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root@NAS:~# find /var -printf '%s %p\n' | sort -nr | head -20
1999268126720 /var/backups/md/tmp/wwn-0x5000cca251f3c069-part7
1999268126720 /var/backups/md/tmp/sdh7
1999268126720 /var/backups/md/tmp/ata-WDC_WD101KFBX-68R56N0_7PKNV77C-part7
8637575168 /var/cores/core-gdbus
246693888 /var/cores/core-readynasd
69976064 /var/backups/current_os.img
33986738 /var/lib/apt/lists/mirrors.kernel.org_debian_dists_jessie_main_binary-amd64_Packages
20916138 /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin
20851533 /var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin
16777216 /var/cores/core-smbd
9928704 /var/cores/core-rsync
8388608 /var/log/journal/80c4898938f94d1e9ce2d6941a618096/system.journal
8388608 /var/log/journal/80c4898938f94d1e9ce2d6941a618096/system@faef121b8523437e80ca90776f25b31e-0000000000003866-000569d9b36d14f7.journal
8388608 /var/log/journal/80c4898938f94d1e9ce2d6941a618096/system@faef121b8523437e80ca90776f25b31e-0000000000001c3a-00056965fe13c209.journal
8388608 /var/log/journal/80c4898938f94d1e9ce2d6941a618096/system@faef121b8523437e80ca90776f25b31e-0000000000000001-000568c1439415e5.journal
8388608 /var/log/journal/80c4898938f94d1e9ce2d6941a618096/system@00056ab902e886ff-bee715474fe5439e.journal~
8388608 /var/log/journal/80c4898938f94d1e9ce2d6941a618096/system@00056a6513c6f09f-8d9d8fbcbabb8a61.journal~
8011776 /var/readynasd/db.sq3
7438336 /var/backups/readynasd/db.sq3
5045112 /var/subsonic/jetty/4428/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/org.eclipse.persistence.core-2.5.1.jar

Is this normal to see these files in /var/backups/md?

What are those huge files?

Model: RN31600|ReadyNAS 300 Series 6- Bay
Message 1 of 5

Re: /var/backups/md

@joe_schmo wrote:
Is this normal to see these files in /var/backups/md?

 No.  My md folder has 64kb of data in it, and it has no tmp folder.


Perhaps check the file dates - if they are old (or if no backup jobs are running) it should be safe to delete everything in /tmp


You could copy them to the data volume if you want to be very conservative.

Message 2 of 5

Re: /var/backups/md

Thanks!  I removed the tmp files... no idea why they were there, but really appreciate it.

Message 3 of 5
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: /var/backups/md

You should have raid_config_XXXX_XX_XX_XXXXXX.tar.xz files in /var/backups/md

Has support looked at your system for some reason? Sounds like they extracted one of those files but forgot to clean up afterwards.


The compressed archive can be invaluable in a data recovery situation. So leave the tar.xz files but you can delete everything else in /var/backups/md


The files in /var/cores are core dumps. These can be useful for diagnosing why those services crashed. If they're recent you may wish to compress them e.g.

# cd /var/cores
# lzma -9 core-readynasd

and keep them around in case they're needed for troubleshooting or if they're very old you could just remove them.


/var/lib/apt/lists contains the list of available packages to install.

/var/cache/apt contains the package archive of packages that have been downloaded.


/var/log/journal contains the main log for the system (this is rotated automatically).


/var/readynasd and /var/backups/readynasd contain important databases and backups respectively. Leave these alone.

Message 4 of 5

Re: /var/backups/md

Thanks for this...


I am trying to figure out why my rsync jobs keep hanging up on each file.  It goes for a bit, then pauses, then starts up.  I am only able to copy about 200MB a day and it's driving me crazy!

Message 5 of 5
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