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Orbi RBR350 Ethernet speeds much slower than wireless speeds

Hi all, I’ve just set up my Orbi RBR350 in my new home. I have it connected directly to my NBN NTD box via a cat6a Ethernet cable. The wireless speeds are as expected ~600mbps however, when I connect a my laptop to the RBR via a cat6a it gives me speeds of ~80mbps which is less than a quarter of its wireless speeds. I’ve troubleshooted by switching out cables to ensure it’s not a faulty cable, tried all different LAN ports on the RBR, reviewed the statistics page on the orbilogin to ensure I’m seeing a 1000M/Full connection when I’m plugged in via Ethernet, though regretfully all these have failed and I’m still receiving ~80mbps Ethernet speeds. As I’ve recently installed it last week, it has the latest firmware. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
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