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Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7


nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

Hey folks!


i have a readynas rndp6000-100nas that i've gone through all the upgrades to (firmware is 2010FLAME6, OS 6.10.7, intel E7600 cpu, and 4GB of DDR2 800).


has anyone been able to install the latest version of nzbget stable (21.1) successfully?

The latest from the apps installer is 17.xx and it doesn't allow me to run the auto update.


according to the developers, it should have no issue whatsoever installing and running on my version of the OS.

however, it won't install probably due to the letsencrypt cert issue.


everything i find online addresses what to do if you already have nzbget installed and it stopped running because of the cert.. there is NOTHING to address a fresh install.


I've followed the instructions for both the automated wget install and uploading it and manually installing it as per the instructions found here:  https://nzbget.net/installation-on-linux but they both fail due to the expired letsecrypt cert (cacert.pem)


i'm pretty much useless when it comes to linux, so if anyone can give me some advice i'd greatly appreciate it.



Message 1 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

@b1jzcbx wrote:


I've followed the instructions for both the automated wget install and uploading it and manually installing it as per the instructions found here:  https://nzbget.net/installation-on-linux but they both fail due to the expired letsecrypt cert (cacert.pem)


Have you tried installing the fix for the letsencrypt issue here: https://rnxtras.com/addons/letsencryptfix

Message 2 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

I have not..  i'm not comfortable creating an account for something like that.


I think i was able to get it working.  again, i'm a total bozo when it comes to linux/cli so. i'm definitely taking a crash course on it now...  🐵


i didn't have anything on the nas, so i ended up doing a factory reset to start fresh..  then i just kept going through the instructions and realized the installer was doing more of the work than i realized.  i also didn't know how to start the nzbget service via the commandline.. which now i do.


next thing will be to get it to auto-start as a daemon so i don't have to keep starting it via ssh just to connect to the webgui..


i'd definitely like to run an update that would fix all the cert issues though. 


btw, how does yours handle the downloads of the nzbs and merging, etc....?  my biggest concern right now is how this will handle the workload once i get it configured and it starts downloading..


Thanks for your insight!

Message 3 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

@b1jzcbx wrote:

I have not..  i'm not comfortable creating an account for something like that.


No account needed to download and install that fix - it is freely available.


The site is @WhoCares_ - long time ReadyNAS owner, and someone who has made many posts here.


@b1jzcbx wrote:


btw, how does yours handle the downloads of the nzbs and merging, etc....?  my biggest concern right now is how this will handle the workload once i get it configured and it starts downloading..


I don't use that app, so my reply was only directed to your letsencrypt issue.

Message 4 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

I'll double-check..

I'm aware it's free, however when i tried to get it, it directed me to a page where, despite being free, i had to at least create an account..


but i'll try again, maybe i missed something.


Thanks for the advice!

Message 5 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

yup, i just tried it again..


it's free, however they want an email address and an account to be created, then they send a receipt..

it won't allow me to download it unless i fill in my name and email address blah blah blah... 


i'm not doing that. 


I'd hope there are instructions somewhere out there that will walk a person through updating the certs.


Thanks for your help!

Message 6 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

If you had read the description of the package you'd see it's a lot more complicated than updating the certs:


"This add-on fixes the problem by installing an updated version of the ca-certificates package (backported from the latest Debian release “bullseye”) and updated curl- and openssl- libraries built with support for the new certificate chains."


So unless you have a development environment installed on your NAS (or elsewhere) and know how to do backporting, you're not going to do it yourself.  I can pretty much guarantee nobody will ever create a "how to for dummies" on such a complex fix.


I'm a long time customer of RNXtras and have never received any SPAM from the site or anything that I believe came form them sharing my email address.  The only think I ever received, besides payment receipts, were forum notifications from when he ran his own.  Not even notices of updates to aps I purchased.  So, I believe you are being overly cautious with regard to not signing up for the site while failing to see the benefit of getting his fix

Message 7 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7



If you haven't got it sorted, yet. Give me a shout. In the mean time I'll try to remember how I did it. I'm sure I have notes somewhere, as the last one brain cell I have can't cope with much these days. I've had it running since Nov 2021.


I know nothing about the "LetsEncryptFix". That's news to me, sorry.



Message 8 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

I bit the bullet, downloaded the fix, and installed it as per the instructions..


It doesn't seem to have worked, however i'm such a novice that it could be something else.


I'm running OS 6.10.7, i uploaded the file as admin, restarted the NAS.

I installed the latest stable version of nzbget which comes with the correct certs and in an install such as this, should be straight forward without any cert issues. However the tls validation fails and the only way i can get it work is if i disable cert validation in the app.


Any other ideas?



Message 9 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7



thanks for offering!  i'm not sure if i have it sorted out..  i don't think i do.

As per the recommendation of others, i went to rnxtras.com and downloaded the cert fix.

I uploaded it per the instructions, however one of my apps (nzbget 21.X (latest stable)) claims there's a cert problem and the only way around it is to disable cert validation in the app, which they (the folks who wrote nzbget) strongly recommend against (for obvious reasons).


nzbget comes with all updated certs and in this simple and straightforward install, it should all work right off the bat.


any advice is greatly appreciated!

Message 10 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

Oh dear I seem to have two sets on notes on how I installed it, lets go with this one!

Install the rn version of nzbget from netgear.


Get hold of an updated version from nzbget.net. (ie nzbget-21.1-bin-linux.run) I'm using "nzbget-21.2-testing-r2333-bin-linux.run".


Copy the new version to the nas. Or use WinSCP to drag & drop straight into /apps.


Log into the nas with putty (or your weapon of choice!). I logged in as root (can be a disaster if you do something wrong here).


If you haven't dumped it into the location above, locate the new file and copy it to /apps


mv /where/ever/nzbget-21.1-bin-linux.run /apps/


Navigate to the "/apps/" folder.


Make sure it's there and the folder for nzbget (nzbget-rn).


ls -l (this show them)


Then run the below...

chmod +x nzbget-21.1-bin-linux.run


Then use the below to install the new version.

./nzbget-21.2-testing-r2333-bin-linux.run --destdir /apps/nzbget-rn


That hopefully should work. I do have it running here!


Remember linux is case sensitive.

Message 11 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

The other set of notes is some what shorter.


To upgrade netgears version of nzbget, download the update from nzbget.net. Use 7z to extract the files and rename "nzbget-x86_64" (or what ever the new file is called) to nzbget and copy to a share on the box. Also copy the new webui folder to the same place.


Shh in the box and use mv to rename the old "nzbget" file to "nzbget.old", mv /apps/nzbget-rn /apps/nzbget/nzbget.old


Do the same for the webui folder.


Then copy the new "nzbget" file. cp path/to/new/file/nzbget /apps/nzbget-rn/nzbget. Do the same for the webui folder.




Message 12 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

i think i may have fixed it..   i'm downloading movies now with tls activated and no warnings or errors..


in the nzbget webpage, i went to the security menu on the left, scrolled down to SecureCert and put the path to a folder that 'held a lotta certs..'   i was just winging it..  in my case, the path is /etc/ssl/certs

i didn't put any file name or anything..  that is literally all that sits in the option box next to SecureCert.. 

i saved and restarted nzbget and it's cruising..


can anyone verify that i did in fact do this properly?

Message 13 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

I believe (correct me if I'm wrong here!) that's only needed to access the webgui via https, which I don't and therefor these boxes (secure.. control, cert, key) have nowt in them and I'm still working. 

Anyway if it's working for you, then I say don't fix it any more and let it do it's thing.

Message 14 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

i was wrong..  didn't fix it.  i was looking in the wrong place. 


my tls issue lies with the news server feeds.  Like you, i don't bother with https for regular web gui to my appliances behind my firewall. 

however i DO want my connection to the news servers encrypted..   that still doesn't work.  i probably have the updated cert somewhere on the box.  i ran the lets encrypt update from rnxtras.com so it should be there.  it's probably very simple, i'm just very novice at this.


i learned yesterday that nzbget should've been installed in the 'opt' folder; i installed it in the 'apps' folder because that's where readynas OS installs it's apps.  i'm trying to keep this as close to the vanilla debian/linux install as possible.

Message 15 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

Well that's interesting. I have it in the same place as the ready nas version and it's working although without encryption.

A quote from the readme..... " - in a case you don't have root access or want to install the program in your home directory use the configure parameter --prefix, e. g.:". Which I would take as not being requiring to be installed in 'opt'!


Can you answer a few questions?.....

1. Does it work without encryption?

2. What date does cacert.pem have and what size is it?

3. Where is this cacert.pem. ie nzbget folder?

4. I also have a pubkey.pem in the nzbget folder, do you have this one. Mine is dated 1st Oct., size 451, yours?

5. Are you using the right port for encryption?

6. Have you tried a manual install?

The cacert.pem files in 21.1 & 21.2 are different.

21.1 mod-date 2021-06-03 size 201623

21.2 mod-date 2021-10-01 size 203008

Message 16 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

@b1jzcbx wrote:


i learned yesterday that nzbget should've been installed in the 'opt' folder; i installed it in the 'apps' folder because that's where readynas OS installs it's apps.  i'm trying to keep this as close to the vanilla debian/linux install as possible.

Be very careful here.  The entire OS partition is only 4 GB, and very bad things happen when it gets full.


The ReadyNAS apps folder is a mount point to the data volume (/data/.apps in a ReadyNAS using XRAID).  So installing to /apps eliminates the possibility that the app will end up filling the OS file system.


One alternative possibility is to create a soft link in /opt that points to /data/.apps/<folder>. You can do this after the initial install - just move the /opts folder to /apps, and then create a link with the same name as the original folder. 

Message 17 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

1. Does it work without encryption?   yeah, works perfectly.

2. What date does cacert.pem have and what size is it?   don't know.. 

3. Where is this cacert.pem. ie nzbget folder?   i don't know.

4. I also have a pubkey.pem in the nzbget folder, do you have this one. Mine is dated 1st Oct., size 451, yours?   i don't know.

5. Are you using the right port for encryption?   yes, i tried other ports but no dice.  right now it's using 119

6. Have you tried a manual install?   not sure what you mean by this one.  i just followed the instructions per the nzbget website, although i wasn't able to install it via wget.  i downloaded the sh file, moved it to the apps directory, and ran it.  i'm most likely going to transfer it to the /opt directory since that's where external apps are supposed to reside.  this is my foray into the linux/bash command line. 


the encryption issue aside, it all works great! 


i've been meaning to check the cacert.pem.  as i said earlier, i downloaded and installed the letsencrypt package update from rnxtras.com before installing anything else.  nzbget will probably be the only package i'll run on this.  it's just meant to be a simple file storage/backup and media server.


i'm sure all i have to do is put in the correct path for where the correct cert is located and all will begin to work as it should, i just don't know what that line is.



Message 18 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

ok this is new to me.  


The ReadyNAS apps folder is a mount point to the data volume (/data/.apps in a ReadyNAS using XRAID).


when i ssh in and drill down to the root and do an 'ls' it shows the usual folders (bin, etc, home, yadda yadda), plus the two volumes that i have my drives set up as (Vol1 and Vol2), plus the 'Apps' directory, where the default packages available to me would be installed had i gone through the default package manager.


you're saying that the apps folder is really just a shortcut to a folder in the data directory?  sorry, this is the first time i'm being told theres such a thing called a 'mount point'. 


thanks for chiming in! 

Message 19 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

Can you do a ls -l in the apps directory? is nzbget list, if so do the same in it's folder.

What do you see?

Message 20 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

@b1jzcbx wrote:


you're saying that the apps folder is really just a shortcut to a folder in the data directory?  sorry, this is the first time i'm being told theres such a thing called a 'mount point'. 


If you run mount, you can see this.  There are a lot of mounts on the ReadyNAS, so I used grep to only show the one of interest.

root@NAS:~# mount | grep -i app
/dev/md127 on /apps type btrfs (rw,noatime,nodiratime,nospace_cache,subvolid=258,subvol=/.apps)

md127 is the RAID array (think of it as a virtual disk) for my data volume. So /data/.apps is being mounted on /apps.


This isn't quite the same as a shortcut.  There is an empty placeholder folder called /apps in the OS partition.  That empty placeholder is the "mount point".  The OS mounts /data/.apps "over" that folder as part of the boot process.


There is a brief sketch of the concept here: https://opensource.com/life/16/10/introduction-linux-filesystems (scroll down to the "Mounting section). 

Filesystems are mounted on an existing directory/mount point using the mount command. In general, any directory that is used as a mount point should be empty and not have any other files contained in it. Linux will not prevent users from mounting one filesystem over one that is already there or on a directory that contains files. If you mount a filesystem on an existing directory or filesystem, the original contents will be hidden and only the content of the newly mounted filesystem will be visible.


Note you can remount the OS to /mnt using this command:

# mount --bind / /mnt

When you do this, exploring /mnt lets you examine the root file system without the mounts getting in the way. So if you enter ls -l /mnt/apps, you will see it is empty.

root@NAS:~# ls -als /mnt/apps
total 16
 0 drwxrwxr-x 1 admin admin   0 Mar  7  2017 .
16 drwxr-xr-x 1 root  root  260 Apr  7 00:05 ..


BTW, if you do try this, you undo it by

# cd //
# umount /mnt

The umount will fail if you are inside /mnt - the cd // ensures that is not the case. 

Message 21 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

i do have a pubkey.pem and cacert.pem in my nzbget folder.


in nzbget, the lines reference fullchain.pem and privkey.pem.  i assume those are the true names of the certs..?

Message 22 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

OK they are there. But you have nzbget looking for certs of a different name. Make a note of the full path and file name (just in case!). Then in nzbget change fullchain.pem to the full path to cacert.pem (ie /apps/nzbget/cacert.pem and change the full path to the privkey.pem to pubkey.pem.

You'll need to restart nzbget, or reboot to be sure.

I would suggest the fullchain & privkey are not where you have told nzbget to look. I have no idea where those files are on your nas.

Message 23 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

well I'm VERY glad you pointed the facets of the apps folder out to me.  thank you!  saves me a whole lotta headache!


so i guess i'll just leave it as is.  when i set up the nas, i did everything as root, including the letsencrypt update from rnxtras.  then i created my 2 volumes.  the last thing i did was create additional user accounts.  basically, i get it all running and updated first before installing additional software and users.



Message 24 of 30

Re: nzbget 21.1 stable on os 6.10.7

those paths you have listed are what i had. 

do you think i need to include Vol1 in the path?  I just had it as /apps/nzbget/file.xxx

Message 25 of 30
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