy

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 188 of 189
NetDuma Partner

Re: General discussion thread - TALK ABOUT ANYTHING YOU LIKE HERE

You're welcome! Thank you for the feedback, really glad to hear you're enjoying it!
Message 189 of 189
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