Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82


NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82 issues

BE CAREFUL / Read this :

Note that starting with this firmware release (V1.0.2.82), the following features are no longer supported: ReadySHARE Vault, OpenDNS (Live Parental Controls), remote GUI access, and WPS PIN function. If you want to continue using these features, do not update the firmware.



  • Smart Connect bugs (router reboots / boot loop / restarts itself)
Model: R7800|Nighthawk X4S AC2600 Wifi Router
Message 1 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

Let us know how it goes

Model: R7800|Nighthawk X4S AC2600 Wifi Router
Message 2 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

very very sad... reboots itself after 10 minutes... wifi drops .... internet lost... 😕 😕 
same bugs that the v1.0.2.8x
what i've done (to be perfect... to erase all settings) :
From v1.0.2.68 fw (works fine)
RESET v1.0.2.68 fw with push reset button 30 seconds

=> router restarts with fresh v1.0.2.68 fw 

launch v1.0.2.68 fw configuration wizard
SET login password
SET the router in AP mode
SET basic wifi settings
fw v1.0.2.82 update found

launch & start v1.0.2.82 fw upgrade
=> router restarts with v1.0.2.82 fw
wait 5 min to see white LED 
RESET v1.0.2.82 fw with push reset button 30 seconds
=> router restarts with fresh v1.0.2.82 fw


basic wifi settings are :
(WPA2- AES SSID 2.4GHz / key = testwifi1 / azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn123456)
(WPA2- AES SSID 5GHz / key = testwifi2 / azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn123456)


launch v1.0.2.82 fw configuration wizard
SET login password
SET the router in AP mode
SET basic wifi settings

wait a moment...  10 min ... router reboots itsefl after ~10min ...

wifi drops... lost internet.... rooter restarts... 😕 😕 😕 

make me crazy .... Smiley Mad Smiley Mad Smiley Mad Smiley Mad Smiley Mad Smiley Mad
back to v1.0.2.68 fw works fine

Message 3 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

Does it work fine when it is set to router mode?

Message 4 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82



I'm only interested for AP MODE


Many RESET to erase all settings...

each RESET to test and test....
Many TEST in AP MODE...


very BASIC AP MODE with  simple settings  doesn't work correctly...

WIFI drops / lost connection / R7800 reboot / R7800 restarts after 5~10 minutes...

it's a shame that new firmware upgrade... pffff .:/ Smiley Mad
BACK TO v1.0.2.68 works fine

Message 5 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

@paillassou wrote:

remote GUI access

What do they mean by that?


Message 6 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

Message 7 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82


Message 8 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

I also want to know what that means.  We can still use a desktop browser to access the router, correct?

Message 9 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

> > remote GUI access
> What do they mean by that?

   Look for "Remote Access" and/or "Remote Management" in the User

   I know nothing, but I'd guess that the change is related to this:


      New Features and Enhancements:

        o Supports secure HTTP protocol for the router web interface.



   A casual observer might wonder why "Remote Management" (which always
used HTTPS) would need to be disabled when local access can now use
HTTPS.  Incompetence would explain it, of course.


> [...] We can still use a desktop browser to access the router,
> correct?


   Apparently.  This is Netgear consumer-grade router firmware.  I'd
believe it when I saw it.

Message 10 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

If Netgear meant the end of Anywhere Access or any other named feature, it would have said so. As it has for Parental Controls, etc. 


My guess is that it relates to tunnelling in over the Internet to use a browser, rather than an app. So apps should still work, local and remote. Likewise a local browser. It is the "remote browser" bit that is unclear. 


Message 11 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

> If Netgear meant the end of Anywhere Access or any other named
> feature, it would have said so. [...]


   Of course it would.  Because Netgear documents are always clear and
error-free.  Just like every post from a select few of the participants
in these forums.


> [...] It is the "remote browser" bit that is unclear.


   At least one of us has a pretty good grasp on what "remote" means.


>    Look for "Remote Access" and/or "Remote Management" in the User
> Manual?


   And what a web browser is.  This is not complicated.


   I can see, however, where someone who can't recognize a web site when
he's using one might be a little confused here.

Message 12 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

Calm down please.


Message 13 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

with v1.0.2.82 firmware (to test the firmware) be sure,
you can perfectly access normally to the router interface (GUI)
from your local aera network and configure it Smiley Very Happy

but MY R7800 only works fine only with v1.0.2.68 firmware...

....Other than removing some features on v1.0.2.82


what I still can't figure out, is that


since the start of the new firmware series 

v1.0.2.7x ......................... v1.0.2.8x


these firmwares are not working properly in AP mode on R7800,

  • ...smart connect crash
  • ...WIFI drops
  • ....R7800 works 5 min and reboot.... works 5 min... reboot...
  • ....losts internet connections
  • ....R7800 reboots in loop after 5 minutes of operation ....


it's completely unbelievable for a high-end product (Nighthawk WiFi Router R7800)
build by a company as reputable as NETGEAR

Man Sad Man Sad Man Sad Man Sad Man Sad

Message 14 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

@JayboH wrote:

Calm down please.


We should be so lucky. The resident sociopath is on the loose, trying to score points rather than contribute to the quest for answers to questions asked by those of us trying to work out what to do with an R7800.


The release notes say


Removes the following features: ReadySHARE Vault, OpenDNS (Live parental controls), remote GUI access, and WPS PIN function.

It does not say that it removes support for the Nighthawk App, wjhich would be a major change. That is what Netgear wants us all to use to achieve Anywhere Access (previously known as Remote Management).


Remote Management is now Anywhere Access in the Nighthawk and Orbi apps | Answer | NETGEAR Support


Of course, you do have to enable that in the browser GUI. But that set up process is a local operation.


Enabling your router's remote management | Answer | NETGEAR Support


How do I enable remote access on my router using the Nighthawk app? | Answer | NETGEAR Support


Unless Netgear says otherwise, the Nighthawk App is not "remote GUI access". I interpret that as using something like remote access using the router's Internet IP address. But without clarification that's just a guess.


Interestingly, the release notes do not say anything about removing ReadyCLOUD, another "remote" feature.


Perhaps the clue is in "Supports secure HTTP protocol for the router web interface". Or maybe it is the death of OpenDNS. The first will affect how any browser gets into the GUI, local or remote.


The second concerns remote access. With the death of the support for Live parental controls it was possible to get in with a browser GUI to manage things. Maybe that is what dies with the new firmware.


When I can bring myself to try it, I will flash the new firmware and see just what does happen. I don't use ReadySHARE Vault, OpenDNS or WPS PIN.


If it does kill the bits that I do use I can always revert. I just wanted to see if anyone here had tried the new firmware and could report back on their experience.

Message 15 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82 works for me in AP mode. So did Never tried .78, and haven't tried .82 yet. 


No disconnects.  No WIFI drops.


I download the update and perform the update in the GUI using an Ethernet connection.  I don't let the R7800 self-update.


I then hold in a paperclip in the back for 15 seconds and let the device reboot.


I set it up manually in AP mode - using a fixed IP address, not DHCP.


My other options are:


- use the WAN port for the connection to my router

- no DFS channels

- no Smart Connect

- Beamforming on

- no MU-MIMO

- no HT160

- no Media Servers

Message 16 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

Does work or just


Message 17 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

Message 18 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

I promise I have test the same settings on v1.0.2.82 => Firmware upgrade v1.0.2.82

Ethernet cable from my FIBER BOX ROUTER
is plugged into the WAN (yellow) PLUG of my R7800

Computer is connected with Ethernet cable into a "SWITCH" (BLACK) plug of R7800

R7800 Assistant wizard
choose AP MODE and very simple WIFI SETTINGS

& key = azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvb123456

key = azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvb123456 fixed IP address IN AP MODE

- no DFS channels
- no Smart Connect
- No Beamforming
- no MU-MIMO
- no HT160
- no Media Servers

R7800 works 5min.... WIFI DROPS... R7800 REBOOT... in loop.... 😕😕😕😕

Back to v1.0.2.68...
Message 19 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82




Ethernet cable from my FREEBOX MINI-4K

is plugged into the WAN (yellow) PLUG of my R7800
Computer is connected with Ethernet cable into a "SWITCH" (BLACK) plug of R7800

I promise, I have test the same settings
like you on a fresh install v1.0.2.82 firmware

under v1.0.2.68 i've run firmware upgrade to v1.0.2.82

RESET done / v1.0.2.82 FW restarts

R7800 Assistant wizard
choose AP MODE and very simple WIFI SETTINGS

key = azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn123456

key = azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn123456 fixed IP address IN AP MODE(no dhcp)

- no DFS channels
- no Smart Connect
- no Beamforming
- no MU-MIMO
- no HT160
- no Media Servers

R7800 works 5min.... WIFI DROPS... R7800 REBOOT... in loop.... each 5 min 😕😕😕😕

Back to v1.0.2.68...

Message 20 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82



this is the FIFTH firmware upgrade since v1.02.68 and the Router is still **bleep**ed up if you want to use in in AP mode. I mean you apparently DO work on "improvements"...How about a FIX!?!?!


Thanks for n...ahh forget it.


Model: R7800|Nighthawk X4S AC2600 Wifi Router
Message 21 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

As this is mostly a user-to-user community, Netgear's minders aren't likely to see this unless you bring it to the attention of someone like  @Christian_R 


It certainly deserves escalation, or at least an explanation as to how users can successfully put an R7800 into AP mode on new firmware.


Some people, well one, seem to have got it to work. So it should be possible. But how?

Message 22 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

They do read this. I got a call from california(I am in germany) from l2 or l3 support and we went though the upgrade process. We were talking for almost 2 hours trying differnt settings and exchanging network traffic protocols with wireshark but after that nothing happened until today. Well, v1.0.2.82 was released...

The support ticket is still there.

Model: R7800|Nighthawk X4S AC2600 Wifi Router
Message 23 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

@MrMercury wrote:

They do read this.

You mean someone read an earlier conversation. Not the same as "this", as your message confirms:


@MrMercury wrote:

....but after that nothing happened until today. Well, v1.0.2.82 was released...







Message 24 of 44

Re: NETGEAR R7800 FIRMWARE v1.0.2.82

The only difference for me is that when I do the firmware updates, I apply them from an Ethernet-connected PC.  I then reset.  I don't let the R7800 download and update itself.





Message 25 of 44
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