Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: ALL Netgear USB Drive Mapping Issues ReadyShareConnect.exe ReadyShare Windows10 Map Network D


ALL Netgear USB Drive Mapping Issues ReadyShareConnect.exe ReadyShare Windows10 Map Network Drive

This reply will solve TWO Issues pertaining to Mapping a Windows Network Drive to your USB Connected Drive on your Netgear Router. This posting applies to ALL Netgear Routers utilizing Shared USB Windows/MAC File Sharing, including all current models.


Please pay strict attention to the word SOLVE !!!  THIS is a technical workaround for very LAZY and Outdated programming on the part of Netgear Management. It is NOT a Windows problem. It appears to be a Windows issue simply because Microsoft has chosen to disable (FINALLY) the 30 Year Old SMBv1 which was used in PRE Windows NT Days (Circa 1988).


Windows 10 relies solely on SMBv3.x and above which is far superior to SMBv1 which Netgear has chosen to use.


Please note well, ENABLING SMBv1 WILL Open your Windows 10 or below OS to the WANNACRY Ransomware.


You will be crying after doing this BUT your ReadyShare WILL Indeed Function. Netgear utilizes ANCIENT technology and software practices simply because all development is performed in tents in India by "experts" utilizing state-of-the-art development protocols that were deemed inadequate in 1992 !!! That is NOT an exaggeration. So be forewarned, this is NOT a good idea, but the only way you can connect to your $500 Netgear R9000 Router using Microsoft Windows Network Drive Mapping is to enable SMBv1 on your Windows 10 or below Operating System. (The Anniversary Update DISABLED SMBv1 as a security precaution in Q1/Q2 2017)


If your network mapping seems to have mysteriously broke in the past few weeks then you know your SMBv1 has been disabled. You can easily ENABLE it and continue to use Netgear's OUTDATED software which relies on SMBv1 to connect to the USB Device attached to your Netgear Router.


FIRSTLY, The Download Location for the ReadyShareConnect.exe sharepoint is:



You don't need it but there are dozens of posts looking for this information. If you download it save it to C:\Windows\System32 Folder for ease of use. It does nothing more than the NET USE command line.


To ENABLE SMBv1 in Windows 10 simply Click on PROGRAMS AND FEATURES in Control Panel. On the left side panel click on TURN WINDOWS FEATURES ON AND OFF.  Navigate down the Popup List Box to  SMB 1.0/CIFS FILE SHARING SUPPORT and Place a CHECKMARK in the Box next to it. OK your selection and then RESTART your Computer.


When you log back in you will then be able to connect to your Netgear ReadyShare USB Devices connected to your router. BUT, every Ransomware scammer and hacker will also be able to readily access your SMB (Server Message Block) protocol messages. In other words you are wide open to ransomware attack so start your crying now as you will need it !!! Start calling Netgear NOW and demanding that they provide 2017 type programming performed by AMERICANS on AMERICAN SOIL !!!


Now you will understand why I am so ticked off that Netgear is so incompentant to sell a $500 Router with such outdated and totally dangerous software connectivity. Yes the newest R9000Nighthawk is around $500 with taxes and shipping, and UTILIZES SMBv1 protocol !!!!


Model: R9000|Nighthawk X10 AD7200 Smart WiFi Router
Message 1 of 11

Accepted Solutions

Re: ALL Netgear USB Drive Mapping Issues ReadyShareConnect.exe ReadyShare Windows10 Map Network D

This posting is from the author of the original post above. As of mid-OCT/2017 the Netgear Website lists updates for most of the current router models dealing with the SMBv1.x Issue described above. The beta solutions originally sent to me for testing by Netgear confirmed to me that the R8500 and the R9000 series routers have been "fixed". Please take the 3 minutes it will cost you to update your router firmware now. And please verify that you have indeed DISABLED SMBv1.x (NO Checkmark) in your Windows OS as per the instructions in the original thread of this posting. I have not encountered any issues with SAMSUNG or LG Smart TV's using files served from the Netgear Routers using Cable medium or WiFi, even with 5GB Plus 4K files.


View solution in original post

Model: R8500|Nighthawk X8 Tri-Band AC5300 WiFi Router,R9000|Nighthawk X10 AD7200 Smart WiFi Router
Message 11 of 11

All Replies

Re: ALL Netgear USB Drive Mapping Issues ReadyShareConnect.exe ReadyShare Windows10 Map Network D

I agree it is time forget the 30 year old stand and the firmware writers joint the modern world.

Message 2 of 11

Re: ALL Netgear USB Drive Mapping Issues ReadyShareConnect.exe ReadyShare Windows10 Map Network D...



This issue has been brought up already to NETGEAR. 


Since the SMBv1 has security issue with wannacry, we recommend as well to report this in bug crowd.





Message 3 of 11

Re: ALL Netgear USB Drive Mapping Issues ReadyShareConnect.exe ReadyShare Windows10 Map Network D

While I agree with your sentiments and the failed SMBv3 package is ludicrous (released for R7800 but limits the size of the media files on the external USB drives to just 2GB) I think this was a beta that should not have been released, who knows. Now your overly patriotic American stance is a little over the top, many countries produce great firmware, and its an ugly premise to suggest only Americans can sort this out, as it does insult other people from other countries with equal and greater skill sets. Also the firmware is actually written in Taiwan not as you put 'in tents in India by "experts'  which to be honest is verging on being racist, India once again is not inferior to the US in programming skills. Netgear do need to sort out their firmware and address how these mistakes get made urgently, but your post and in my view it's racially provocative stance do not help at all.

Message 4 of 11

Re: ALL Netgear USB Drive Mapping Issues ReadyShareConnect.exe ReadyShare Windows10 Map Network D

When it comes to the programing of the software a device uses no country is better then another only the skill level and what people paying for them to write it are willing to spend. I find that with all the different operating systems and add on programs that the Internet even works something of a miracle.

Little along the programs that run our routers and other devices that make this world run.

Message 5 of 11

Re: ALL Netgear USB Drive Mapping Issues ReadyShareConnect.exe ReadyShare Windows10 Map Network D...

Is there a target date for the Samba upgrade for this router?  The 2GB limit is quite inconvenient.


Am I better off abandoning NetGear FW and going open source?




@JamesGL wrote:



This issue has been brought up already to NETGEAR. 


Since the SMBv1 has security issue with wannacry, we recommend as well to report this in bug crowd.






Model: R7800|Nighthawk X4S AC2600 WiFi Router
Message 6 of 11
Not applicable

Re: ALL Netgear USB Drive Mapping Issues ReadyShareConnect.exe ReadyShare Windows10 Map Network D...

@MrRonG wrote:

Is there a target date for the Samba upgrade for this router?  The 2GB limit is quite inconvenient.


Am I better off abandoning NetGear FW and going open source?




@JamesGL wrote:



This issue has been brought up already to NETGEAR. 


Since the SMBv1 has security issue with wannacry, we recommend as well to report this in bug crowd.






They have fixed it on the R9000 with firmware beta V1.0.2.116_samba_fix, I have disabled SMB1, you can enable/disable SMB 1 to 3 and all files are at the correct size, lets hope they release this fix for all  routers affected, as we all know, Netgear are not so quick with their support.




Message 7 of 11

Re: ALL Netgear USB Drive Mapping Issues ReadyShareConnect.exe ReadyShare Windows10 Map Network D

Thanks for posting this sorely needed diatribe concerning the non-chalant attitude of Netgear security management.


As of last week, FINALLY, the newest upgrades for the R8500 & R9000 models include SMBv3 transport protocol. As per your advice in the posting, I do NOT use any Netgear software. The newest firmware readily appears in Windows Explorer and requires no programming experience to begin using the service. I haven't fully tested the file size limitations or partition size limitations but will do so as soon as I can stop watching some of the movies I have been waiting to watch on my large screen TV. The router pops right up in Samsung and LG Smart TV's as well. 


Thanks for starting the bonfire under Netgear's management!





Model: R8500|Nighthawk X8 Tri-Band AC5300 WiFi Router
Message 8 of 11

Re: ALL Netgear USB Drive Mapping Issues ReadyShareConnect.exe ReadyShare Windows10 Map Network D

BRAVO !!!!


My 600 Pound Netgear 9000 finally works on my Telly !!! Thanks to the new firmware upgrade.






Model: R9000|Nighthawk X10 AD7200 Smart WiFi Router
Message 9 of 11

Re: ALL Netgear USB Drive Mapping Issues ReadyShareConnect.exe ReadyShare Windows10 Map Network D

tanx. this reelly helped me. it works now! 

Model: R8500|Nighthawk X8 Tri-Band AC5300 WiFi Router
Message 10 of 11

Re: ALL Netgear USB Drive Mapping Issues ReadyShareConnect.exe ReadyShare Windows10 Map Network D

This posting is from the author of the original post above. As of mid-OCT/2017 the Netgear Website lists updates for most of the current router models dealing with the SMBv1.x Issue described above. The beta solutions originally sent to me for testing by Netgear confirmed to me that the R8500 and the R9000 series routers have been "fixed". Please take the 3 minutes it will cost you to update your router firmware now. And please verify that you have indeed DISABLED SMBv1.x (NO Checkmark) in your Windows OS as per the instructions in the original thread of this posting. I have not encountered any issues with SAMSUNG or LG Smart TV's using files served from the Netgear Routers using Cable medium or WiFi, even with 5GB Plus 4K files.


Model: R8500|Nighthawk X8 Tri-Band AC5300 WiFi Router,R9000|Nighthawk X10 AD7200 Smart WiFi Router
Message 11 of 11
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