Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both.


SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both.

My router is working wonderfully; never a minute's trouble.  I took my laptop away from home and when I returned my laptop no longer recognizes my printer via wifi.  Both my laptop and printer are successfully on wifi network.  I have NOT changed my password, and the password works for my laptop and for everybody's phones, but the printer will not accept the password.  It is the only password I have ever used.  Yet the wifi symbol is displayed on the printer.  I was on the phone w/ the printer company today; it is a "key" problem, and not a printer problem, it seems.  What happened? Why did this happen?  How can I fix it?    

Message 1 of 21

Accepted Solutions

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

I do not know how/where to post Accepted Solution; plz tell me, and I will do it.   I looked at the Help menu; says to click Solution on the reply.  I do not see Solution anywhere.  

View solution in original post

Message 21 of 21

All Replies

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

When you say password, do you mean WiFi security protocol passphrase(often called key) under WPA, WPA2-AES, etc.? If that is the case you can set up the printer again to re-establish wireless connection and it is good idea to give the printer fixed ip address. As you say if the wireless logo is on on the printer try to ping the router to see whether it is connected or not.

Message 2 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

The message says Wrong Key Entered, which I suppose is the wrong password.  But all of my other devices accept the password.  I tried the password on the bottom of the router too.  Only the printer is giving me a problem.  This happened after I took my laptop out for the day on Friday; when I returned my laptop no longer recognizes the printer.    When I go into Network settings in the printer, find my network, enter my password--- "Wrong Key entered."  


Message 3 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

Who set up the printer? You did not do it?  If you did, repeat the set up procedure again. Password on the bottom of router has nothing to do with

wireleess, it is a default router log in password together with default user name admin.

Message 4 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

Yes I set up the printer when I bought it a few years ago.  I have removed it from my laptop Printers list and added it back twice; is that what you mean when you say "repeat set up procedure"?  Brother Printer had me do that this afternoon.    Another odd thing is that my password has 11 letters, but when I am entering it in the printer today, the cursor stops moving on its own after 8 letters, and so I click the forward arrow so that I can enter all 11 letters.  Does that mean that the printer expects an 8-letter key?  

Message 5 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

Is your security protocol WEP? If you did it once then you can do it again, right? I have a Brother color laser wireless printer too. From the printer you go to menu, select set up >> wlreless >> so on.... You have to copy passphrase from the router wireless set up section. Uncheck hide box then it'll show it, Use that to enter from printer. Old WEP protocol does not use long passphrase string.  Once it is working again make sure printer is given fixed ip address. You can do this from router. R7000 vcan do WPS, if your printer is WPS capable use it to save time instead of manually typing the passphrase.

Message 6 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

I do not know where to look to tell you whether it's WEP.  Nor do I know how to do anything from the router.  As far as the printer, I went to Network Settings, clicked on the name of my network, and entered my password.    By the way, I have been remiss -- THANK YOU for taking time w/ me tnite.

Message 7 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

Been a while since I used R7000. I receive new router regularly at no cost so at present I am playing with R7800. Netgear router GUI is similar style so let's try, once you log into the router go to the  basic wireless page, there wireless option, wireless passphrase(wireless key) -length can be 8 to 63 long numeric or alpha character, next you can see actual key string. Copy it down and enter it when you set up the printer. Now I hope your memory is refreshed since you did it once. Sorry I am not good at writng instructions.

Message 8 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

I'll help you and show you the Router page in Genie that you need to look at. You need to go to the Router via the IP Address of the router, usually 192.168.x.1 where 'x' is either a 0 or 1. Supply the User ID and P/W, default is admin and password. Then click on the Wireless tab, see capture:




Your SSID will be different, probably a default as well and that is the SSID you want to see in the Printer. Also WPA2 2.4Ghz SSID should be used and the Password WILL appear in plain text, that is the 'key' you need to enter into the printer. It should then connect without problems. Same goes for the laptop. Below the 5Ghz SSID data will be displayed for you in case you have 5Ghz adapters (most printers are NOT 5Ghz wireless).


Hope this helps.

Message 9 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

I have no idea how to log into my router.  Yes I set the router up--- but w/ LOTS of help from Netgear and calls to Windstream, my ISP.  It was difficult to set up but has worked flawlessly ever since.    When I looked online for help w/ my issues, the suggestions were to use the code on the bottom of the router, which I have tried--- that code goes to the router but not to my private wifi network.  Even so, I tried it anyway.   

Message 10 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

@AbigailSAdams wrote:

I have no idea how to log into my router.  Yes I set the router up--- but w/ LOTS of help from Netgear and calls to Windstream, my ISP.  It was difficult to set up but has worked flawlessly ever since.    When I looked online for help w/ my issues, the suggestions were to use the code on the bottom of the router, which I have tried--- that code goes to the router but not to my private wifi network.  Even so, I tried it anyway.   

I think you are confusing hardware you have? What I suspect you have is a MODEM from you Internet Service Provider (Windstream) and a Netgear router, the R7000. The MODEM is connected to the ROUTER. The ROUTER (R7000) should be the one providing the WIRELESS SSID.


Most MODEM's do have a a password on the bottom of the modem. Netgear ROUTER's do not, they use default User ID's (admin) and password (password). You access BOTH the MODEM and ROUTER using a BROWSER of your choice. In the ADDRESS BAR of the browser you enter the address of the ROUTER or MODEM and then provide the USER ID and PASSWORD.


The picture I posted above is what you should see if you did it correctly.


You can also find the ROUTER address by opening a CMD prompt in Windows (Windows Key + R) and entering CMD, press enter and then at the command prompt enter IPCONFIG and you'll get results like this:




Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Ethernet:

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::5824:8732:3f2c:ea8c%16
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

Ethernet adapter Bluetooth Network Connection:

   Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :



Use the address for the DEFAULT GATEWAY (you might have a different one) for the address in the address bar of your browser. Once you enter that and press enter you should see a request for a USER ID and PASSWORD, enter admin and password for those and you should then be able to follow my post above.


Use the the 'password (network key) you see there on your browser for the Printer key and you should connect.

Message 11 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here is a picture of what you should do to get into the Router setup:




I'm using Firefox as my browser. Just enter into the address bar (it will default to or you could enter that if you wish as well) and you should see the Authentication Required box. Enter admin and password for User Name and Password.


If you DO NOT see the above, then enter or whatever address you saw as the DEFAULT GATEWAY when you run IPCONFIG.


Once in follow my other directions to locate your wireless key.

Message 12 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

I'm wondering if your modem is NOT bridged and is putting out a Wireless SSID? Hence you had two passwords/keys to be used. If you attach some devices to the modem and others to the router they can NOT see each other? Might be best to call Windstream and have them check to see if it is bridged and you only have 1 2.4Ghz SSID?

Message 13 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

To no avail I've tried routerlogin.net, routerlogin.com,, and  "Cant Open This Page."  

Message 14 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

I don't believe it's bridged.  Odd thing is that it's worked well for the 1 1/2 yrs I've had it--- until Friday evening.  I took my laptop away fm home for the afternoon and when I returned home and tried to print wirelessly fm my laptop Fri night, that's when the fun began.   Nobody has been here working on my equipment; nobody has reset anything.  I'm totally puzzled.  My printer shows a wifi symbol, and I looked to be sure that it's logged into my wifi network--- it says the name of my network but printer will not accept my "key," which I determine to be my password.  It's the only password I've ever used.   All other devices accept the password.

Message 15 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

@AbigailSAdams wrote:

I don't believe it's bridged.  Odd thing is that it's worked well for the 1 1/2 yrs I've had it--- until Friday evening.  I took my laptop away fm home for the afternoon and when I returned home and tried to print wirelessly fm my laptop Fri night, that's when the fun began.   Nobody has been here working on my equipment; nobody has reset anything.  I'm totally puzzled.  My printer shows a wifi symbol, and I looked to be sure that it's logged into my wifi network--- it says the name of my network but printer will not accept my "key," which I determine to be my password.  It's the only password I've ever used.   All other devices accept the password.

Unfortunately without screen captures or connecting to your computer it is really impossible to tell what is going on or has happened.


I think this could be the possible reason though. Let me recap what I think was/is going on:


  • You said you took your laptop outside of your home and when you took it back you couldn't print.
  • Your laptop IS connected to a network.
  • Your Printer I think you also said is connected as it has the wireless icon showing on it.
  • You seem to be trying to use the password (Network Key) that is on the bottom of 'something' that I think is the MODEM.
  • You don't know if your MODEM is bridged or not?
  • Your laptop can't see your printer and hence you can't print.
  • You WERE able to do this before you took the laptop outside of your home.

OK, if the above is true this is what I now think?


  • Your laptop is connected to your MODEM.
  • Your Printer (since it didn't change) is connected to your R7000 and hence you LAN (Local Area Network).
  • Laptop and Printer are using 2 different SSID's and hence are on 2 different Networks

This probably happened because the Laptop will try to connect to networks it knows. I assume at one time before you got the R7000 it connected to your MODEM. So the culprit here is the Laptop, it needs to be connected to your R7000 and that should fix it.


You can verify this by connecting to the R7000 as I've shown you in other screen captures. Two more for you:




On the above screen select the circled box (click on it). Then you'll see something like this:




That is a list of connected devices to your R7000 network. I suspect you'll see the printer but NOT the laptop. If so I am right and just connect the laptop to the R7000 SSID.


I guess it would help us all if you took SCREEN CAPTURES of what you are seeing/doing and posted them here. Here is a link that tells you how to do it:




It works for W7 and above. Save the capture and then post it into your reply using the button on the menu above that is 2 to the right of the smiley face. Browse to where you saved the capture from the snipping tool and then insert it into your reply.

Message 16 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

@AbigailSAdams wrote:

To no avail I've tried routerlogin.net, routerlogin.com,, and  "Cant Open This Page."  

What does IPCONFIG show you?


I suspect your are connected to the MODEM, not the R7000?

Message 17 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

@AbigailSAdams wrote:

To no avail I've tried routerlogin.net, routerlogin.com,, and  "Cant Open This Page."  

If you are on the Laptop that you are connected to the modem for sure and that is the reason you can't see the printer. What IS the SSID the laptop sees?


Your ISP should be able to assist but I don't think setting up the router, Netgear could do that but you are out of support. You'll either have to follow what I've posted or find someone that can. First thing though is to get the laptop to connect to the R7000's SSID.


If you can get the Snipping Tool to work and be able to post captures here then get a program called Acrylic Network Scanned (https://www.acrylicwifi.com/en/wlan-software/wlan-scanner-acrylic-wifi-free/) and run it on the laptop, capture the output using the Snipping Tool and post the capture here. With that we can tell for sure what is going on.


Also copy and paste the output from IPCONFIG here, using the full command IPCONFIG /ALL, that would help too.

Message 18 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

A Rep fm Brother Printer called me today, and he was able to help me work with and through my router and NOW IT WORKS!!!  YIPPEE!!!  I don't know what happened to cause the router to become moody, but it got an attitude adjustment, and now all is well.   Thank you sincerely for your interest and for giving your time to help me.

Message 19 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

Hi AbigailSAdams,


Please tag the post as accepted solution to close this thread.

Message 20 of 21

Re: SSID password not recognized for printer but IS accepted for laptop-- same R7000 router for both

I do not know how/where to post Accepted Solution; plz tell me, and I will do it.   I looked at the Help menu; says to click Solution on the reply.  I do not see Solution anywhere.  

Message 21 of 21
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