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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving


Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

This does not work at any firmware level of recent. It has been broken for a very long time now and happens with Orbi and Rax series routers. This is a very serious issue. Netgear give me my money back and then I don’t care what you do about this issue. This is so BAD.
Model: RBK53|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi System
Message 51 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

For me this is an example of lazy software engineering. This should be a trivial issue to rectify and one that Netgear should simply get right. If you can’t get the basics right how are you expecting consumers to trust that you can get the important stuff right?
Message 52 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

@FURRYe38 But how do I downgrade?? When I try to just upload the prior firmware it tells me it cant upload it and to be sure to choose the correct firmware for my device (which it is). I am having other major problems since this sh***y update and they obviously aren't taking any of these issues seriously since it's been a month and nothing has been done.


Since this update my satellite will only carry 1-2 of my 27 devices leaving the rest to bog down my router. That is the whole reason I paid so much for this system...to increase the speed and functionality of my wifi with multiple smart devices, cameras, computers and phones by extending the range and spreading them over the 2...which doesn't do much when it assigns devices that are close to one to the further router.


It is also now assigning high broadband devices like my Nest IQ cameras to 2.4g and small devices like bulbs and locks to 5g so my cameras are taking *FOREVER* to view and my FireTv keeps buffering (and I dont have cable)...I can't help but wonder if the icons that we can no longer change tell the firmware how to prioritize the speed...in which case it is NOT a minor, non-"critical", put it off for months, kind of issue. I can't even use wifi on my iphone in bed and the satellite is 15ft away *in the same room*, with no walls or barriers and the main router directly across the hall about 20-30ft away. For example...my 2 backyard IQ Nest cameras (that I use to keep an eye on my dog, not just security you rarely view)are 10 and 20ft from my satellite which sits right next to the back door are now being assigned to my main router which is upwards of 60+ft away from the cameras and through 4 walls. Seriously?!


I tried to contact support to get some answers but it wont allow me to because I'm outside my comp window...which is absolute BS. Setup issues and whatnot I get, but to not allow me to contact support with issues caused by errors in THEIR poorly tested updates is simply unacceptable!


Please help me downgrade so I can get my functionality back while we wait months on end for NG to get around to fixing this?????


Thank you in advance!



Message 53 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

@RodanThrelos But this ISNT just a "minor issue". And *none* of my name changes stick and they've known about it for a month or more. I am having MAJOR issues since this sh***y update and they obviously aren't taking any of these problems seriously since it's been a month and nothing has been done.


Since this update my satellite will only carry 1-2 of my 27 devices spread across the larger range I am trying to cover, leaving the rest to significantly slow and bog down my main router. That is the whole reason I paid so much for this system...to increase the speed and functionality of my wifi with multiple smart devices, cameras, computers and phones by extending the range and spreading them over the 2...which doesn't do much when it assigns devices that are close to one to the further router. For example...my 2 backyard IQ Nest cameras (that I use to keep an eye on my dog, not just security you rarely view) are 10 and 20ft from my satellite which sits right next to the back door are now being assigned to my main router which is upwards of 60+ft away from the cameras and through 4 walls. Seriously?! I have these cameras to ensure the safety and security of my dog, so I consider this a VERY CRITICAL issue when it is preventing me from doing so and potentially drastically slowing my response time should he jump the fence, hurt himself, or the neighbors dog break through the fence (they have a love/hate relationship through the fence). He is a German Shepherd and should any of those things happen it could cost me my dog, a lawsuit, vet bills or any number of other consequences. (And for the record...he is friendly and not aggressive, but he's big, only 3yrs old and full of energy and dogs don't always get along. He is people-loving and dog/animal-selective. And Shepherds tend to be the first to blame against most other breeds, regardless of who instigates it. So it is FAR from minor.)


It is also now assigning high broadband devices like my Nest IQ cameras to 2.4g and small devices like bulbs and locks to 5g so my cameras are taking *FOREVER* to view and my FireTv keeps buffering (and I dont have cable)...I can't help but wonder if the icons that we can no longer change tell the firmware how to prioritize the speed...in which case it is NOT a minor, non-"critical", put it off for months, kind of issue. I can't even use wifi on my iphone in bed and the satellite is less than 15ft away *in the same room*, with no walls or barriers, and the main router directly across the hall about 20-30ft away. 


I tried to contact support to get some answers but they wont allow me to because I'm outside my comp window...which is absolute BS. Setup issues and whatnot I get, but to not allow me to contact support with issues caused by errors in THEIR poorly tested updates is simply unacceptable!


When responding, please keep in mind what is minor to you may not be to others...it's not as small and stupid as not liking the little picture.


Also...I am not attacking you, please don't take it that way. I am just frustrated as hell and have spent my entire evening, from 7p when I got home form a long day with a LOT of driving on 2 hrs sleep, exhausted and cranky to now at almost 1a with absolutely no answers or ability to get answers, or anything other than a ton of people agreeing to having the same problem and NG *nowhere to be found*.

Message 54 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

@Retired_Member Only problem with that is that I DID NOT MANUALLY UPDATE! Mine AUTOMATICALLY updated this horrible update and it's not letting me downgrade! I haven't had to look at my app or the web admin since spring...until now, when I first noticed I can't use wifi on my iphone anymore in bed, 15ft away from the Satallite (with no walls) and 30ft from the main router across the hall. SO WHO'S FAULT IS IT NOW?! 


See...I can talk loudly in bold caps too...

Message 55 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

@tomschmidt Mine wont allow me to upgrade to .40 or downgrade. Keeps telling me it cant complete the upload and to verify it is the right FW for my device...which it is.☹️

Message 56 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

@FURRYe38 It wont allow me to upload 40 or to downgrade to the prior version.

Message 57 of 116
Not applicable

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

@tkrdhd wrote:

@Retired_Member Only problem with that is that I DID NOT MANUALLY UPDATE! Mine AUTOMATICALLY updated this horrible update and it's not letting me downgrade! I haven't had to look at my app or the web admin since spring...until now, when I first noticed I can't use wifi on my iphone anymore in bed, 15ft away from the Satallite (with no walls) and 30ft from the main router across the hall. SO WHO'S FAULT IS IT NOW?! 


See...I can talk loudly in bold caps too...

Why are you looking to place blame or fault?  


If your network updated the firmware by itself and now it doesn't work, I guess you blame NG.  If that doesn't make you feel better then perhaps you return the Orbi and get a different router, only to find that most operate about the same way.  Try to relax for in 6 months you won't even remember why you were so upset.





Message 58 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving


@tkrdhd wrote:

@tomschmidt Mine wont allow me to upgrade to .40 or downgrade. Keeps telling me it cant complete the upload and to verify it is the right FW for my device...which it is.☹️

@tkrdhd, make sure that you are manually loading the RBR firmware image on the Router and the RBS firmware on the Satellites.  That could be why it is saying it is the wrong firmware and will not allow you to upgrade or downgrade.

Model: RBK53|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi System
Message 59 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

Did you download the v40 FW files for the RBR and RBS from NGs download site? 


Did you unpack the  FW .zip files to reveal the actual FW update files prior to upgrading the FW thru the RBSs and RBRs web page? 


What browser are you using? Try IE11 or FireFox browsers...


I was able to update mine to v40 with downloading of the FW files to my PC first. Updated the RBS first then the RBR lastly.


@tkrdhd wrote:

@FURRYe38 It wont allow me to upload 40 or to downgrade to the prior version.


Message 60 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

This is moving the needle for a LOT of Netgear users.  Time keeps on ticking with no resolution to this.  Who else can we blame but Netgear.  It's their product that were using and only they can address this issue for us so we must direct our frustration at Netgear.  Particularly, when they do nothing about it.  And, yes, if my router updates its firmware automatically and then stuff breaks - it is Netgears fault unless the issue happens to be unique to me only.  In this case, they broke basic device functionality of the router effecting ALL users.


Anybody on Orbi WiFi 6 with broken devices as well?

Model: RBK53|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi System
Message 61 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

Anyone with this issue can you all please email Patrick Lo (CEO of Netgerar)  (patrick.lo@netgear.com) and Mark Merrill (CTO of Netgear) (mark.merrill@netgear.com) directly on this issue as it is still not fixed. Maybe once the emails start flooding in directly to them they will start to take this issue seriously.

Message 62 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

@FURRYe38 Yeah...I downloaded, unpacked, etc with no luck. I am on a Mac using Safari. I’ll give FireFox a try this evening and let you know how it goes. Assuming I don’t end up stopping at Best Buy while out and about working today and see about turning the damn thing in on their plan I purchased for a different brand.

I’ll keep you posted. Thank you for your help! 😊
Message 63 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

Ok sounds good. I also use Opera on Mac as well. Seems to work ok for me when doing manual FW updates. 


Understand, shouldn't be this hard. Hoping the FW files will take and get applied. 

@tkrdhd wrote:
@FURRYe38Yeah...I downloaded, unpacked, etc with no luck. I am on a Mac using Safari. I’ll give FireFox a try this evening and let you know how it goes. Assuming I don’t end up stopping at Best Buy while out and about working today and see about turning the damn thing in on their plan I purchased for a different brand.

I’ll keep you posted. Thank you for your help! 😊


Message 64 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

I rolled back my firmware to V2.3.5.30 on both the router and the satellites and now my device names are correct and I am able to edit them again.  I did not do a factory reset for the rollback from V2.5.0.40, as it would take hours to get all the setting back to what I need for the router configuration.


When I first encountered this issue with V2.5.0.38, I did attempt a rollback to V2.3.5.30, but the router and satellites once again automatically updated itself to the broken V2.5.0.38.  Apparently after multiple users reported these issues with the release, NG removed it from their autoupdate.


How do we prevent NG from autoupdating the firmware? I do not see any option in the GUI to disable this.


I still have my ticket open with NG to fix this issue with the V2.5.X releases, but they cannot tell me when it will be fixed.  They keep claiming that they cannot duplicate the issue. I have even sent them a video of the bug.



Model: RBK53|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi System
Message 65 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

A factory reset and setup from scratch should have been tried as a last resort when applying v40. A few have posted v40 seems to have solved the device naming issue. Thought this doesn't fix v38 as this is where the problem started and confirmed. If v40 doesn't work after a factroy reset and setup from scratch, users will need to revert back to v30 and wait for NG to fully fix this problem. NG doesn't post information on when new FW updates are forth coming. So users will need to keep an eye on the download page or here in the forums. 



Message 66 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

@FURRYe38 wrote:

A factory reset and setup from scratch should have been tried as a last resort when applying v40. A few have posted v40 seems to have solved the device naming issue. Thought this doesn't fix v38 as this is where the problem started and confirmed. If v40 doesn't work after a factroy reset and setup from scratch, users will need to revert back to v30 and wait for NG to fully fix this problem. NG doesn't post information on when new FW updates are forth coming. So users will need to keep an eye on the download page or here in the forums. 



@FURRYe38 , I did a factory reset when the upgrade to V2.5.0.38 devices were messed up and it did not help.  I then upgraded to V2.5.0.40 and some devices were fixed, but others were then broken and I was unable to edit the devices.  A factory reset between .38 and .40 minor releases should not be needed.

Model: RBK53|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi System
Message 67 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

Thanks for letting us know what you did. 

Message 68 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

I've had enough of these updates. Can't edit device names and weird behavior around random access control. Is the best version to revert back to?

Message 69 of 116
Not applicable

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

@Mac_G wrote:

I've had enough of these updates. Can't edit device names and weird behavior around random access control. Is the best version to revert back to?

I would say yes.  Most have had success when reverting back to

Message 70 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

By way of update, email from Netgear support - an admittal of bugs in the latest firmware:


"I just received an update following the logs investigation.
Engineering already found some critical problems in the firmware for both the devices list and also for WiFi stability.
Our development teams are working on releasing a fix as well as run tests on the new firmware.
The actual release plan would aim for early December for the release of said firmware."

Message 71 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

Nice. Thanks for letting us know. 

@pablohoney wrote:

By way of update, email from Netgear support - an admittal of bugs in the latest firmware:


"I just received an update following the logs investigation.
Engineering already found some critical problems in the firmware for both the devices list and also for WiFi stability.
Our development teams are working on releasing a fix as well as run tests on the new firmware.
The actual release plan would aim for early December for the release of said firmware."


Message 72 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

Does anyone know if NG found a fix for custom device names not saving after V2.5.0.38 firmware update? some names change and some don't?? 

The App appears to work okay

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 73 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

Some have said v40 works for them:


If you choose to update, manually download the FW files for the RBS and RBR. Install them then factory reset the RBR and setup from scratch. See if this helps your system.


NG is aware of the problem found in v38 and is working on it:


@DonTav wrote:

Does anyone know if NG found a fix for custom device names not saving after V2.5.0.38 firmware update? some names change and some don't?? 

The App appears to work okay


Message 74 of 116

Re: Orbi RBR50 Device Names not Saving

While it may be working for some folks on .30, devices is broken for me as well.  Hit and miss whether or not the device type and/or name stick.  I have no idea how Netgear can get away with this issue for as long as they have.  If Netgear was deploying software for Apple or Microsoft, they would have been fired for releasing such a release.  Or, at the very least, they would have fixed the issue the day of.  But, they don't care about the paying consumer that actually keeps them in business.  They have a glorified Executive Team that probably know nothing about ALL of the frustrating issues that their very products cause for us but it gives them a pretty good livelihood - as is mostly the case in the corporate world.

Model: RBK53|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi System
Message 75 of 116
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