Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: More on CPU specs of the ReadyNAS Pro


Re: More on CPU specs of the ReadyNAS Pro

Dear mdgm -

Thanks for a quick response and direction.

Updated the BIOS per your instructions and the CPU is now recognized.

One last question - does it really make practical sense to install more RAM, or are benefits marginal? I have the stock 1GB I assume. The one NAS is used for video streaming, but if I figure out a way to start transcoding blu-rays on the fly, would more RAM be helpful?

Message 276 of 285
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: More on CPU specs of the ReadyNAS Pro

CPU is the main thing. Monitor the memory usage and if the swap isn't being used then a memory upgrade would likely only have marginal benefit.

You can use e.g. Plex to transcode 1080p MKVs.
Message 277 of 285

Re: More on CPU specs of the ReadyNAS Pro



I have a Pro 6 (-100) version where the bios_ver.log shows 10/03/2008 FLAME6-MB V1.6 as my current BIOS.


I am currently running OS 6.2.4 already successfully with the stock CPU, but now I would like to upgrade the CPU to either a Q6600 or an E7600.  I understand I need to upgrade the BIOS to at least V2.0.


I understand there is a BIOS UPDATE PACKAGE_0.5.bin that CHIRPA has posted in this thread, but .BIN files are not recognized by OS6 (debian only?)


You briefly mentioned the process to get the BIOS updated by doing some type of conversion, but it wasn't clear to me. If you could provide some detailed steps to do so, I would greatly appreciate it!


Lastly I'm still torn between the Q6600 CPU or the E7600 CPU.  My intent here is to host a Plex Media server for the home as well as my Logitech Media Server.  Anythoughts on which of these two would be better for these type of servers?


Thank you!

Message 278 of 285

Re: More on CPU specs of the ReadyNAS Pro

@flip68 - I happened to find this link the other day and had it bookmarked... https://community.netgear.com/t5/Community-Add-ons/How-to-update-BIOS-w-OS6-x-installed/m-p/960570#U...


I haven't tried this personally - as with all things of the internet - proceed with caution.



Message 279 of 285

Re: More on CPU specs of the ReadyNAS Pro


@netracer wrote:

....as with all things of the internet - proceed with caution.



I was excited to see how to update the bios on legacy hardware running OS6+ when I realized that I'm the one who wrote the post you linked to..

Message 280 of 285

Re: More on CPU specs of the ReadyNAS Pro

I can report a success for the E7600 C2D on a Pioneer Pro as well.

Upgraded BIOS to v2.0 first then upgraded to OS6.

All works fine, passed 20 loops of memory test (whilst not a CPU test per se, does stress somewhat).

A question - in OS6 I only see one fan - which I think is the system fan - despite their being 3 fans in the unit - CPU, system and power. Is this right?? and can I somehow 'add' the others??

I have read about fancontrol but I thought that was integrated is OS 6.1.9??



Message 281 of 285

Re: More on CPU specs of the ReadyNAS Pro

I tried to upload the BIOS_Update_Package_0.5-x86.bin to my 4.2.28 Pro Pioneer to begin a CPU upgrade process, but the standard add-on process doesn't seem to work? I select Upload and Verify image... button and get a brief spinning animation, then nothing. Does not transition to a Install button as with other add-ons.


Any thoughts? Trying to give my Pro Pioneer and Ultra 6 some extended life!



Message 282 of 285
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: More on CPU specs of the ReadyNAS Pro

Hi sircoolio,


Have you tried a different web browser? or download a fresh copy of the BIOS file?



Kind regards,


NETGEAR Community Team

Message 283 of 285

Re: More on CPU specs of the ReadyNAS Pro

I might be one of the last people to do it, but I successfully upgraded my ReadyNas Pro Pioneer 6 to 2GB RAM and E6700 2.6Ghz SL9ZF. Didn't upgrade the original BIOS as earlier in this thread it was mentioned that the E6700 was a drop-in replacement.


Very easy upgrade process, the hardest part was tracking down the older memory. Anything to keep this old gal happily running for awhile longer!


As a byproduct, bumped my Ultra 6 to 2GB, but have not replaced the CPU there. Pro Pioneer nicer to work with given its outward facing motherboard.



Message 284 of 285
Not applicable

Re: More on CPU specs of the ReadyNAS Pro

Not sure if this thread is dead but I just did some looking through it and wanted to share some feedback for the next one.


Pro 6 stock FLAME 2.0 running 6.4.1.  root@NAS:/# hdparm -t -T /dev/sda


ORIGNIAL CONFIG: E5300 with 1GB PC2-6400 800MHz Memory

 Timing cached reads:   2120 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1059.80 MB/sec

 Timing buffered disk reads: 456 MB in  3.00 seconds = 151.91 MB/sec


NEW CONFIG: E7600 with 1GB PC2-6400 800MHz Memory


 Timing cached reads:   2932 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1465.82 MB/sec

 Timing buffered disk reads: 450 MB in  3.01 seconds = 149.47 MB/sec


FINAL CONFIG: E7600 with 2x2GB PC3-8500 1066MHz Memory (Crucial CT2KIT25664AA1067)

Timing cached reads:   3808 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1904.03 MB/sec

Timing buffered disk reads: 466 MB in  3.01 seconds = 154.86 MB/sec


Not sure why the numbers are low with hdpram compared to some other processors but the apples to apples means I am running 2x here on cashed reads and 1080p Plex videos are running better.


Message 285 of 285