Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: R6800 MAC adress


R6800 MAC adress



i hav one problem with my R6800 router. Router is changing LAN MAC adress  after every reboot. If i use button "reboot" on router information, after reboot router has new LAN MAC adress.

I tested this thing witn multiple FW over 2 years. no 2 MAC adress was the same.


FW is which is newest.....)


Wifi is disabled. 

I tried factory default multiple times, no effect, different FW, no effect..... ..except this one problerm, router is OK. But thi one is problem for Layer2 isolation lists of other AP's in LAN and changing LAN parameters for PC in lan (like if LAN is public/works)


Can someone help me with this problerm if it is possible to help?



Message 1 of 8

Re: R6800 MAC adress

Is it running in AP mode? 
if so, you should be able to set it with a static ip address on whatever is handling dhcp

Message 2 of 8

Re: R6800 MAC adress



it is running s Router. DHCP is ON and working.


And for all my life in IT (30years+) is this 1st router that is changing its own LAN MAC adress on every boot.......

Message 3 of 8

Re: R6800 MAC adress

What lan mac address? Where are you seeing that? 

Just checking for clarity

Message 4 of 8

Re: R6800 MAC adress

Hello @plemans 

I am using Wake me on Lan for checking what is actual MAC adress (it is the same as on advanced settings) Adding Pictures of actual mac and "todays old macs"


R6800_Mac.jpgOld Macs.jpg

Message 5 of 8

Re: R6800 MAC adress

Router is on own lan with one VM machine only. For testing. When i press "Reboot" button, Mac adres is changed in boot process.

Message 6 of 8

Re: R6800 MAC adress

Not really paid that much attention to it before but my understanding was it was a static address as well. 

Message 7 of 8

Re: R6800 MAC adress

I am on IT about 30+ years. Never meet the router or any other device (except mobile phones using random MAC, which is security function and can be switched off) that is changing its own (LAN) MAC address. NOT IP ADRESS! MAC ADRESS.... ...MAC adress is HARDWARE identification of the device, It cannot be changed easy!  (except cloning mac on WAN port... which is a function)


Layer-2 isolation o AP's is based on MAC address. If you add router/dhcp server/gateway MAC and then that MAC is changed on router restart... ...all layer-2 isolation on guest network on that LAN is useles....  ...no internet as guest's cannot communicate with selected MAC adress that is gone....


For most windows client change MAC adress of the router/gateway which is DHCP active means a mayor network change...... ...more problems.....

Message 8 of 8
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